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John A. Hobson: The richly nourished patriotism of war breeds divisions and antagonisms which are easily exploited afterwards by political, racial, religious, and cultural passions, but most of all by economic interests.…

La vérité rougit l'œil, mais elle ne la transperce pas.

Proverbe sénégalais écrit sous une forme un peu différente connu en France depuis 1940:
«La vérité rougit l'œil , mais ne le crève pas.»
Comprenez que dire la vérité peut faire pleurer, mais ne blesse pas le corps de la personne.

|La vérité rougit l'œil, mais elle ne la transperce pas.|

L'arbre tombe toujours du côté où il penche.

Nous devons probablement ce diction au prêtre jésuite italien Paolo Segneri dans son ouvrage "La Manna Dell'anima" (1685).

Dans son commentaire sur le verset 3 du chapitre 11 de l'Ecclésiale, il a écrit:

Vous voudriez savoir quel sera votre sort, et de quel côté vous tomberez: c'est un mystère que la Sagesse divine a jugé à propos de cacher à tous les hommes. Mais après tout, ce que vous ne sauriez découvrir assurément, peut en quelque sorte vous devenir certain, par de raisonnables conjectures. Quand on coupe la racine d'un arbre, il tombe toujours du côté où il penche le plus. De quel côté penchez-vous? Est-ce vers le Midi ou vers le Septentrion? Vous penchez vers le Septentrion, et vous espérez tomber vers le Midi: téméraire confiance, qui selon toutes les apparences, sera confondue par un jugement sans miséricorde!

|L'arbre tombe toujours du côté où il penche.|

L'imitation est la forme de flatterie la plus sincère que la médiocrité puisse payer à la grandeur.

On doit la première version de ce dicton au périodique "The Spectator" en 1714. Une famille d'expressions similaires a évolué au fil du temps. En 1842, il a pris sa forme actuelle dans un article non signé. Oscar Wilde a utilisé des expressions de cette famille à partir de 1882.

Extrait de "The Spectator", Volume 8, Numéro 605 du 11 octobre 1714:

C'est une belle réflexion que j'ai entendu par un de mes amis: on peut être sûr qu'une femme aime un homme lorsqu'elle utilise ses expressions, raconte ses histoires ou imite ses manières. Cela procure un plaisir secret, car l'imitation est une sorte de flatterie sans art, et favorise grandement le puissant principe de l'amour-propre.

En 1842, le "Dublin Monthly Magazine" de Dublin, en Irlande, a publié un article faisant l’éloge du chimiste irlandais Robert Kane:

La Rochefoucault disait que «l'hypocrisie était l'hommage inconscient que le vice rendait à la vertu»; ne pourrait-on pas dire aussi que le plagiat est l'hommage que la médiocrité rend au génie?

Le 6 janvier 1882, le «Boston Daily Globe» de Boston, Massachusetts, a rapporté une remarque attribuée à Oscar Wilde qui assistait à une représentation de l'opéra comique «Patience» de Gilbert et Sullivan:

Lorsque Bunthorne entra en scène, de son pas affecté, Wilde dit à Miss Gabrielle Greeley, qui faisait partie du groupe dans la loge: «C'est l'hommage que la médiocrité rend à ce qui n'est pas médiocre.»

Merci à Quote Investigator!…

|L'imitation est la forme de flatterie la plus sincère que la médiocrité puisse payer à la grandeur.|

A First Post

As I move into my 40s, and contend with the dynamic tension of both more time, money, and capability; against higher demands on those very resources. I've been looking for a new place to do my social networking. I don't need the massive social networks of the past, since most of my community is well established at this point. It's nice to have federation, so my more distant friends can still see my posts without having to maintain or check a specific network just on my behalf. It's a little disappointing to find the landscape of self-hosted or federated social networks so barren, but Friendica seems like a solid option. The federated landscape makes it easier to try a platform, knowing that my work will not be forever vendor-locked into that platform.

Slightly sketchy account makes me uncomfortable and others report it... I politely give them a warning to migrate before shutting them down...

Day and a half later "Protocols of the Elders of Zion"... whelp, that's an immediate delete...

reshared this

2 months into a relationship and god I love her so damn much. There's a lot of passion, but there's also that steady comfort and safety... God I already can't imagine life without her.

How do y'all process the lesbian uhaul instinct? lol

#gay #ReallyGay #lgbt #lesbian #UHAUL

reshared this

Servers that consume significant resources (ie. fediverse servers...) cost so much... 😭

Sorry for the downtime

Housing situation has been a pain, still on the temporary server environment and been hitting major resources bottlenecks.

I'm hoping to get a place sooner, but I've hit some roadblocks that very likely will push it drastically further out... in which case I'll need to spend more money on this environment to return things to stable.

Reminder that I'm covering this entirely out of my own pocket and these constraints are because I'm between homes and can't use my own much cheaper hardware. If you appreciate this instance I would very much appreciate a donation.

new work

আজকে এটিই আমার প্রথম পোস্ট। দেখি কেমন হয়?

Long time no writing here

I started to digging into my latest hobby of #bookbinding (but it's not the only one i assure you)
And made several pamphlet, with also some custom design.
I recently made couple of handmade hardcover journals. One using a custom hero-quest character sheet, the other one is just a lined notebook.
More info for who is interested are available here:… (don't worry all my posts on #ko-fi are free)
It also gave my a nice surprise of receiveing the first donation ever (even if it will be the last it still made me happy! :) ) Any opinion comment is appreciated.
These are couple of pictures of my latest works:

any comment/critics is appreciated.

Hey there, I'm Kees (they/them/their, ne/nem/nir), a 30-something bug living in California. I'm hoping to make this my public facing account to share my art and generally interact with the rest of the fediverse.

I'm an amateur naturalist (I like BIRDS and BUGS, especially parasitic wasps) and I do art in various media (digital, watercolor, acrylic), usually of birds or original characters from an ARPG I help run. #tokipona li pona. Aaand I don't know what else to put in here so I'll stop ha.

Hello world. Just doing some testing with how this interfaces with Mastodon, and the various privacy options
This is meant to be a public post with an abstract/CW

Hello there. Glasgow calling.
I'm an analogue digital hybrid who cares about mental health issues, music, photography and art.
I'm deeply suspicious of ducks (in a less than serious way) and although I exist on Mastodon I'm keen to migrate to Friendica.
Best wishes all.
Unknown parent

Unknown parent

@Shiri Bailem Thankyou very much. Hope you are well.

Mist and fog clouds over this domain. The thoughts of raceme flowers and pinnated ferns hang over my minds eye as I walk with covered pupils. The hard dirt feels rock like, with an occasional trip over roots.

Pulling me down a pathway of cedar and pine, nesting in its canopy, birds orientated skywards to a plateau of limitless sky. Just out of reac- war̓n̼͚͜i̴͈ng,͈͑̌ l͓̀o̩͋ͬw̦͊ b̵̍a̶͋͂t̫tê̾̍r͉̔͠y

O̪͉p͎e̜̽n̡ ỳ̬o̲ur̘̥ e̫͌yē͌ͅs̵͗̿, O̪͉p͎e̜̽n̡ ỳ̬o̲ur̘̥ e̫͌yē͌ͅs̵͗̿, O̪͉p͎e̜̽n̡ ỳ̬o̲ur̘̥ e̫͌yē͌ͅs̵͗̿.

Listened to a command on the internet informing me how to remove dependencies using pacman on arch. Ended up removing ca-certificates and fucking my system. Had to reinstall those packages from cache.