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Hey, it's that time of year again where I remind you that "Happy Holidays" is *** NOT INCLUSIVE ***.

There is no special feature of this time of year that makes "happy holidays" inclusive. It's popular to cite how many holidays occur in winter/fall... but you find just as many in every season.

Happy holidays is purely a stand-in for Merry Christmas, and the whole effort of it is using a nod to minority religions (most commonly my faith) to throw Christmas in our faces while pretending to include us.

Channukah is our least important holiday, acknowledging it when you don't even know our other holidays, let alone what our most sacred holidays are... well, that tells you the whole story itself.

Let alone people don't know when it actually is and will most years be "celebrating" it weeks after it's over.

Holidays don't have to be lumped together, celebrate your holiday. Nobody is offended at you celebrating your holiday, only at it being forced on us.

And "Happy Holidays" only exists as a way to force it on us while pretending to include us.