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Any usage of "AI" detection is trash and accomplishes nothing but hurting innocent people.

#AI #College

This'll piss off 40k fans lol

Sorry I've not been on here for a while. Been busy.

Life has been very busy lately. I have been diagnosed with Breast Cancer and had a lump removed & a lot of appointments. I dressing changes 3 times a week. I am having CBT counselling. There is the decluttering. And that is on top of my caring duties, trying to cope with my osteoarthritis, etc & trying to sort out a motorbility car.

Mastodon vs the Fediverse

I don't mean this title as a comparison, but as an antagonistic relationship...

I've been off-and-on in the fediverse for longer than Mastodon has existed, I've followed the building of the fediverse since before ActivityPub ever existed.

I still consider it a blessing the explosive growth that happened within the fediverse... but I'm honestly sickened by the Mastodon effect of it...

So many of the new people hopped on Mastodon and thought that fediverse is just another name for Mastodon... some people even got so far as thinking fediverse is just another name for ActivityPub...

And people came with so many flawed views of what they think the fediverse is as well as completely unrealistic ideas of what it should be.

So many people see it as this miracle pill against all the evils of corporate social servers like Twitter, fixing every single problem that's ever existed in those communities.

... Those people are completely delusional... but they're loud and violent.

They get pissed off any time they run into the actual fediverse... they get pissed off when they realize there's platforms other than Mastodon that don't even remotely behave like Mastodon or especially their imaginary version of Mastodon.

And frankly... I'm getting pissed off at the entitlement of these people.

They think the fediverse is all about their consent on who can see their posts... this is like going to a waterpark and complaining that you didn't consent to getting wet... you went to a waterpark! When you post on the fediverse, you have consented... if you don't consent then you don't post to the fediverse. Reminds me of the annoying cycles of people sharing blocks of vaguely legal looking text to Facebook to try and override the TOS, thinking they can just say "I don't consent to the TOS" to get out of it when you explicitly consented by joining and you revoke that consent by leaving.

They think this is the place for private insular communities... because they walked into an empty park and thought "this public space is mine and will never have crowds of people wandering through". They get pissed at the idea of Meta joining the fediverse with Threads because it means there might be actually be a crowd walking through this public space...

They fuss about community as if their little tiny corner of the fediverse is the whole thing. They mistake their standards and agreements as those for the whole fediverse.

And worst of all these people will actively harass someone over expanding the federation of the fediverse in a way that's not only normal, but part of the specific design of how this place works... especially as these people are so damn clueless they think this is a single instance they can just tear down with pitchforks as opposed to just the one that briefly crossed their attention.

People who want to actively destroy the fediverse by isolating it, breaking it, and otherwise trying to "control" it can get bent.

This. This. This.

Great read that breaks down everything wrong with the whole bridgyfed drama.

A libre networking project that’s designed to bridge protocol spaces together announced its progress and intentions, and Mastodon users freaked out.

Jamie Booth reshared this.

Watching people freak out over someone making a bridge to another fedi platform...

Do people even know how the fediverse works? Interoperability?

Boggles my mind how much impact people think a shittily moderated instance will impact the broader system.

People flip over the idea of connecting to Bluesky or Threads... how many of you know about the trainwreck of Nostr and it's AP bridge? That's the worst network of them all and you still don't hear about it, which tells you everything you need to know.

in reply to Osma A

@osma @jwildeboer
Again: You have the choice to #SelfHost and not limit yourself to anything whatsoever...

But one should also have the freedom to not deal with such spambots to begin with.

Whether that decision should be made individually, by vote.from the users of an instance of sole.discretion of the moderators is a discussion I'll not waste my time with, so I'll move on!

in reply to Shiri Bailem

Just FYI, I've got zero interest in people bringing their whiny bullshit to my posts on the topic. So I'm just blocking strangers who bring the fight here.

I've had my fill of self-centered assholes who want everyone to bend over for their bullshit unrealistic vision of federation.

Your ideal version will never exist and your rage at finding out it doesn't can go fuck itself.

Call for help for emergency vet bills, thankfully my fur-nibling is safe now but my sibling Dandelion is under a lot of strain from this.

Hey friends: my dog got into something he shouldn't and I've been left with a $700 emergency vet bill. Doggo is okay now, thankfully, but I could use some assistance if anyone has anything to give. Venmo: @ronanjoem

Link To Original Post

#EmergencyAid #VetBills #Pets #Dogs

Confused reshared this.

Just a random picture of my kitty receiving joyous chin scritches

Ugh... Stress got to me...

Down with a low grade fever

Seriously, nobody really respects his "rebranding" lol

Whenever you hold down shift in Discord it changes the X logo back to the Twitter logo.

open the profile of anyone on discord who has a twitter account linked (or expand the user profile sidebar in dms), scroll down to their twitter account, and hold shift

Ugh... I am sick of finances right now... my cat had an emergency followed by my sibling/roommate having emergencies and I have been running in poverty mode for weeks now with at least a whole month to go...

Latest issue: gotta pay rent and my phone bill on the 5th, but only enough money to cover on... Need to scrounge up $150 or so before Tuesday ($10-$20 more if after Friday because some other things are hitting) or they're going to put restrictions on our phones (yes it's alot, it's 3 phone lines + 4 device payments). And it's not that I don't really have the money... I just have the money 3 days later...

Hey there, autistic with a special interest in intellectual property law...

Chime in below if you'd like me to actually debunk the misinformation going around about Mickey Mouse's public domain status.

I'm low on energy so I'll save my rant until I know someone actually cares to learn what I know...

#copyright #trademark #MickeyMouse #PublicDomain

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in reply to Shiri Bailem

I'm always interested in debunks by people who know what they are talking about. Let us hear your take, please.
in reply to Ga Schu

@Ga Schu You can find it here:

I think I feel confident enough that people may actually read this now:

First of all is to throw out just about everything you've seen. Extremely few things are even mostly accurate, and the few I've seen of those bury the facts deep under fearmongering...

Public domain means you can use that version however you like... so long as you're not violating some other law (such as trademark) in the process. Copyright no longer applies and it's much the same as the works of Shakespeare, or the Brothers Grimm (which notably Disney used to build much of it's empire...)

Since Public Domain is as simple as it can get, that part is fairly clean and hard to distort... Trademark on the other hand goes way over many peoples' heads.

First, basic idea of trademark: it's specifically narrow in scope, does not prohibit others from using the trademarked property in general, only prohibits it's use in ways that would confuse people or would dilute the trademark.

Simply put, if a reasonable person would get confused looking at that usage of Mickey and could think it was something official from Disney... then it's a violation of their trademark.

Notably the trademark they have applies to the name Mickey Mouse (and names have no copyright) as well as the depiction of Mickey Mouse (in all versions, both copyrighted and public domain).

The reality is there's only really two things you can't do:
* Use Mickey in any way that's not clearly separate from Disney (and including things like a big bold "Unofficial" or "Not Licensed By Disney" or similar does cover that, just so long as they're not hidden).
* Use Mickey or a mouse reasonably confused for Mickey in your branding (this constitutes dilution, which means while people may not be confused it does make it so Mickey stops being associated with Disney)

Notable odd details not usually covered:
* If you make a significantly different version based on this version. (For instance if you were to re-animate Steamboat Willie with entirely new art.) You own the copyright on that version, though your copyright only extends so far as the significant contributions you've made or the exact depiction (ie. if someone tries to sell your rendition of Mickey without significant changes to it... ie. you can't grab someone's fan art and sell it, but you can make your own similar fan art and sell that)
* This actually applies to Disney's own copyright on Mickey as well, all later versions retain only the copyright on their significant contributions. For instance depicting Mickey in color is a grey area (pun intended), but precident says it is allowable as "adding color" is not considered to be a meaningful contribution to the work. (The Fantasia Mickey of course is a prime example of a meaningful contribution as that depiction is very distinctive).

Ugh... I feel the dire urge to rant on topics that sadly I'd be lucky if 5 people even would read them, and I'm fighting emotional and physical exhaustion before I even start...

I'm so tired of people gaslighting left and right online... not remotely willing to learn basic details and instead repeating something that's already spent 12 rounds in a game of telephone... and that non-sense spreading like wildfire while basic fucking facts get ignored...

So very tired...

Just a reminder: You're not shitposting, it's Neo-Dadaistic Art

Holy shit... (yes this is real, it only applies to federal charges because that's all he can pardon), it's worth it y'all...


Had to wait days to get the server back online because the replacement hard drive appears to have been DOA so I had to get a replacement replacement hard drive, but the original drive failed entirely before that got here...

So... finally back up and running.

(I do have a Raid-5 style setup under LVM, so thankfully that means no data was lost... but it wasn't in a great position to run it in the mean time. I plan to try and upgrade it to RAID-6 style soonish so I can safely run it deprecated... as well as a few other configuration changes that'll help performance and reliability)

Content warning: Discussion of Israel/Palestine

in reply to Shiri Bailem

I would argue that if you believe that Israel should become a "state for all of its citizens" instead of "the state of the Jewish people", and include both Arabs and Jews as equal citizens, then you are an anti-Zionist. You don't need to call for the ethnic cleansing of Jews in Israel/Palestine to be an anti-Zionist. You just have to reject territorial expansionism, settler colonialism, and "Blood and Soil".

I consider myself anti-Zionist and believe the idea of an ethnonationalist settler colony to be absolutely ridiculous to me, regardless of where it is. I am also Jewish so there's that.

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

in reply to Shiri Bailem

Content warning: Discussion of Israel/Palestine

Nothing like making a small mistake that knocks all your servers offline for 10 hours... dear god that was slow...

Dear lord I can't win lately... NAS went down and I basically had to kick it to get it back up, likely related to a dead disk...

Here's the tally of my environment:
* 2 Proxmox servers
- 1 server failed, I need to send it in for a refund under the protection plan
- I bought a server to replace it already... that server came with a busted ram slot meaning it's already on degraded performance (need to refund it, but want to get a replacement before I send it off...)

  • 1 old desktop running as a NAS
  • 1 hard drive is throwing non-critical block errors, threatening to fail... I got the warranty exchange set up already but...
  • 1 hard drive failed entirely after setting up that warranty exchange and now I don't have the parity to spare a drive, so I need to spare drives before I can start exchanging drives (those drives should arrive on Saturday)

And in all of this... spending way too much money I really shouldn't be spending at all...

And before someone thinks I'm throwing around a few K here... everything I'm getting is renewed, which is probably part of the problem but I sure as hell can't afford new. (Proxmox servers are around $100 each, drives around $45 each)

Shannon Prickett reshared this.

in reply to Shiri Bailem

Oh, and the NAS going down is critical because those $100 boxes (a) don't have enough disk space for everything and (b) it's how I'm maintaining the ability to high(-ish) availability transfer between the two nodes (this saved me when the one proxmox system died).

Those are tiny form factor systems, but they have room for a second hard drive. I need to get a couple of hard drives to drop into them so they have better local storage, afterwards I can set them up as ZFS and use proxmox's features to sync the drives between the two nodes... that way they're not relying on the nas for anything that's not just large.

You want to know how to leave me completely dumbfounded?

Go on a christofascist rant in someone's comments, spout completely bullshit for _hours_ and then... practically out of nowhere... acknowledge your poor behavior and apologize.

... it's going to take me a looooooong time to process this.

Btw y'all, if you're not Christian then Matthew 6:5 is the best verse when dealing with Christians lol

You ever want to see how razor thin support and inclusivity is?

Tell people you're a Jew and hate "Happy Holidays" and "Season's Greetings" because they're faux inclusivity.

People come out of the woodwork that would normally say they're allies to tell you that the harms you experience aren't real, or that the fact that others like it means the harms you experience don't matter.

Let alone the people who don't remotely read said posts before replying...


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Unknown parent

Shiri Bailem
@Cass M 🇨🇦 :mstdn: far less really, people get this way because they think they're being inclusive and nothing makes people defensive like "I appreciate the thought but you're not doing what you think you're doing"
Unknown parent

Shiri Bailem

@Cass M 🇨🇦 :mstdn: oh wow I was out of sorts when I replied the first time, I completely blazed past calling out that "Judeo-Christian" is antisemitic:

99% of the time "Judeo-Christian" is antisemitic. And yes, I will absolutely elaborate on this if asked.

Credit: @Rabbit Cohen

Screenshot of a Tweet from Rabbit Cohen @[url=]Rabbit Cohen[/url] reading: Abortion bans are not "Judeo-Christian". They are ChristoFascist. Get "Judeo" out of your mouth.

Edit because this blew up far more than I expected and multiple people have asked for me to elaborate, here's a copy of my elaboration with follow up questions encouraged:

It's a messy topic and it's late here (I'm a bit sleepy), so feel free to ask follow up questions.

The short version of it is that Judeo-Christian is almost always used in one of two harmful ways:

1) To try and give more credibility and weight to something that is purely Christian by claiming that it's part of Judaism as well when it's not (like the above example, because Judaism explicitly permits abortions)
2) To try and talk about broader groupings of related faiths while ignoring the many other Abrahamic faiths (the proper term, though that one more often hurts the lesser known groups, don't use it unless you also know it applies to groups like the Baháʼí, which I'll admit even I know next to nothing about, but it's valid here because all I'm doing is naming their religious family)

Because many (cough most cough) teach a bastardized form of Judaism through the lens of Christianity, and because that's the only exposure many get to our faith... they get skewed harmful and hurtful ideas about us.

Some highlight examples:
* We don't have an established afterlife (we don't say there isn't one, we just have zero information on it if there is)
* We don't seek "eternal reward", the reward for our faith is being a better person than we were the day before
* We have forgiveness baked into our faith, and no it doesn't require animal sacrifice (it requires you to actually ask the person you wronged...)
* We thoroughly encourage arguing any topic with anyone (right time and place of course), and that includes picking a fight with God if you think they're wrong about something (you have a 99.9% chance of being wrong... but we commend the effort and every once in a while someone wins the argument)
* We have a rule, Pikuach Nefesh, roughly meaning that life is the highest commandment. Your well being takes precedence over your faith, if it would hurt you or others to be observant than you are exempt from that requirement. It's unacceptable to hurt others for your faith, and for yourself it's frowned upon
* We actively discourage conversion, it's allowed but it's not a trivial process. We don't want people to become Jews, we just want people to be better.

The biggest thing for me with some of the eat the rich posts I've seen lately, especially those talking about Taylor Swift, is basing judgement off of a net worth score.

(I'm no fan of Taylor Swift, I just know that she barely notched over and only on net worth... which is a junk number, basically a fancy guess how much them and everything they own would sell for, including things like song rights, likeness, etc)

I'll especially note that I don't think any artist really comes close to billionaire earnings without other businesses that are bigger than their art.

Useful reference:
* Highest Paid Actor (in a year) - Most years this floats just under $80 million, some rare extreme years see around $200 million
* Highest Paid Musician (in a year) - this jumps around alot but in 2022 it was $210 million and peaked in 2014 with Dr Dre at $620 million (next highest was Bruce Springsteen in 2021 for $435 million)

Important note not being a billionaire doesn't mean they can't be exploiting, just that billionaires are guaranteed to be intentionally exploiting.

In the case of artists, they have very little control over most of the things. Actors are contractors with little to no employees and no control over the pay of anyone else. Musicians are tied up in contracts and have a limited list of employees (ie. background dancers), and generally are just hiring venues (the venue provides almost all the workers, and they pretty much all suck of course).

The worst thing about subtitled anime... is that you occasionally forget that you can't understand them, get distracted by something else and then realize you didn't catch anything that happened over the past 5 minutes...

Got my anti-cistamines today! One order of tit-tacs and one order of antiboyotics!

#hrt #trans #transfemme

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(for those unfamiliar: Framework makes a modular upgradable open laptop design, their laptops have expansion bays that accept these cards which all use standard USB-C ports as their basis, so their USB-A expansion card can technically be used as a C-A adapter on other computers)

Oh God, I'm LOVING Scott Pilgrim: Takes Off!

It Is NOT What You Expect It Is!

Shannon Prickett reshared this.

in reply to ראַף 🟣

@raf 🟣 My jaw hit the floor and never quite got off it the whole rest of the way.

I was half watching it while playing games, expecting a straight retelling with minor changes and more content... I was so confused at the end of episode 1!

in reply to Shiri Bailem

My initial expectation is it's going to be like the Matrix 4 movie with lots of callbacks but done so much better

But no spoilers! I'm checking this out!

in reply to Shiri Bailem

eu probably also had a hand in this. But like both companies suck and proprietary hell shouldnt even exist in the first place
in reply to :labrys-xf-p: HighPriestessTerra :labrys-xf-b: :xf_lesknife:

@:labrys-xf-p: HighPriestessTerra :labrys-xf-b: :xf_lesknife: maybe? I hadn't heard anything and the EU's pressure usually comes from other fronts.

I suspect it might be success on Google's counter-ploy add all the same features, and have it automatically translate iMessage's "such-and-such liked your message" to proper reactions... so iMessage users got stuck purely being the less featured bunch

I'm as much eat the rich as the next girl, but I do get tired people applying it casually to entertainers or artists...

It's not a score thing, it's not hit this number in net worth and suddenly you're on the dinner plat. It's based on the fact specifically on the abuses it takes to get there, entertainers being one of the few exceptions on multiple fronts.

Here's the thing about entertainers:
* they're typically not the ones responsible for paying the workers, outside of a small few, actors don't pay the film crew (they're paid by the same people as the crew), and singers/musicians don't pay the majority of the crew (they're paid for by the venue, those they do pay for are probably going to be better compensated for their expertise). The stories of actors donating parts of their salary to crew... that's legit charity as it's not their responsibilities (that responsibility falls on the producers and studio execs).
* they have wildly inflated net worth, because net worth of a performer is typically about how much money they can make, but not necessarily how much money they get.
* they have inconsistent pay
* often those numbers hide other expenses, if they have their own staff or equipment or resources or such... those costs come after the number you're being quoted typically (ie. a musician makes $500 mil on the tour? Their personal crew, tour bus, etc are all paid out from that). This is because a performer is an instance of them being their own business which means they have astronomical expenses under their name.

Of course this doesn't mean they can't be awful, it's not uncommon for them to start their own side businesses (considered a good plan because their stardom likely won't last forever), and it's in those businesses where they often become "The Rich".


in reply to Shiri Bailem

In any case, those "net worth" troll-bait websites are worthless. I got some flak from an idiot on mastodon a couple of months back who had seen my name on one and decided I was a millionaire. I looked it up and it was something like a 500% to 1000% over-estimate. (They pull those figures out of their ass: it's simple clickbait.)
in reply to Charlie Stross

@Charlie Stross it's entirely guesswork I agree, but I do think it's also a combination of people not knowing what net worth even is...

Like for you they'd be talking thinks like your "fair market value" if you were to sell off all rights to the laundry files.

Net worth includes a lot of ridiculous number... for the typical person it includes the estimated amounts they can get if they were to sell their car, their home, every single possession of any remote worth to them...

The "net" part of it is what the number is minus debts.

The guesswork of course is just them guessing what you could theoretically sell your whole life for and a guess of how much you owe in debts.

A lot of people think it means income or how much money someone has on hand.

in reply to Shiri Bailem

of course you play the waifu game💀
This entry was edited (11 months ago)

Dear god can we stop with the false "this saying is actually longer", it's terrifying seeing constant historical revisionism even if it's something so minor...

We don't need to edit history to erase all the inconveniences of taking a quippy saying at face value, and this only encourages people to be awful around so very many very real social issues because the quippy line can be purposefully misread in some shitty way that's obviously incorrect... by pulling this constantly it just tells people they're in the right for their bad faith takes.

Hey, it's that time of year again where I remind you that "Happy Holidays" is *** NOT INCLUSIVE ***.

There is no special feature of this time of year that makes "happy holidays" inclusive. It's popular to cite how many holidays occur in winter/fall... but you find just as many in every season.

Happy holidays is purely a stand-in for Merry Christmas, and the whole effort of it is using a nod to minority religions (most commonly my faith) to throw Christmas in our faces while pretending to include us.

Channukah is our least important holiday, acknowledging it when you don't even know our other holidays, let alone what our most sacred holidays are... well, that tells you the whole story itself.

Let alone people don't know when it actually is and will most years be "celebrating" it weeks after it's over.

Holidays don't have to be lumped together, celebrate your holiday. Nobody is offended at you celebrating your holiday, only at it being forced on us.

And "Happy Holidays" only exists as a way to force it on us while pretending to include us.