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Letters: Disabled people live in fear we will lose our DWP benefits. Wheelchairs can cost more than £6000 so how do you save up for that without your benefits being cut as a result of the saving up?…


La démocratie, c'est le gouvernement du peuple, par le peuple, pour le peuple.

On pense que le discours prononcé le 19 février 1852 devant la législature de l'État de l'Ohio par Lajos Kossuth, figure patriotique et un homme d'État hongrois, a pu avoir une influence sur Lincoln. La quête de démocratie et d'indépendance pour la Hongrie l'avait chassé de son pays en l'envoyant en recherche d'aide, d'abord en Grande-Bretagne, puis aux États-Unis.

Son combat n'a pas pris fin avec son exil, et c'est ce combat qui l'a amené à se présenter devant les législateurs de l'Ohio pour demander une aide financière pour soutenir sa cause:

L'esprit de notre époque est la démocratie. Tout pour le peuple et tout par le peuple. Rien sur le peuple sans le peuple... Ma nation se lèvera, appelée à la résurrection par les principes éternels de la loi de la nature et du Dieu de la nature. Elle ne restera pas dans la tombe plus longtemps que le saint chiffre trois, et exigera votre magnanimité en devenant la pierre angulaire de l'indépendance nationale sur le continent européen.

Son discours fut si convaincant que l'Assemblée générale décida immédiatement d'obtenir le manuscrit original, qui sera déposé à la bibliothèque de l'État de l'Ohio. Malheureusement, l'Ohio ne lui accordera pas l'aide financière qu'il demanda (étonnant, non?).

Quatre mois après la bataille de Gettysburg, Lincoln participe à l'inauguration d'un cimetière national sur une partie du champ de bataille. Le discours qu'il a prononcé ce jour-là est devenu l'un des plus célèbres prononcés par un président américain. Nous sommes le 19 novembre 1863:

Il y a quatre cent sept ans, nos pères ont fait naître sur ce continent une nouvelle nation, conçue dans la liberté et dédiée à la proposition selon laquelle tous les hommes sont créés égaux.
Aujourd'hui, nous sommes engagés dans une grande guerre civile qui vise à déterminer si cette nation, ou toute autre nation conçue et consacrée de la sorte, peut durer longtemps. Nous sommes réunis sur un grand champ de bataille de cette guerre. Nous sommes venus dédier une partie de ce champ, comme lieu de repos final pour ceux qui ont donné leur vie pour que cette nation puisse vivre. Il est tout à fait approprié que nous fassions cela.
Mais, dans un sens plus large, nous ne pouvons pas dédier - nous ne pouvons pas consacrer - nous ne pouvons pas sanctifier - ce terrain. Les hommes courageux, vivants et morts, qui ont lutté ici, l'ont consacré, bien au-delà de notre pauvre pouvoir d'y ajouter ou d'en retrancher quelque chose. Le monde ne remarquera pas et ne se souviendra pas longtemps de ce que nous disons ici, mais il ne pourra jamais oublier ce qu'ils ont fait ici. C'est plutôt à nous, les vivants, de nous consacrer ici à l'œuvre inachevée que ceux qui ont combattu ici ont si noblement fait avancer jusqu'à présent. C'est plutôt à nous de nous consacrer ici à la grande tâche qui nous reste à accomplir - que de ces morts honorés nous tirions un dévouement accru à la cause pour laquelle ils ont donné la dernière mesure de leur dévouement - que nous prenions ici la ferme résolution que ces morts ne soient pas morts en vain - que cette nation, sous Dieu, connaisse une nouvelle naissance de la liberté - et que le gouvernement du peuple, par le peuple, pour le peuple, ne disparaisse pas de la terre.………

|La démocratie, c'est le gouvernement du peuple, par le peuple, pour le peuple.|

Ne discutez jamais avec un imbécile, les spectateurs peuvent ne pas être en mesure de faire la différence.

Citation apocryphe.

Le dicton populaire qui a été incorrectement attribué à Mark Twain fait partie d'une grande famille d'énoncés qui ont commencé à apparaître en 1878. Les premières occurrences ont été imprimées sans attribution.…

|Ne discutez jamais avec un imbécile, les spectateurs peuvent ne pas être en mesure de faire la différence.|

I've been thinking about moving this account to a new friendica server and think yours looks like a good fit.
But do you accept new users and moving accounts?



Nerd Rant about Protocols

Randomly thinking about small protocols or protocol changes that I think should exist.

Prime example is Static HTTPS:
I think there should be a companion protocol to HTTPS for handling static requests. This would be great for caching, general performance, and even saving storage/bandwidth on things like ActivityPub.

The gist of it is that HTTPS uses a static set of keys to negotiate a dynamic set of keys and dynamically encrypts your entire conversation with the server. It's impossible to do any sort of caching on HTTPS without decrypting it first, but also there's no way to make it unique either without things like php sessions (requiring logins or backchannel confirmations).

How this would work, using the existing HTTPS keys, a request would be made similar to HTTP where the connection itself is unencrypted, but the host/url will specifically be encrypted and the payload of the data sent in return will be encrypted. If you were to cache it the same encrypted request will net the same encrypted data (unless the file behind it gets updated of course). If headers must be added then those can be encrypted separately as well, but also support unencrypted where not necessary... everything would be avoiding using headers in general for this, especially as the files are static.

(Optionally the html could also include a key explicitly for that file)

This means that anything in the middle can cache data without necessarily knowing anything about it. Meaning that something like Cloudflare could provide caching for an HTTPS website without also having to have the key.

Obviously in less secure cases where it doesn't include a special key in the html it will mean that if someone knows what site you're accessing (often an easy guess from IP unless it's something like a cloudflare protected site) they can potentially identify the file by matching to their own browsing... but these should be unimportant files anyways (ie. the google logo, css style sheets, etc), even if visible they'll be effectively signed and you'll know the site wasn't tampered with in transit.

But the really special case shines in things like the fediverse where when I make a followers-only post with a picture attached... right now either the picture is relying on obscurity (publically visible if you know the address) or it has to be embedded in the post as it's sent to the recipient.

This protocol would mean that the html of the post could include the key to the file. The receiving server wouldn't even need to support this protocol or have any change at all in ActivityPub standard to show this image, but the image would still be visible to the recipient so long as their browser or client supported it.

<a href="s" key="101010101">
(obviously the key would be much longer usually)

A backwards compatible call when privacy isn't a concern (ie. google logo):
<a href="" shttps=1>
(Browser with no shttps support would use https normally, but one with that support would see the shttps=1 on there and change the protocol automatically)

#nerd #rant #protocols #https #webdev #http #ssl #web

Minority opinion and vulnerable minority population aren't the same thing.

Just because your opinion is in the minority doesn't mean it's bigoted or unreasonable to dismiss it, only when your opinion is rooted in your status as a vulnerable population.

Me voicing about how things affect me as a trans-woman is speaking from my minority status and bears listening to because we want to be a fair and equitable society.

That doesn't mean we should take seriously the minority of people who are convinced that 1+1=3. Their minority position stems from simply being wrong about fundamental truths.

in reply to Shiri Bailem

And this is in fact related to my previous... the minority who think this is Mastodon shouldn't be the leading voice on things going on in the fediverse.

If you think this is the place for privacy or control of your data... you shouldn't be leading the discussion.

Especially compared to the people who know what ostatus and are, let alone people who know what diaspora* is.

We're going to get a wave of outrage as Mastodon rolls out quote posts and people realize that those posts don't follow delete requests of the original let alone the block settings of the original user and server. And they're going to scream and shout that this should be removed from the whole fediverse... nevermind the fact that it's only new to Mastodon.

Copying myself because I'm irritated yet again by people with their head up their ass assuming that their tiny view of the fediverse represents the whole and it's history...

This was set off by another person, yet again, complaining about bridgy-fed and thinking Snarfed is some untrustworthy asshole because he was following the actual norms and standards of the fediverse because the Twitter expats thought Mastodon was some bastion of personal control and ownership....

For context, opt-out (via just blocking the bridge) has been the norm since pretty much the beginning of federation... which the people complaining about the nature of the bridge don't realize how old federation and the community is.

For context (of the ones I'm aware of):
* The first federated protocol was introduced in 1980
* The first federated chat protocol was introduced in 1999
* The first federated social networking platforms that I know of started coming out about 2010. The platform I'm on (Friendica) came out that year.
* the second major federated chat protocol was introduced in 2014 and quickly bridges were built between it and the first (all only opt-out via blocking)
* Mastodon wasn't released until 2016, originally on the ostatus network (Friendica supported and still supports ostatus)
* Snarfed starts working on bridgy-fed around 2018
* Activitypub came out in 2018, mastodon and friendica both transitioned to Activitypub as their central protocol with Mastodon eventually dropping ostatus.
* Bridges were established between Activitypub and previous social networks, all opt-out bridges (and again via blocking)
* 2022 Elon Musk buys Twitter and do to good PR Mastodon becomes the instance platform of choice for most of them to the point that most of them think Mastodon is the network
* 2023, Snarfed has been writing bridgy fed for 7 years now, about as long as the activitypub network has existed, long predating Bluesky (because that's not the only bridge in the project), and all of a sudden people specifically overwhelmingly on Mastodon or younger projects think it's a deep offense to build something under the same social standards that have been the norm for decades. Even then long before the bluesky portion of the bridge was fully functional they relented and switched to an approach that drastically hampered has caused countless bugs and technical difficulties just because a minority of people decided to dogpile him... and of course he's judged because other people essentially crashed a party he'd been at peacefully for years and decided to scream that he was being inappropriate when everyone who was hear already supported it...

#bridges #bridgy #FediMeta #Fediverse #Bluesky

in reply to Shiri Bailem

And I really can't wait until Mastodon's roll out of quote posts hits and they start freaking out like it's a whole new and despicable thing... I'm gonna break out the popcorn for that because I can't imagine them convincing the whole fediverse to just tear out a feature that's been there for ages because they thought Mastodon made the rules lol

Nous ne devons pas nous concentrer uniquement sur le rejet négatif de la guerre, mais surtout sur l'affirmation positive de la paix.

Citation extraite de la conférence de Martin Luther King Jr. pour le prix Nobel de la paix à Oslo, le 11 décembre 1964.…

Extrait de la conférence de Martin Luther King Jr. pour le prix Nobel de la paix à Oslo, le 11 décembre 1964:

Nous ne construirons pas un monde pacifique en suivant une voie négative. Il ne suffit pas de dire «Nous ne devons pas faire la guerre». Il faut aimer la paix et se sacrifier pour elle. Nous devons nous concentrer non seulement sur l'expulsion négative de la guerre, mais aussi sur l'affirmation positive de la paix. Il existe une petite histoire fascinante qui nous est conservée dans la littérature grecque sur Ulysse et les sirènes. Les sirènes avaient la capacité de chanter si doucement que les marins ne pouvaient s'empêcher de se diriger vers leur île. De nombreux navires ont été attirés sur les rochers, et les hommes ont oublié leur foyer, leur devoir et leur honneur en se jetant à la mer pour être embrassés par des bras qui les ont entraînés vers la mort. Ulysse, déterminé à ne pas se laisser attirer par les sirènes, décide d'abord de s'attacher étroitement au mât de son bateau, et son équipage se bouche les oreilles avec de la cire. Mais finalement, lui et son équipage ont appris un meilleur moyen de se sauver: ils ont embarqué le beau chanteur Orphée dont les mélodies étaient plus douces que la musique des sirènes. Quand Orphée chantait, qui prenait la peine d'écouter les sirènes?

|Nous ne devons pas nous concentrer uniquement sur le rejet négatif de la guerre, mais surtout sur l'affirmation positive de la paix.|

Looking to use Friendica a bit more

Lately I've been trying to convince myself to use social media more, so I can actually socialize and not just spend all my time watching YT.

I actually used to use reddit chronically, but at this point I haven't posted anything in months and that's been a plus in my opinion.

I started by using Discord more (I know, ABSOLUTELY PROPRIETARY(TM), but I joined a really good server that isn't anywhere else like Matrix).

Then I started using Mastodon more, and to my surprise I got my first follower in the form of Patrick Volkerding, the creator of Slackware, my all-time favorite Linux distro. Pretty poggers if you ask me.

Mastodon's been doing pretty good for me, and now I'm taking things further by trying to use Friendica more often. Soon enough, I'll also try to get back in the habit of using Lemmy instead of reddit.

If it's federated/foss, I'll think about trying it (except Bluesky, I predict that platform is gonna get real spooky like Twitter in a matter of time).

Overall, look forward to seeing more of me on Friendica, and if you want you can check out my Mastodon at

in reply to TronNerd82

@TronNerd82 I mean you'll probably have either have some forewarning or have bigger issues on your mind if that comes about... ie. if I have to emergency bail then you're probably doing the same or about to...

If I do get the opportunity to escape this state or country I'll probably at least have time to give people a heads up that the server is going down.

in reply to Shiri Bailem

@Shiri Bailem As a form of pseudo-insurance in the event that foggyminds goes down, I've migrated instances over to This will most likely be my final post on this instance so as not to clog up bandwidth and be a burden. Here's hoping things work out for you as far as leaving goes, and if you can't leave, I at least hope the people there won't be hateful to you. Much love from a fellow queer 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️

Wall Lights

Just moved or planning a home refresh? Don’t overlook lighting! The right fixtures bring warmth, highlight colors, and elevate your space’s vibe. It’s not just functional—it’s the heart of your décor. Let’s explore lighting types to craft your perfect, cozy retreat! 💡✨ #HomeDecor #InteriorDesign #LightingIdeas…


Sorry for the downtime, server crashed and I wasn't able to address it quickly or smoothly in my current mental state.

I took advantage of the downtime, and probably exacerbated it a little, and finally did the migration back to local hardware... so it *should* be more reliable.

What honestly stretched it out a lot is that I also applied the most recent stable Friendica version and that took forever to update the database.

Vanessa reshared this.

Stalin: Actually, Mr. Churchill, and his friends in Britain and the United States, present to the non-English speaking nations something in the nature of an ultimatum: “Accept our rule voluntarily, and then all will be well; otherwise war is inevitable.” But the nations shed their blood in the course of five years’ fierce war for the sake of the liberty and independence of their countries, and not in order to exchange the domination of the Hitlers for the domination of the Churchills. It is quite probable, accordingly, that the non-English-speaking nations, which constitute the vast majority of the population of the world, will not agree to submit to a new slavery.…


  • Lenin: Miraculous prophecy is a fairy-tale. But scientific prophecy is a fact.
  • Noam Chomsky: See, people with power understand exactly one thing: violence.
  • George Bernard Shaw: Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
  • Henry Kissinger: Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
  • Fidel Castro: This position of the Trotskyists is the same which all newspapers and publicity agencies of Yankee imperialism adopted in relation to the cause of Comrade Ernesto Guevara. All the imperialist press of the United States, its news agencies, the Cuban counter-revolutionaries' press, the bourgeois press throughout the continent and the rest of the world - in other words, this campaign of slanders and intrigues against revolutionary Cuba in connection with the case of Comrade Guevara - coincided with precision with all imperialist bourgeois sectors, all the slanderers and all the conspirators against the Cuban revolution, for there is no doubt that only reaction and imperialism is interested in discrediting the Cuban revolution and in destroying the confidence of the revolutionary movements in the Cuban revolution, in destroying the confidence of the Latin American peoples in the Cuban revolution, in destroying their faith. Therefore, they have not hesitated to use the dirtiest and most indecent weapons.
  • Fidel Castro: Even though at one time Trotskyism represented an erroneous position, but a position in the field of political ideas, Trotskyism became during the following years a vulgar instrument of imperialism and reaction.
  • Fidel Castro: Yon Sosa led the movement of a group of armed officers in the crushing of whom the mercenaries who later invaded Playa Girón participated. Through a businessman who took charge of the movement's political aspects, the Fourth International fixed it up so that that leader, who was ignorant of the profound problems of politics and of the history of revolutionary thought, would permit that agents of Trotskyism, about whom we do not have the slightest doubt that he is an agent of imperialism, to publish a newspaper which copies outright the program of the Fourth International. By doing this, the Fourth International committed a real crime against the revolutionary movement to isolate it from the rest of the people, to isolate it from the masses, when it contaminated it with the stupidities, the discredit, and the repugnant thing which Trotskyism today is in the field of politics.
  • Martin Luther King, Jr.: So today capitalism has out-lived its usefulness. It has brought about a system that takes necessities from the masses to give luxuries to the classes.
  • Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord: It is the beginning of the end.
  • Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord: Financiers flourish only when nations decline.
  • George Friedman: The primordial interest of the United States, over which for centuries we have fought wars– the First, the Second and Cold Wars– has been the relationship between Germany and Russia, because united there, they’re the only force that could threaten us. And to make sure that that doesn’t happen.
  • Lenin: Prompted by fear of revolution, the old state power, which is independent of the people and is a power over the people, promises the people that it will ensure their freedom. But its promises remain unfulfilled; they cannot be fulfilled.
  • James Connolly: If you remove the English army tomorrow and hoist the green flag over Dublin Castle, unless you set about the organisation of the Socialist Republic, your efforts would be in vain.
  • Lenin: There are moments in history when a desperate struggle of the masses, even for a hopeless cause, is essential for the further schooling of these masses and their training for the next struggle.
  • Kim Il Sung: Our ideal is to build a society where everyone is well fed, well clothed, and lives a long life, a society where everybody is progressive and works devotedly, a society where all people live united in harmony as one big family.
  • Michael Parenti: To make the world safe for those who own it, politically active elements of the owning class have created a national security state that expends billions of dollars and enlists the efforts of vast numbers of people.
  • Edward Snowden: There is nothing more grotesque than a media pushing for war.
  • Lenin: Practice is higher than (theoretical) knowledge, for it has not only the dignity of universality, but also of immediate actuality.
  • Stalin: Only in the highest phase of communism will people, working in accordance with their capacity, receive recompense therefor in accordance with their needs: "From each according to his capacity, to each according to his needs."
  • Stalin: All that Marxism declares is that until classes have been completely abolished, and until work has been transformed from being a means of maintaining existence, into a prime necessity of life, into voluntary labour performed for the benefit of society, people will continue to be paid for their labour in accordance with the amount of labour performed.
  • Stalin: The October Revolution is neither the continuation nor the culmination of the Great French Revolution. The purpose of the French Revolution was to put an end to feudalism and establish capitalism. The aim of the October Revolution is to put an end to capitalism and to establish socialism.
  • Lenin: We shall not achieve socialism without a struggle. But we are ready to fight, we have started it and we shall finish it with the aid of the apparatus called the Soviets.
  • Gilbert Scott-Heron: The first revolution is when you change your mind.
  • Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya: Solidarity among the male and female workers, a general cause, general goals, a general path to that goal - that is the solution to the "woman" question in the working-class environment.
  • Lenin: No idea could be more erroneous or harmful than to separate foreign from home policy.
  • Kim Jong-il: Introducing individualism into socialism, which is based entirely on collectivism, is tantamount to taking poison.
  • Langston Hughes: Put one more S in the U.S.A. To make it Soviet.
  • Lenin: There is a good Latin proverb which says: “It is natural for all men to err; but only a fool persists in his error.
  • Lenin: A Marxist must take cognisance of real life, of the true facts of reality, and not cling to a theory of yesterday, which, like all theories, at best only outlines the main and the general, only comes near to embracing life in all its complexity.
  • Kim Il Sung: It can be said that the life of a revolutionary begins by going among the masses and that it is over when he parts from them.
  • Lenin: Deafened by liberal catch-phrases, people in our country are apt to overlook the actual class stand of the liberal party’s real bosses.
  • Lenin: The proletariat’s struggle against the bourgeoisie, which finds expression in a variety of forms ever richer in content, inevitably becomes a political struggle directed towards the conquest of political power by the proletariat (“the dictatorship of the proletariat”).

Pier Paolo Pasolini: I miss the poor and genuine people who fought to abolish that master (Fascism) without turning into him.…


  • Lenin: Miraculous prophecy is a fairy-tale. But scientific prophecy is a fact.
  • Noam Chomsky: See, people with power understand exactly one thing: violence.
  • George Bernard Shaw: Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
  • Henry Kissinger: Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
  • Fidel Castro: This position of the Trotskyists is the same which all newspapers and publicity agencies of Yankee imperialism adopted in relation to the cause of Comrade Ernesto Guevara. All the imperialist press of the United States, its news agencies, the Cuban counter-revolutionaries' press, the bourgeois press throughout the continent and the rest of the world - in other words, this campaign of slanders and intrigues against revolutionary Cuba in connection with the case of Comrade Guevara - coincided with precision with all imperialist bourgeois sectors, all the slanderers and all the conspirators against the Cuban revolution, for there is no doubt that only reaction and imperialism is interested in discrediting the Cuban revolution and in destroying the confidence of the revolutionary movements in the Cuban revolution, in destroying the confidence of the Latin American peoples in the Cuban revolution, in destroying their faith. Therefore, they have not hesitated to use the dirtiest and most indecent weapons.
  • Fidel Castro: Even though at one time Trotskyism represented an erroneous position, but a position in the field of political ideas, Trotskyism became during the following years a vulgar instrument of imperialism and reaction.
  • Fidel Castro: Yon Sosa led the movement of a group of armed officers in the crushing of whom the mercenaries who later invaded Playa Girón participated. Through a businessman who took charge of the movement's political aspects, the Fourth International fixed it up so that that leader, who was ignorant of the profound problems of politics and of the history of revolutionary thought, would permit that agents of Trotskyism, about whom we do not have the slightest doubt that he is an agent of imperialism, to publish a newspaper which copies outright the program of the Fourth International. By doing this, the Fourth International committed a real crime against the revolutionary movement to isolate it from the rest of the people, to isolate it from the masses, when it contaminated it with the stupidities, the discredit, and the repugnant thing which Trotskyism today is in the field of politics.
  • Martin Luther King, Jr.: So today capitalism has out-lived its usefulness. It has brought about a system that takes necessities from the masses to give luxuries to the classes.
  • Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord: It is the beginning of the end.
  • Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord: Financiers flourish only when nations decline.
  • George Friedman: The primordial interest of the United States, over which for centuries we have fought wars– the First, the Second and Cold Wars– has been the relationship between Germany and Russia, because united there, they’re the only force that could threaten us. And to make sure that that doesn’t happen.
  • Lenin: Prompted by fear of revolution, the old state power, which is independent of the people and is a power over the people, promises the people that it will ensure their freedom. But its promises remain unfulfilled; they cannot be fulfilled.
  • James Connolly: If you remove the English army tomorrow and hoist the green flag over Dublin Castle, unless you set about the organisation of the Socialist Republic, your efforts would be in vain.
  • Lenin: There are moments in history when a desperate struggle of the masses, even for a hopeless cause, is essential for the further schooling of these masses and their training for the next struggle.
  • Kim Il Sung: Our ideal is to build a society where everyone is well fed, well clothed, and lives a long life, a society where everybody is progressive and works devotedly, a society where all people live united in harmony as one big family.
  • Michael Parenti: To make the world safe for those who own it, politically active elements of the owning class have created a national security state that expends billions of dollars and enlists the efforts of vast numbers of people.
  • Edward Snowden: There is nothing more grotesque than a media pushing for war.
  • Lenin: Practice is higher than (theoretical) knowledge, for it has not only the dignity of universality, but also of immediate actuality.
  • Stalin: Only in the highest phase of communism will people, working in accordance with their capacity, receive recompense therefor in accordance with their needs: "From each according to his capacity, to each according to his needs."
  • Stalin: All that Marxism declares is that until classes have been completely abolished, and until work has been transformed from being a means of maintaining existence, into a prime necessity of life, into voluntary labour performed for the benefit of society, people will continue to be paid for their labour in accordance with the amount of labour performed.
  • Stalin: The October Revolution is neither the continuation nor the culmination of the Great French Revolution. The purpose of the French Revolution was to put an end to feudalism and establish capitalism. The aim of the October Revolution is to put an end to capitalism and to establish socialism.
  • Lenin: We shall not achieve socialism without a struggle. But we are ready to fight, we have started it and we shall finish it with the aid of the apparatus called the Soviets.
  • Gilbert Scott-Heron: The first revolution is when you change your mind.
  • Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya: Solidarity among the male and female workers, a general cause, general goals, a general path to that goal - that is the solution to the "woman" question in the working-class environment.
  • Lenin: No idea could be more erroneous or harmful than to separate foreign from home policy.
  • Kim Jong-il: Introducing individualism into socialism, which is based entirely on collectivism, is tantamount to taking poison.
  • Langston Hughes: Put one more S in the U.S.A. To make it Soviet.
  • Lenin: There is a good Latin proverb which says: “It is natural for all men to err; but only a fool persists in his error.
  • Lenin: A Marxist must take cognisance of real life, of the true facts of reality, and not cling to a theory of yesterday, which, like all theories, at best only outlines the main and the general, only comes near to embracing life in all its complexity.
  • Kim Il Sung: It can be said that the life of a revolutionary begins by going among the masses and that it is over when he parts from them.
  • Lenin: Deafened by liberal catch-phrases, people in our country are apt to overlook the actual class stand of the liberal party’s real bosses.
  • Lenin: The proletariat’s struggle against the bourgeoisie, which finds expression in a variety of forms ever richer in content, inevitably becomes a political struggle directed towards the conquest of political power by the proletariat (“the dictatorship of the proletariat”).

Major Service Notice, USpol

It's with a heavy heart that I'm letting y'all know that I'm disabling open-registrations and *encouraging* all users to find a new home.

I'm not kicking anyone off my server, but unfortunately due to the political situation here in the US the chance for things to go *very bad very quickly* I can not vouch for this server as reliable.

I live in Texas and need to figure out plans to evacuate at this point. I was holding out hope that we'd at least have status quo (as monstrously awful as it is) for longer.

And to make things worse, I'm a trans-woman, they actively want to make my very existence (let alone presence online) illegal and have been building the machinery to make that a very fast process once Trump assumes office.

So I do not recommend this server any longer for those reasons, if you choose to stay I'll continue to run it and support y'all.

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

Pendant Lighting

Looking for a lighting upgrade? Pendant lights are a top choice among homeowners! Sleek, stylish, and versatile, they seamlessly fit into any room. With just one bulb per fixture, they add a modern touch to your space. Find the perfect pendant to match your style! 💡 #InteriorDesign #Lighting…