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Abraham Lincoln: You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.…

Lenin: If the state is the product of class antagonisms that stands above society while ‘alienating itself more and more from it’, liberation of the oppressed is impossible without destruction of the apparatus of state power which was created to embody alienation.…

Cheng Enfu: Peaceful means should be the first choice, and permanent peace is the ideal goal pursued by progressive human beings. In the area of international relations, we need to create a 'New Internationalist' school of Marxism.…

Tulsi Gabbard: I can no longer remain in today's Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue & stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms, are hostile to people of faith & spirituality, demonize the police & protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.…

James Connolly: Socialism bases itself upon its knowledge of facts, of economic truths, and leaves the building up of religious ideals or faiths to the public.…

Lenin: A democratic republic is the best possible political shell for capitalism, and once capital has gained possession of this shell, it establishes power so securely that no change of persons, institutions, or parties in the bourgeois-democratic republic can shake it.…

Thomas Sankara: The revolution and women's liberation go together. We do not talk of women's emancipation as an act of charity or because of a surge of human compassion. It is a basic necessity for the triumph of the revolution. Women hold up the other half of the sky.…

Thomas Sankara: Inequality can be done away with only by establishing a new society, where men and women will enjoy equal rights...Thus, the status of women will improve only with the elimination of the system that exploits them.…

Thomas Sankara: Debt is a cleverly managed reconquest of Africa. It is a reconquest that turns each one of us into a financial slave.…

Lenin: To decide once every few years which members of the ruling class is to repress and crush the people through parliament—this is the real essence of bourgeois parliamentarism, not only in parliamentary-constitutional monarchies, but also in the most democratic republics.…

John W. Whitehead: The Deep State not only holds the nation's capital in thrall, but it also controls Wall Street ("which supplies the cash that keeps the political machine quiescent and operating as a diversionary marionette theater") and Silicon Valley. This is fascism in its most covert form, hiding behind public agencies and private companies to carry out its dirty deeds. It is a marriage between government bureaucrats and corporate fat cats.…

İbrahim Kaypakkaya: Since there was no communist leadership to show the way to the masses, the popular opposition followed this or that reactionary clique and was squandered.…

Alexander Hamilton: In the general course of human nature, a power over a man's subsistence amounts to a power over his will.…

V.J. Jerome: The revisionist theory of accretion through reforms, of a peaceful succession to Socialism, of the substitution of an inter-class coalition government for the dictatorship of the proletariat, is manifestly in diametric opposition to everything that Marxism stands for the notion of an arithmetic progression of democratic reforms until the cipher Socialism is attained, constitutes an outright denial of dialectics in the social process. It represents the rejection of the dialectics of democracy, and its replacement by the metaphysical concept of democracy as an abstract, immutable, class-transcending form of society, as a form of society which is ideal both for bourgeoisie and proletariat, and which can therefore best be achieved through the harmonious collaboration of the classes. This is the "Marxism" of social democracy. And against this degradation of the revolutionary theory of the proletariat, Leninism comes forward in struggle.…

Chinua Achebe: When a rich man is sick, a poor man will pay him a visit to say sorry and wish him a speedy recovery. When a poor man is sick, he waits to recover then goes to tell that rich man that he has been sick.…

Nikola Tesla: Our virtues and our failures are inseparable, like force and matter. When they separate, man is no more.…

Cornelius Tacitus: The unsuspecting Britons spoke of such novelties as 'civilisation,' when in fact they were only a feature of their enslavement.…

Plato: Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws.…

Kim Il Sung: Capitalists insulted the working class, saying that workers were illiterate, knowing neither music nor literature nor how to dress. Who make good clothes and build good houses? It is the workers. They lived miserably in the past, not because they were ignorant, but because they were poor. They are now well-off in a good world, but some of them still persist in that outdated way of life.…

Kim Il Sung: Consolidation of the triumph of the Cuban revolution is not only an important question on which the life or death, the rise or fall of the Cuban people depend. It is also a key factor in influencing the general development of the Latin-American revolution.…

Rosa Luxemburg: What presents itself to us as bourgeois legality is nothing but the violence of the ruling class, a violence raised to an obligatory norm from the outset.…

Lenin: There are different kinds of parliamentarism. Some utilise the parliamentary arena in order to win the favour of their governments, or, at best, to wash their hands of everything, like the Chkheidze group. Others utilise parliamentarism in order to remain revolutionary to the end, to perform their duty as Socialists and internationalists even under the most difficult circumstances. The parliamentary activities of some bring them into ministerial seats; the parliamentary activities of others bring them – to prison, to exile, to penal servitude. Some serve the bourgeoisie, others – the proletariat. Some are social-imperialists. Others are revolutionary Marxists.…