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René Descartes: In order to seek truth, it is necessary once in the course of our life, to doubt, as far as possible, of all things.…
René Descartes: I would give everything I know for half of what I don't know.…
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René Descartes: To divide each of the difficulties under examination into as many parts as possible, and as might be necessary for its adequate solution.…
René Descartes: Common sense is the best distributed commodity in the world, for every man is convinced that he is well supplied with it.…
DWP could track exactly how you spend your money if you're on benefits - Liverpool Echo…
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Enver Hoxha: In this transitional period for the consolidation of their power we see how the Khrushchevites, with great boasting about how they were acting in a “lofty party spirit”, “freed from the fear of Stalin”, and “in truly democratic and Leninist forms”, worked actively to spread the most monstrous slanders which only the bourgeoisie has dared to use against the Soviet Union and Stalin. This whole campaign of slanders supported and tried to prove with allegedly legal documents the slanders which all the capitalists had been making for years against Marxism-Leninism. Everything was used by the Khrushchevites. They searched through the archives, documents and minutes which covered decades of work and from which they extracted isolated ideas and phrases which they quoted to interpret the tactics used in the way that suited them, they even used anectodes about people's private lives, in one word, they used typical Trotskyite methods of work. All this was done in order to attack the correct revolutionary strategy of Stalin, to attack and undermine the Leninist norms, to attack the Marxist-Leninist ideology with pseudo-legal forms and to discredit Stalin and socialism in the Soviet Union and the world.…
Enver Hoxha: The great hullabaloo the Khrushchevites made about the so-called cult of Stalin was really only a bluff. It was not Stalin, who was a modest person, who had built up this cult, but all the revisionist scum accumulated at the head of the party and the state which apart from anything else, exploited the great love of the Soviet peoples for Stalin, especially after the victory over fascism. If one reads the speeches of Khrushchev, Mikoyan and all the other members of the Presidium, one will see what unrestrained and hypocritical praises these enemies poured on Stalin as long as he was alive. It is sickening to read these things when you think that behind all this praise they were hiding their hostile work from the communists and the masses who were deceived, thinking that they had to do with leaders loyal to Marxism-Leninism and comrades loyal to Stalin.…
Blind woman banned from every UK Asda for having a guide dog in South London store…
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Enver Hoxha: Before the death of Stalin, Khrushchev and his close collaborators in the putsch were among the main leaders who acted undercover, who made preparations and awaited the appropriate moment for open action on a broad scale. It is a fact that these traitors were hardened conspirators, with the experience of various Russian counter-revolutionaries, the experience of anarchists, Trotskyites and Bukharinites. They were also acquainted with the experience of the revolution and the Bolshevik Party, although they learned nothing of benefit from the revolution, but learned everything they needed to undermine the revolution and socialism, while escaping the blows of the revolution and the dictatorship of the proletariat. In short, they were counter-revolutionaries and double-dealers. On the one hand, they sang the praises of socialism, the revolution, the Bolshevik Communist Party, Lenin and Stalin, and on the other hand, they prepared the counter-revolution. Hence, all this accumulated scum carried out sabotage with the subtlest methods, which they disguised by praising Stalin and the socialist regime. These elements disorganised the revolution while organising the counter-revolution, displayed “severity” against internal enemies in order to spread fear and terror in the party, the state and the people. It was they who created a situation full of euphoria which they reported to Stalin, but in reality they destroyed the base of the party, the base of the state, caused spiritual degeneration and built up the cult of Stalin to the skies in order to overthrow him more easily in the future.…
Enver Hoxha: One of the main directions of Khrushchev’s strategy and tactics was to seize complete political and ideological power within the Soviet Union and to put the Soviet army and the state security organs in his service. The Khrushchev group would work to achieve this objective step by step. At first, it would not attack Marxism-Leninism, the construction of socialism in the Soviet Union and Stalin frontally. On the contrary, this group would base itself on the successes achieved and, moreover, would exalt them to the maximum, in order to gain credit for itself and create a situation of euphoria, with the aim of destroying the socialist base and superstructure later. First of all, this renegade group had to get control of the party, in order to eliminate the possible resistance of those cadres who had not lost their revolutionary class vigilance, to neutralise the waverers and win them over by means of persuasion or threats, as well as to promote to the key leading positions bad, anti-Marxist, careerist, opportunist elements of whom, of course, there were some in the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the apparatus of the Soviet state.…
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Enver Hoxha: The way in which the death of Stalin was announced and his funeral ceremony was organised created the impression amongst us, the Albanian communists and people, and others like us, that many members of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union had been awaiting his death impatiently. One day after Stalin’s death on March 6, 1953, the Central Committee of the party, the Council of Ministers and the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR were summoned to an urgent joint meeting. On occasions of great losses, such as the death of Stalin, urgent meetings are necessary and indispensable. However, the many important changes which were announced in the press one day later, showed that this urgent meeting had been held for no other reason but…the sharing out of posts! Stalin had only just died, his body had not yet been placed in the hall where the final homage was to be paid, the program for the organisation of paying homage and the funeral ceremony was still not worked out, the Soviet communists and the Soviet people were weeping over their great loss, while the top Soviet leadership found the time to share out the portfolios! Malenkov became premier, Beria became first deputy premier and minister of internal affairs, and Bulganin, Kaganovich, Mikoyan, Molotov shared the other posts. Major changes were made in all the top organs in the party and the state within that day. The Presidium and the Bureau of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the party were merged into a single organ, new secretaries of the Central Committee of the party were elected, a number of ministries were amalgamated or united, changes were made in the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, etc. These actions could not fail to make profound and by no means favourable impressions on us. Disturbing questions arose automatically: how were all these major changes made so suddenly within one day, and not just any ordinary day, but on the first day of mourning?! Logic compels us to believe that everything had been prepared in advance. The lists of these changes had been worked out long before in suspicious secrecy and they were simply waiting for the occasion to proclaim them in order to satisfy this one and that one……
Émile Zola: If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I, an artist, will answer you: I am here to live out loud.…
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Robin Williams: God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time.…
Henry Palmer: The engineer is a mediator between the philosopher and the working mechanic and, like an interpreter between two foreigners must understand the language of both, hence the absolute necessity of possessing both practical and theoretical knowledge.…
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Walter Benjamin: The experience of our generation: that capitalism will not die a natural death.…
Lenin: Opportunism is our principal enemy. Opportunism in the upper ranks of the working class movement is not proletarian socialism but bourgeois socialism. Practice has shown that the active people in the working class movement who adhere to the opportunist trend are better defenders of the bourgeoisie than the bourgeoisie itself. Without their leadership of the workers, the bourgeoisie could not remain in power.…
Wolfgang Heyl: If we can say today with justifiable pride that peace emanates from our German Democratic Republic, then this is not least the result of the joint work of Christians and Marxists, who equally know that they are called to genuine service to peace.…
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