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Chacun a la responsabilité morale de désobéir aux lois injustes.

Citation extraite d'une lettre de Martin Luther King adressée à des confrères du clergé depuis la prison de Birmingham, le 16 avril 1963.…

Extrait d'une lettre de Martin Luther King adressée à des confrères du clergé depuis la prison de Birmingham, le 16 avril 1963:

Vous exprimez une grande inquiétude quant à notre volonté d'enfreindre la loi. Cette inquiétude est certainement légitime. Puisque nous exhortons les gens à respecter la décision de la Cour suprême de 1954 interdisant la ségrégation dans les écoles publiques, il est plutôt étrange et paradoxal de nous voir consciemment enfreindre les lois. On peut se demander comment il est possible de préconiser d'enfreindre certaines lois et d'en respecter d'autres. La réponse se trouve dans le fait qu'il existe deux types de lois: Il y a des lois justes et des lois injustes. Je serais le premier à préconiser l'obéissance aux lois justes. On a non seulement une responsabilité juridique mais aussi une responsabilité morale d'obéir aux lois justes. Inversement, on a la responsabilité morale de désobéir aux lois injustes.

|Chacun a la responsabilité morale de désobéir aux lois injustes.|

Fais de ta vie un rêve, et d'un rêve, une réalité.

Citation apocryphe. Ça tombe bien, elle est aussi molle que de la guimauve. Elle est apparue avec le coaching en développement personnel.…

|Fais de ta vie un rêve, et d'un rêve, une réalité.|

Personne ne naît en haïssant une autre personne à cause de la couleur de sa peau, ou de ses origines, ou de sa religion. Les gens doivent apprendre à haïr et s'il peuvent apprendre à haïr, ils peuvent aussi apprendre à aimer.

Citation extraite de l'autobiographie "Long Walk to Freedom" de Nelson Mandela (1994).

Extraite de l'autobiographie "Long Walk to Freedom" de Nelson Mandela (1994):

Personne ne naît en haïssant une autre personne à cause de la couleur de sa peau, ou de son passé, ou de sa religion. Les gens doivent apprendre à haïr, et s'ils peuvent apprendre à haïr, on peut leur enseigner aussi à aimer, car l'amour naît plus naturellement dans le cœur de l'homme que son contraire. Même aux pires moments de la prison, quand mes camarades et moi étions à bout, j'ai toujours aperçu une lueur d'humanité chez un des gardiens, pendant une seconde peut-être, mais cela suffisait à me rassurer et à me permettre de continuer. La bonté de l'homme est une flamme qu'on peut cacher mais qu'on ne peut jamais éteindre.

|Personne ne naît en haïssant une autre personne à cause de la couleur de sa peau, ou de ses origines, ou de sa religion. Les gens doivent apprendre à haïr et s'il peuvent apprendre à haïr, ils peuvent aussi apprendre à aimer.|


Sorry for the downtime, server crashed and I wasn't able to address it quickly or smoothly in my current mental state.

I took advantage of the downtime, and probably exacerbated it a little, and finally did the migration back to local hardware... so it *should* be more reliable.

What honestly stretched it out a lot is that I also applied the most recent stable Friendica version and that took forever to update the database.

Vanessa reshared this.

Stalin: Actually, Mr. Churchill, and his friends in Britain and the United States, present to the non-English speaking nations something in the nature of an ultimatum: “Accept our rule voluntarily, and then all will be well; otherwise war is inevitable.” But the nations shed their blood in the course of five years’ fierce war for the sake of the liberty and independence of their countries, and not in order to exchange the domination of the Hitlers for the domination of the Churchills. It is quite probable, accordingly, that the non-English-speaking nations, which constitute the vast majority of the population of the world, will not agree to submit to a new slavery.…

Pier Paolo Pasolini: I miss the poor and genuine people who fought to abolish that master (Fascism) without turning into him.…

Major Service Notice, USpol

It's with a heavy heart that I'm letting y'all know that I'm disabling open-registrations and *encouraging* all users to find a new home.

I'm not kicking anyone off my server, but unfortunately due to the political situation here in the US the chance for things to go *very bad very quickly* I can not vouch for this server as reliable.

I live in Texas and need to figure out plans to evacuate at this point. I was holding out hope that we'd at least have status quo (as monstrously awful as it is) for longer.

And to make things worse, I'm a trans-woman, they actively want to make my very existence (let alone presence online) illegal and have been building the machinery to make that a very fast process once Trump assumes office.

So I do not recommend this server any longer for those reasons, if you choose to stay I'll continue to run it and support y'all.

Fear, anger and confusion as budget blundering creates chaos over government’s plans for ‘fit for work’ test – Disability News Service…


Holy shit, today I learned... now I can at least follow people on Bluesky without having to make an account... (Bonus because Friendica supports RSS natively, but y'all on Mastodon and similar will probably benefit from this)

One of my favorite people is now on blue sky, and I dont want to create a bluesky account just to follow him.

Fortunately every blue sky account has an rss feed, and RSSParrot can create a fediverse account for me to follow so I can get my favorite twitch streamer's bluesky updates right in my mastodon timeline:

#RSS #Mastodon #BlueSky #RSSParrot

My instance is currently running on a rented dedicated server, but in the next few weeks gets transferred back down to my own local hardware. But it still doesn't cost nothing to run even after that (power, internet, upgrades, backups, time).

I literally never received a donation, but I keep trucking on.

That said, running your own instance is rewarding and I definitely encourage shared hosting solutions.

The power of the fediverse is decentralization which doesn’t happen by accident. If you’re on a server you love then support it financially, but if you’re thinking of changing servers consider spinning up your own.

The cost of managed hosting via @fedihost is the same as what I was previously contributing to my prior server, but now I have complete control of my experience.…

#Mastodon #PeerTube #Pixelfed #Fediverse #Decentralize #KeepSocialSmall

Kaleb 🚫 reshared this.

in reply to Shiri Bailem

I would love to host on my own hardware someday, but networking is my kryptonite. I have no idea how to make a RaspberryPi accessible externally (on a dynamic IP) without introducing all manner of security risks that I don’t understand.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

This hits hard tbh

#lbgt #lgbtqia #lgbt #trans #meme

in reply to Shiri Bailem

Sensitive content

in reply to Shiri Bailem

wait a minute. Trans people are the real Americans!

/j /j idek what I’d be starting with this omfg /j

Pendant Lighting

Looking for a lighting upgrade? Pendant lights are a top choice among homeowners! Sleek, stylish, and versatile, they seamlessly fit into any room. With just one bulb per fixture, they add a modern touch to your space. Find the perfect pendant to match your style! 💡 #InteriorDesign #Lighting…

How much small print did you have to read before you could boot your computer for the first time?

#linux #mac #windows #macos #microsoft #boot #licence #agreement #meme #nerd #humor #just4fun #lol #fun #funny #joke #economy #freedom #foss #floss #gnu #gpl

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