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99% of the time "Judeo-Christian" is antisemitic. And yes, I will absolutely elaborate on this if asked.

Credit: @Rabbit Cohen

Edit because this blew up far more than I expected and multiple people have asked for me to elaborate, here's a copy of my elaboration with follow up questions encouraged:

It's a messy topic and it's late here (I'm a bit sleepy), so feel free to ask follow up questions.

The short version of it is that Judeo-Christian is almost always used in one of two harmful ways:

1) To try and give more credibility and weight to something that is purely Christian by claiming that it's part of Judaism as well when it's not (like the above example, because Judaism explicitly permits abortions)
2) To try and talk about broader groupings of related faiths while ignoring the many other Abrahamic faiths (the proper term, though that one more often hurts the lesser known groups, don't use it unless you also know it applies to groups like the Baháʼí, which I'll admit even I know next to nothing about, but it's valid here because all I'm doing is naming their religious family)

Because many (cough most cough) teach a bastardized form of Judaism through the lens of Christianity, and because that's the only exposure many get to our faith... they get skewed harmful and hurtful ideas about us.

Some highlight examples:
* We don't have an established afterlife (we don't say there isn't one, we just have zero information on it if there is)
* We don't seek "eternal reward", the reward for our faith is being a better person than we were the day before
* We have forgiveness baked into our faith, and no it doesn't require animal sacrifice (it requires you to actually ask the person you wronged...)
* We thoroughly encourage arguing any topic with anyone (right time and place of course), and that includes picking a fight with God if you think they're wrong about something (you have a 99.9% chance of being wrong... but we commend the effort and every once in a while someone wins the argument)
* We have a rule, Pikuach Nefesh, roughly meaning that life is the highest commandment. Your well being takes precedence over your faith, if it would hurt you or others to be observant than you are exempt from that requirement. It's unacceptable to hurt others for your faith, and for yourself it's frowned upon
* We actively discourage conversion, it's allowed but it's not a trivial process. We don't want people to become Jews, we just want people to be better.

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
Unknown parent

Shiri Bailem

@Shannon (she/her) @Pedestriansfirst I suppose you're technically correct, I guess I usually never think about it because there's always more apt descriptions (ie. Nazis are often Zionists because "Blood And Soil").

And yes on the antisemitism of it, I just chose not to say anything about that in favor of a chance at education. (Also a love for getting into arguments with aggressive militant atheists because it's so fun to see their talking points shatter and the confusion that comes from it)

And I didn't bring it up later because I felt from the conversation that it wasn't going to be a problem again from them because they learned some things about Judaism, Jewish Culture, and that religions people can in fact own and acknowledge bad behaviors in their own communities.

Unknown parent

Shiri Bailem

@Shannon (she/her) I don't think believing all zionists are jews isn't that messy of a idea because it impacts so little, especially since the zionist behavior of non-jews is already easily discernible on it's own as awful anyways.

And keep in mind that the comparison is that this started from assuming that all Jews condoned the atrocities committed by the Israeli government and has walked away knowing that it's not uniform.

This is a long article, but the theory hits *hard* with me and connects really well.

The basic gist is that autistics almost always define our identities by what we do and our personal traits, while non-autistics almost always define their identities by their relationships (in particular to social groups)

If you don't have it in you to read all of it, definitely read the section: "How does having an experientially-constructed identity impact relationships?".…

Mandi reshared this.

Unknown parent

Shiri Bailem

@bike I suspect it isn't that much different. Collectivist societies can be awful in their own ways.

They're still better imo, but they have a tendency to focus too hard on traditions and conformity on top of the ideals of communal responsibility.

But in all cases it's a mesh of peer pressure and group identity vs our value identity.

Unknown parent

Shiri Bailem
@bike I get that, I mostly mention that so I don't come across as bashing collectivist societies incidentally. My point was more that I doubt there's that much difference for us, just swap out one set of rules that don't make sense for another set that don't make sense for a different reason.

Why You Must Keep The Monsters Human

*(Reposting because my node crashed and lost all my posts and I want to keep this one pinned)*

I've been mulling over making this post for a little bit, but I think it's really **really** important.

It's critically important that you remember and acknowledge the humanity of monsters. Not for their benefit, but for *everyone else's* benefit.

When someone commits a monstrous act or shares a monstrous belief, we want to think of them as an inherently vile and non-human thing.

But doing so shields and protects other monsters.

When you make a Nazi, or any kind of abuser, into a one-dimensional monster. When you make their whole existence *center* on this monstrous act or belief... you make it hard to see their humanity. And that's the point, you don't *want* to see their humanity.

*** You Don't Want To Believe That Someone You Know And Trust (Maybe Even Love) Is Capable Of Such Atrocity. ***

And that's the problem. Because when you reject their humanity, that humanity becomes their shield. Your friend Bob can't possibly be a Nazi or a child-abuser, he's such a loving father and he helped you move!

Because you see their humanity, you can't possibly imagine them as monsters because the monsters have no humanity in your eyes.

There's a reason that when serial killers get caught their neighbors say they couldn't imagine them doing such things.

So don't ignore their humanity, keep it in your mind... so the next one can't use it as a shield.

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

Doctors still can't fully tell me what is wrong or what my health is going to look like in 5, 10, 20, 30 years. To this gov't I don't exist. I do not matter. My suffering is an inconvenient truth and their solution is to just ignore it. And I am not alone.#LongCOVID #COVID #Healthcare


Shiri Bailem reshared this.

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

USpol, Florida, Child Labor

Florida debates lifting some child labor laws to fill jobs vacated by undocumented immigrants…

The state’s legislature on Tuesday is set to debate a bill that would loosen child labor laws, allowing children as young as 14 years old to work overnight shifts. If the new law is passed, teenagers would be able to work overnight jobs on school days.


I'm all for people having negative views of AI, there's alot that's wrong. There's alot that's debatable (albeit those debates are painfully heated).

What I am tired of is the misinformation, especially the "AI is useless and you're deluding yourself if you think it's had any positive impact on your life" crowd.

I try to avoid getting into fights about things like the ethics questions, I will say I absolutely agree with shaming it's use in art, especially anything for-profit. And I hate that I feel the need to make a post about this because I know how visceral the response is in so many.

It's my values that we shouldn't take a tool away from people based on falsehoods.

If you want to say AI should be eradicated because it "steals" artist's works, have at it, let me know if you want to chime in on IP law topics and questions both for and against. (Not a lawyer, just a special interest in IP law a ways back).

If you want to call out it's environmental impact, fire away. (Let me know if you want me to tell you about how that's not an inherent problem but instead a corporate/capitalist one!)

If you want to call out it's negative impacts on education and skill building? Oooh boy, show me that thread because I'm on your side!

Propaganda? I can tell you it's baaaaaaad

But for the love of god don't flood my feed with "It's wrong 60% of the time" or any other variation of "it's fundamentally useless". Let alone pushes to shame all AI users.

Like I said, it's in my values to not deprive people out of falsehoods and to think about broader consequences. It's not a simple situation.

I sometimes wish I could just throw away some of my values because I have lost someone I love dearly over this... but I can't just throw it into the fire because people are upset, because people are pointing their hurt at a tool.

Just please... try and temper your hurt some so that it's not blindly lashing out? Just consider that other people are hurting too and sometimes hurt people hurt other people.


It's their term for quitting a toxic workplace...

Link provided purely for receipts:…

Stepped out of the shower today and had a moment appreciating myself, most of all appreciating that I actually like my hair now.

I'm not conventionally attractive, but I don't think of myself as ugly any more.

#TransFemme #Trans #TransWoman #Selfie

This entry was edited (5 days ago)

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

A minority struggling to fit in a world not designed by them.

Conversing with the new live AI's can seem like chatting to an autistic friend.

Lately I've been using Google's Gemini "deep research" option. Give it a paragraph and it scans mostly research sources and produces a report. As it works it describes its "thought processes" .

It feels very much like I'm chatting with info dumping autistic friend about a shared special interest.

@actuallyautistic #actuallyautistic

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in reply to darrellpf ActuallyAutistic group reshared this.

I've noticed this myself actually. I tried playing around with them, mostly asking questions I already knew the answers to, and found that I got pretty good results (not perfect, but mostly correct). Not that this makes me doubt the bad results that others have gotten. Rather, what I suspect is the case is that I just know better how to talk to them, and what to use them for. I also know to check any results. But overall I found the experience pleasant, I like the way they organize information when they report it to me. (This makes me think of the stereotype that autistic people think and communicate like computers. 😆 )

Fun fact: When I was doing this, one of the things I was asking it about was autism. Through that conversation I ended up learning about employment support services for autistic people that I didn't know existed, and it was able to point me to real organizations in my area, even my city! So I'm going through that process right now, and if I end up getting employment because of them, I'll have A.I./LLM to thank for it.

(To be clear, I am well aware of their limitations and how they can give incorrect information. Like I said, I know how to ask, and I know to check that info after. I didn't even believe that those organizations were real when it told me about them, but I checked, and they all were.)

in reply to Murdoc Addams 🧛🏻:ri: 🇨🇦 ActuallyAutistic group reshared this.

@Murdoc Addams 🧛🏻:ri: 🇨🇦 @darrellpf There's a few factors in the bad results people talk about.

The big elements are they usually are talking about their experiences with earlier models and without web search integration (ie. asking the original Chat GPT 3.5 questions). Newer models have more information and are a little better at catching themselves.

The other element is the big persistent one: LLMs struggle with saying "I don't know", the reality is that they're meant to mimic responses and the response to question is expected to be an answer, the best response being a correct answer... but they also optimize for efficient responses, and nothing is more efficient than answering everything with "I don't know"... so avoiding that means when it doesn't know it then it invents a plausible answer. (This is called a hallucination in the AI field)

And because they are looking for reasons to dismiss them, they also pull edge cases:
* Poorly configured AI systems like how Google's AI responses would often just take troll reddit posts for granted because Google just kinda shoved it in there without much consideration
* That it struggles with tasks... that are not part of it's logic and processing. (Think of it like the language center of the brain with the bare minimum of any other parts) For example that it can struggle with doing math, especially trick word problems. (They love to pull that out and claim that it can't possibly be AI because the language processing AI gets tripped up by tricky math)

in reply to Shiri Bailem

This is why we need high speed rail running along the border. That way those of us who don't fly can still safely travel.

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

Update: it wasn't the ECB blocking gnome-calculator, it was an HTTP library regression breaking the connection to the ECB. Text in [] is incorrect, retained due to RTs etc.

[The ECB have remotely bricked gnome-calculator]

In the latest episode of "Why the 21st Century is impossibly stupid", GNOME calculator contacts the ECB on startup to get currency rates. It just hangs on startup if this fails, the whole calculator not just the currency stuff. [The ECB has blocked GNOME calculator].

To fix this, you can do "dconf write /org/gnome/calculator/refresh-interval 0", whatever tf dconf is, because when I tried it told me dbus-launch is missing, wtf that is, because it doesn't have a package. Turns out it's in "dbus-x11". I dunno why X11, because I use wayland, but I'm past caring at this point. I installed it and it worked.

Now I can calculate how much postage I need to pay for this parcel.

[A bloody OS-shipped desktop calculator, DDoSing a central bank, and blocking on connection failure].

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

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in reply to kæt

@kæt yeah, it's completely absurd... apparently it's already been fixed but I don't think it's entered into many repos... I kid you not I just switched to the flatpak version of the same calculator...

My jaw was hanging for probably a few minutes when I realized what was causing the calculator to crash.


This past year has been intense, and especially these past few years... I look at the me from a decade ago and I barely recognize them. Hopes and dreams have changed, life upended multiple times. Disowned my relatives and now I've adopted a large chosen family. Gone from alone to feeling loved by so many people, and one especially in particular. My egg finally cracked. I started HRT. Changed my name twice. Been traumatized multiple times. Unpacked so much fucking trauma. Moved so many times. My profession took off. My profession crashed and burned. And I'm about to start it all over again.

I just turned 39 last friday... and honestly I feel really hopeful for my future... even with a new holocaust looming over my head. But I also look back and am happy where I am...

#LGBT #Trans #TransWoman #Life #Family

in reply to Shiri Bailem

And some of the trauma I've been unpacking:

  • I get incredibly anxious now when someone I care about is uncomfortable, especially if I might be connected to that discomfort. It goes beyond fawning and can easily turn into me pestering them with excessive check-ins and an overbearing effort to try and comfort a discomfort that may not even be there.
  • I'm scared of physical intimacy... I've always craved it, I need it... but I don't really pursue it like I need anymore.
  • I've realized I can get callous very quickly when I sense potentially malicious manipulation, it serves me well but I recognize now that it's definitely the sign of something broken that I can become coldly calculating so quickly
  • I have a powerful resistance to gaslighting that I've developed from a lifetime of people attributing reasons and understandings to my actions that were not there, from just accusing me of non-existent disrespect (#autism) to calling me lazy when I'm suffering from executive dysfunction.
  • I am constantly terrified of how I'm perceived and especially that I might be distrusted... I spent most of my life wanting to connect with people, predominantly women (go figure I wanted to be friends with women more than men in retrospect...) and being shut down because I was seen as a man... because there was not a single action I could take that they didn't already do to try and manipulate women... (well... I finally found one action they won't take lol)
  • While I no longer have a broadly negative self-image, I can say positive things about myself and believe good things about myself... a nugget of dissonance still remains. A part of me still struggles to believe I can be loved despite all the blatant evidence in front of me. I know that part is wrong, but it makes all my love given and received feel so very very raw.
  • I spent so very very long isolated, especially emotionally... What love I felt wasn't healthy, it was mostly the love of obligation that you get in dysfunctional conservative families. Having spent my whole life without feeling it, genuine love is incredibly overwhelming... I think about my family and it feels like I'm stretched taught over a creaking barrel ready to blow from pressure... So when the people I love give me a way to show them love, it feels like an intense pressure valve release.

Kevin Davy reshared this.

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

Posts celebrating Jewish holidays such as Purim are not an appropriate place for gentiles to comment about Israel/Palestine. Hope that helps.

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

in reply to Shiri Bailem

@shiri Nobody I know personally as far as I know, but an unsettling number of people on various social media sites apparently.

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

Putting an end to the debate regarding if it's ok to punch a Nazi or not.

From now on it's called "A Roman High Five"

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Shiri Bailem reshared this.

Closes Fedi.
Opens Fedi.
Closes Fedi.
Opens Fedi.
Closes Fedi.
Opens Fedi.

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

I made a guide, it's clumsy and sloppy but it's something.

This is for setting up GPG on Android for people who need secure communication that can't be shut down and doesn't rely on government services, especially trackable services.…

Tagging trans community because I think we need these networks for when things get worse.

#security #GPG #LGBT #TransFemme #Trans

reshared this

in reply to Shiri Bailem

Updated the guide, same link, with a information regarding making keys that support the iPhone equivalent app. Plus a few minor edits.

I'm getting older and I hate it... aging with chronic pain sucks.

The whole day has been a struggle, struggle to move, struggle to think, struggle to motivate.

I've still lived my life, but it's moments like how hard it is getting out of bed from a nap, or just how hard it is to get myself to do simple things like putting away the groceries...

My muscles just don't want to move, and I'm just so tired...

#ChronicPain #GettingOld

uspol, danger, texas

Whelp... it didn't take long for them to pivot from "children" to "everyone".

This is almost certain to pass and means that if I'm still in the state come September I lose access to my medication.…

#lgbtqia #lgbt #trans #We'reFucked #uspol

reshared this……

Article about search engine I use, even wilder they just introduced an absurd business practice. You know how companies try to trap you in trials then hope you forget so they can charge you forever for something you don't use?

They just announced that if you're not using it they'll stop charging you. If you use it again then they'll charge you next month.

@Kagi HQ

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Shiri Bailem

@bgrinter I've had a browser tab open on the Kagi sign-up screen for months now. Like many, I’m quite subscription-fatigued, but this one is REALLY tugging at me to try.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Leon Cowle Kagi HQ reshared this.

You can trial with 300 searches before committing - I didn’t wait that long

Remember, you can be the customer or the product…

in reply to Leon Cowle

@leoncowle We'd love for you to give it a try and let us know what you think.

Something I felt like i should share, because I really don't think many realize...

I don't say this to surrender, I say this to say how big the fight is and how important each and every one of you is to it.

Do you know when the vast majority of people realized how real the threat was of the holocaust?

... when they saw a pile of shoes when the camps were being cleared out.

The holocaust meant nothing to those fighting the war, it would have been trivial for the allies to save so very very many lives... they simply didn't really care, they didn't see our suffering as real... until they saw that pile of shoes.

Don't count on Trump or the Republicans to finally be recognized for the Nazis they are and the majority to suddenly be in revolt.

Prepare for a fight and know that every fighter counts.

And know that every life saved matters, especially when the threat is extinction.

#lgbtqia #lgbt #lgbtq #trans #transwoman #uspol

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in reply to Shiri Bailem

I found that apparently they don’t think they can get a jury that won’t acquit him.


I saw this coming, just expected it maybe year 3, not week one...…

#fascism #trump #USPol #USPolitics #USNews

Caden McHuman reshared this.

My life isn't some wargame where you can just talk "get guns" or "grab <insert espionage equipment for mid operation use>".

What I'm looking for in support is people to actually build a web of trust... I want to know I can reach out to you safely and securely.

Everyone is for quick simple help... but it feels like nobody is willing to do any of the prep for that help.

Reminded yet again how I'm pissed at people surrendering and calling it victory...

A reminder: if you're part of the "Block Bluesky/Threads By Default" crowd, you're just handing over victory.

Enshittifying the fediverse because you're afraid of big corpos and think everyone who isn't already here can just die in the hellhole fire of the other networks, "How DARE People Suggest We Build Fire Exits!".

So yeah, screw that self absorbed bullshit.

People are leaving the fediverse for Bluesky, why? Because people over here demand purity to random ideals, because people over here think it's unreasonable that someone might want to connect with friends and loved ones who made a different choice of network.

This is part of a much bigger problem... pissed that I'm surrounded all my life by people who think holier than though infighting and rejecting anyone who isn't pure enough in their ideals, instead of y'know actually pushing for changes that protect people.

I'm staring down the barrel of a gun in my life as my country falls apart to fascism and I'm in the top two of most hated and most at risk minorities... but at least y'all kept people on Bluesky from realizing the fediverse even exists...

#AngryRant #LGBT #LGBTQIA #Bluesky #FediverseMeta #FediMeta

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This is why I'm pissed at defederating threads just because it's meta, or the bluesky bridge, let alone people bullying the dev into crippling it with "opt-in" systems.

Good arguments by @pluralistic on why we need to focus on liberating people who are forcibly locked into Big Tech.

> #Mastodon 's progenitors should be praised for ensuring their creation was born free – but the fact that #Bluesky isn't free enough is no reason to turn our back on it. Our response to anything that locks in the people we care about must be to *shatter those locks*, not abandon the people bound by the locks because they didn't heed to our warnings.… #foss

US News Update On Trans Oppression

Day One: They're starting an investigation that will probably lead to them revoking my passport in the near future.

They're starting another investigation into supposed harmful effects of HRT (odds are results will be complete bullshit), which they'll use to enact further actions prohibiting me from getting my HRT.…

#lgbtqia #lgbt #trans #transwoman #uspol

reshared this

... Did they just say "LITHIUM-SULFUR BATTERIES"?!?!?!

Time to rewatch those old "hide under your desk" nuclear war videos...

(To be clear, not commenting on the contents of the article further than what's in the headline... just the idea of a sulfur battery is kinda terrifying)

A solid electrolyte gives lithium-sulfur batteries ludicrous endurance
Sulfur can store a lot more lithium, but is problematically reactive in batteries.…

in reply to Shiri Bailem

@Shiri Bailem The only people leftist hate more than fascists and conservatives are liberals and leftists with slightly different beliefs.

Put up family photos on the wall... to be clear, my found family not the relatives.

I'd been fussing over a proper way to put them up, but eventually just settled recently on ordering some adhesive clips. Perfect is the enemy of good.

There's now a nice spread of family photos on the wall, and it makes me feel loved. These weren't people born into a family with me... these are all people who chose to call me family. It takes up so much space on the wall and it might not do much for other people, for me it drastically brightens up the space just glancing over seeing the faces of the people I love and who love me.

#SelfCare #Family #ChosenFamily

Seriously, these are all incredible teas! Support my sister's small business and get something delicious!#tea #LooseLeafTeas #FandomTeas #SmallBusiness #WomanOwned #DisabledOwned #ad

There's a big list of #tea blends that I'm retiring which means deals on #LooseLeafTeas. Delicious #FandomTeas for your tea cupboard. #SmallBusiness #WomanOwned #DisabledOwned

Neil Gaiman talk

Seeing talk again about Neil Gaiman as more people become aware of his abuses, and reminded of something I wrote earlier that absolutely relates.

The short of it is, as always, we want to simply repaint people as inhuman monsters the moment we find out behaviors like this. We want them to be "them" not "us", because if they're regular people who do awful things then all of "us" can be awful and I can't conveniently ignore the awful things people do around me.

Likewise, in the case of artists, there's a tendency to immediately see all of their art as complete trash. Not just tainted, but as being poor quality to begin with. Sometimes there's validity when it was rose-colored glasses before (ie. JKR's blatant bigotry throughout her writing that we glossed over mostly because we were kids and not paying attention), but often it's not based in the actual quality and experience of the work itself... just the tainted associations around it.

I'm not suggesting you should ignore the artist and just "get over yourself" or anything like that. I'm saying it's important to not automatically associate good artist with good person.

Because it's such a clear and easy example I love to point out Joss Whedon with this. His good stuff doesn't stop being good, it just becomes unenjoyable because you see him reflected in it. And what I think happens in both Joss Whedon's case and Neil Gaiman's is that their awfulness contributed to the quality, it didn't just fly under the radar.

In the case of Whedon, it's because his fetish was "breaking strong women", to fulfill that fetish in his writing that meant he had to write strong women. Because he so often wrote series, it mean he also had to write stories of them recovering their strength after being broken (so he could ultimately break them again). We connected with the strength of these women, that's what often made his stories so good and he hid behind that.

Dismissing all of that because it's come out that he's awful means we're not paying attention to how other artists show themselves, or how seemingly positive people might just be awful people with the mirror opposite abuses to the positives being celebrated.…

Why You Must Keep The Monsters Human

*(Reposting because my node crashed and lost all my posts and I want to keep this one pinned)*

I've been mulling over making this post for a little bit, but I think it's really **really** important.

It's critically important that you remember and acknowledge the humanity of monsters. Not for their benefit, but for *everyone else's* benefit.

When someone commits a monstrous act or shares a monstrous belief, we want to think of them as an inherently vile and non-human thing.

But doing so shields and protects other monsters.

When you make a Nazi, or any kind of abuser, into a one-dimensional monster. When you make their whole existence *center* on this monstrous act or belief... you make it hard to see their humanity. And that's the point, you don't *want* to see their humanity.

*** You Don't Want To Believe That Someone You Know And Trust (Maybe Even Love) Is Capable Of Such Atrocity. ***

And that's the problem. Because when you reject their humanity, that humanity becomes their shield. Your friend Bob can't possibly be a Nazi or a child-abuser, he's such a loving father and he helped you move!

Because you see their humanity, you can't possibly imagine them as monsters because the monsters have no humanity in your eyes.

There's a reason that when serial killers get caught their neighbors say they couldn't imagine them doing such things.

So don't ignore their humanity, keep it in your mind... so the next one can't use it as a shield.

in reply to Shiri Bailem

And if anyone on the other side of the Bluesky bridge wonders why I can't tag, it's because they're not bridged (This can be fixed by them following

ADHD musing

Random thought occurring to me after I struggled to sleep last night...

There's a thing for a lot of people with ADHD where caffeine is kinda like rolling dice... sometimes it helps you wake up and sometimes it puts you to sleep.

I realized last night I was having a mild dopamine crash (spent all my dopamine on the workday) and I was craving caffeine so I said screw-it, if I can't sleep might as well... within half an hour I think I was out.

So it dawned on me that it could be simply related to our dopamine levels at the time. If we're spent then it's practically impossible to settle down. So when you're spent and otherwise tired, then caffeine is reducing the barrier to sleep as well. It backfires on us because we're still up from the combination of drowsiness and low dopamine, but because it's milder than say ritalin it doesn't drop our drowsiness as much as it raises the dopamine to let you settle...

Wanted to share for what other people think of this possibility?

#ADHD #AuDHD #Neurodivergent

Unknown parent

@donburnside Same here. First day I was on Ritalin I slept all day. Caffeine is it formme now, but if I overdo it it can make me jittery but mostly it helps me chill. It's usually not that stopping me sleeping, I always assumed it was.


Thank you for being my family and all the love and kindness you've given me over the years! And thank you for gifting us another trip around the sun together ❤


If I wasn't terrified that I'd have to drop everything and run in a few months, and y'know poor on top of that*... I'd seriously consider setting up a sharkey or similar instance on the side just so I could recommend a place with a friendly UI that I could 100% vouch for... (there's plenty of other instances I like, but so many of them make restrictive decisions that I don't like like blocking Bridgy).

(* mostly just don't like the idea of setting up a server, getting users, and then having to run for my life and the server just disappearing... same reason I limited registration on my current instance)

I could use more recommendations for fediverse servers to suggest to people. Both to refresh lists but also because I need some that are more accessible.

One thing I've run into is the number of places that block threads and bridgy which is a major negative to my recommendations... I'm trying to convince people and those are two great ways to help convince people to move to the fediverse over just moving to threads and bluesky...

Just a random note:

"Ad Hominem" is a logical fallacy in which they dismiss the argument by addressing the person not the argument.

Ad Hominem is not calling the person a douchebag while addressing the points of the argument.

Ad Hominem is saying those points should be dismissed because they are a douchebag.

It's thrown around (improperly) often by people who want to basically say "you've lost the argument because you're angry" but what to add elitism on top of entitlement.

Easy test: if you can remove all the insults from the argument and it still makes sense, then it's not Ad Hominem.

#LogicalFallacy #Debate #Arguments #AdHominem

My little fur niece and my family still need help. While the goal has been met, it's the bare minimum, if things go well and luck is good things will work out... but things are really hard even then.

Please consider donating more to improve her odds and help support my sister, her husband, and my nephew through this.…

#MutalAid #Dogs #PetHealth #GoFundMe

Unknown parent

Shiri Bailem
@Annie Coleman The best way is to donate to the gofundme, but if there is another way you want to help I can relay messages?
Unknown parent

Shiri Bailem
@Annie Coleman as I said, let me know and I'll pass it along.