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Lorsque les pères s’habituent à laisser faire les enfants, lorsque les fils ne tiennent plus compte de leurs paroles, lorsque les maîtres tremblent devant leurs élèves et préfèrent les flatter, lorsque finalement les jeunes méprisent les lois...

Réécriture d'un passage "La République", Livre VIII, de Platon, dialogue socratique rédigé vers 375 avant J.-C. Cet apocryphe anachronique semble remonter à 1969 en France (suite aux évènements de 1968?)

Extrait du Livre VIII de la République de Platon:

Socrate - Je veux dire que le père s'accoutume à traiter son enfant comme son égal, à le craindre même; que celui-ci s'égale à son père et n'a ni respect ni crainte pour les auteurs de ses jours, parce qu'autrement sa liberté en souffrirait; que les citoyens et les simples habitants et les étrangers même aspirent aux mêmes droits.
Adimante - C'est bien là ce qui arrive.
Socrate - Oui, et il arrive aussi d’autres misères telles que celles-ci. Sous un pareil gouvernement, le maître craint et ménage ses disciples; ceux-ci se moquent de leurs maîtres et de leurs surveillants. En général les jeunes gens veulent aller de pair avec les vieillards, et lutter avec eux en propos et en actions. Les vieillards, de leur côté, descendent aux manières des jeunes gens, en affectent le ton léger et l'esprit badin, et imitent la jeunesse de peur d’avoir l'air fâcheux et despotique.
Adimante - Tout-à-fait.
Socrate - Mais le dernier excès de la liberté dans un État populaire, c'est quand les esclaves de l'un et de l'autre sexe ne sont pas moins libres que ceux qui les ont achetés. Et nous allions presque oublier de dire jusqu'où vont l'égalité et la liberté dans les rapports des femmes et des hommes.
Adimante - Et pourquoi donc ne dirions-nous pas, selon l'expression d'Eschyle,
Tout ce qui nous vient maintenant à la bouche? [On ignore à quelle tragédie d'Eschyle appartient ce vert qui était passé en proverbe.]
Socrate - Sans doute, et c'est aussi ce que je fais. Il n'est pas jusqu'aux animaux à l'usage des hommes qui en vérité ne soient là plus libres que partout ailleurs; c'est à ne pas le croire, si on ne l'a pas vu. Des petites chiennes y sont tout comme leurs maîtresses, suivant le proverbe; les chevaux et les ânes, accoutumés à une allure fière et libre, s'en vont heurter ceux qu'ils rencontrent, si on ne leur cède le passage. Et ainsi du reste; tout y respire la liberté.
Adimante - Tu me racontes mon propre songe. Je ne vais jamais à la campagne, que cela ne m'arrive.
Socrate - Or, vois-tu le résultat de tout ceci, combien les citoyens en deviennent ombrageux, au point de s'indigner et de se soulever à la moindre apparence de contrainte? Ils en viennent à la fin, comme tu sais, jusqu'à ne tenir aucun compte des lois écrites
ou non écrites, afin de n'avoir absolument aucun maître.
Adimante - Je le sais parfaitement.
Socrate - Eh bien, mon cher ami, c'est de ce jeune et beau gouvernement que naît la tyrannie, du moins à ce que je pense.

|Lorsque les pères s’habituent à laisser faire les enfants, lorsque les fils ne tiennent plus compte de leurs paroles, lorsque les maîtres tremblent devant leurs élèves et préfèrent les flatter, lorsque finalement les jeunes méprisent les lois...|

On n'est pas responsable de la tête que l'on a, mais de la tête que l'on fait.

Citation déformée du cardinal Désiré Mercier attestée dans les ouvrages "Alexis le trotteur" de Jean-Claude Larouche (1971) et "Les soifs de l'homme" de Jacques d'Arnoux (1978).

Pourquoi l'associer à la Chine? Parce que c'est le Pays du sourire?

Citation du cardinal Désiré Mercier:

Si personne n'est responsable de la tête qu'il a, tout le monde, à partir d'un certain âge, est responsable de la tête qu'il fait.

|On n'est pas responsable de la tête que l'on a, mais de la tête que l'on fait.|

Les opportunités ne sont pas offertes. Elles doivent être arrachées. Et cela demande de la persévérance... et du courage.

Citation modifiée extraite du discours prononcé par Indira Gandhi le 16 novembre 1968 à l'Indian Institute of Technology de New Delhi.

Extrait du discours prononcé par Indira Gandhi le 16 novembre 1968 à l'Indian Institute of Technology de New Delhi:

Partout dans le monde, les entrepreneurs sont nombreux parmi les ingénieurs. Dans notre pays, même si nous avons mis l'accent sur le fait que les industries de base et les industries stratégiques relèvent du secteur public, les possibilités de création d'entreprises par des jeunes hommes et des jeunes femmes entreprenants sont pratiquement illimitées. Mais les opportunités ne sont pas offertes; il faut les arracher et travailler pour les obtenir. Cela demande de la persévérance et de la ténacité, de la détermination et du courage. Plus de la moitié de nos investissements dans le plan sont consacrés à la construction et à l'équipement. Ainsi, vous et vos collègues seniors êtes les dépositaires de notre développement. Aujourd'hui, nous sommes confrontés à des difficultés particulières, car nous passons d'une situation où nous recevions une aide étrangère importante à une situation d'autosuffisance. C'est la plus difficile de toutes les phases du développement et elle exige le plus grand effort pour mobiliser et utiliser pleinement nos ressources. Dans tout ce que vous faites, vous devez vous efforcer de réaliser un maximum d'économies, libérant ainsi des ressources rares pour d'autres activités productives. Aujourd'hui, nous devons mobiliser chaque paisa et chaque once d'énergie. Nous devons travailler avec dévouement et surtout avec le sentiment d'un engagement profond envers notre pays. Ce n'est qu'ainsi que nous pourrons assurer notre avenir.

|Les opportunités ne sont pas offertes. Elles doivent être arrachées. Et cela demande de la persévérance... et du courage.|

The chasm and chamber open up, fewer lights than before linger but all is the same dull brightness.

Continuing its f͑ͨ̒͝ą̥͙̬̫̙̤͍̠̥̊͆̇̄̀̎ͭͯ̊͗ͩl̸̸̡̨̙͗͠͡s̮̙̼͕̮̬͎̏̆ͮḝ̸̷̵̨̯̟͈̦̱̜͎̻͂͐̎̒̚͟͝h̨̛͖̣̗̰̗̠̬̬ͨ̓͆̑̂̉͌͠o̸̢͔͚̹̲̰̲̖̭̠̺͈̅̂ͫ̈̏̆̊̚͢͜͡ơ̸̠̭̥̭̺̭̻͙͇̋̌̆̇̏ͩ͊͛̆̔̋̕̚͢͢͠͞ͅ_̞̠̥̭ͩd̵̷̨̦̯͎͍̳̣̬̳̮͕́ͮ̎̈́ͧͭ̑̄̏͑ͥ͂͌̚̚͠͞

of pretending infrastructure with no intention of designating purpose to itself. Tiles on the now very high up ceiling, protrude a yellow reflection from the carpet floor. Only noticing the Rot which slowly creeps down, Invisible at first but with time becomes more noticeable, maybe even growing? A hand imprint on the wall glares into the open, empty chasm.

This place has been forgotte- no.. Abandoned. If god exists, it won't be here and if the Devil exists, this would be a prison even for ḩ̵̸̢̖̟͕̫̄ͭͤ́͆ͣ̏͆͊ȉ̴̸̡̛͉̙͚̣̗̦͕̥͍͚̯͉̦̫̐ͤ̀́́͒̅͂̆ͥ̀̽̑ͫ̓͑̚͘͜͞ͅm̶̡̡̨̨̢̰̹͉̩̭̙͍̹̋̿̃̎̉͊ͭͥ̽ͦ̀̚͞͡͡

The hand is not there. ǝɯᴉʇ sᴉɥʇ ʎʅuo ,ɯsɐɥɔ ǝɯɐs ǝɥʇ oʇ punoɹɐ ʞɔɐq spuᴉʍ sʇI .xǝʅdɯoɔ ǝɥʇ ɟo uɹnʇ ǝʅqᴉssodɯᴉ uɐ ʇɐ sɹnɔɔo ɹǝuɹoɔ ǝʅqɐǝɔᴉʇou ɐ ʇǝdɹɐɔ ᵷuᴉɥsnɯ ǝɥʇ ssoɹɔɐ ᵷuᴉʞʅɐM

Where the hand was,, there is now a door. Djduehwjdiwoq187#817+$9991
ᵃⁿᵈ ᶦᵗˢ ˢᶦⁿᵍᶦⁿᵍ ᵗᵒ ᵐᵉ

Lights dim, shadows grow
Life's sin, shallows row
Chords plucked, listen more.

p̧̠̹͕̫̳ͣ̒ͧ̄͗ͣ̉̒̋ͯ͐̚̕͠͞l̶̨̤̤̪͚̺̬̘̾͒ͫ̅ͯ̓́ͪ̽ͤ̏̾ͩ̈̇̈̀͜͠͞e̴̵̖͇̗̻̺̖̲͚͌ͧ̍̆̀̓ͬ͊̿͂̐̌̎ͧ͜ă̧͍͙͚̹̮̬͈̣͎ͧ̿͗ͦ̇̇̽̃̈́̍͠se̘̗͊̆̔͗̒͟͞͞ o̶̳̩̺̬͎̖̤͉͓̬̽̑͒ͭͪ̎̏͠p̴̴͔̘̬̻̪͚͂ͬͩͪ̓ͦ͒͘̕ẻ̡̢̘͓͗ͤ̅̓ͣ̇ͭ̃n̛̰ͯ̑ t̴̷̵̢̨̲̙̱̫̙̥̬͈̩̳̰̞͙̺̎͆͗̾̉ͪ́́ͭ̀̅̑̑̏̒ͮ͢͝h̵͙̬̮͍̞̻̖̳̙̞̙̲̩̭͖̮̿̀̇ͥ̈́͒̂͂ͣͬ̄͐ͨ̕̕͟͢͝ę̵̵̶̧͍̺͚̦͔͕̳̤̠̙͕͔̤͒̀̊͐̓̄́͒͒̐ͯ̔̍͘̕͜͝ ḍ̶̸̸̹̤̻̣͈̘̰̖ͦ̔ͦ͒̎̾͌́̒ͮ̿̒̾̓ͧ̍ͦͥ͌̅̽ͧ̔̽̆̍̂̍͟͢͜͞ͅo̧̹͍͚̣͇̟̭͔͚̝͚͇̔ͮ͑̿ͫ̈́́̈́̀͛̽͢͟͝͝ͅo̸̷͙̫̰͕̠̳̜͔̺ͭ͑̍̈̓̀̕̚̚͠ͅr̵̯͇̤̰̺̟̓͗̈́̋͆̋ͥ̑͛ͣ̑͘̚͜͢͝͡

Subway Tooter & Foggy Minds

Tried logging on to here via Subway Tooter, which I use for Mastodon. It's supposed to work with Friendica too. I tried the Friendiqa app but it doesn't even recognise this site exists. Anyway it appeared I'd logged on successfully but when I went to look at my feed I got a very long error message. The folks on Subway Tooter's help forum said it was a server issue and to contact the server owner.
in reply to Vanessa

@Vanessa That would be me for future reference (in the menu under information it has a lot of the server details and in there is a link to my profile as well as my email address)

If you look further down on that error message where it says HTTP 502 Bad Gateway it tells me the server might have been having issues at that point in time. In all honestly it's kinda unavoidable at the time due to resource constraints, sites currently on a rented dedicated server until I fix my housing situation (current ETA is late october when I can work on putting it back on my own, more stable, hardware again), so it probably was just having issues loading that page at that time.

There's not a lot I can do with troubleshooting clients, but let me know if it keeps having trouble and maybe I can work with you to find some answers?

in reply to Vanessa

I've got it partially working. The feed doesn't work but the notifications do and I can boost/repost posts from my Mastodon accounts onto my Foggy Minds account

I don't think it's talked about enough tbh.
When my egg cracked, there was a sense of dread... because once I knew there was no going back. My life would never be safe again.
Do I regret it? Not one bit, I'm genuinely happier now, but I do miss safety...


LGBTQ+ Feed reshared this.

A First Post

As I move into my 40s, and contend with the dynamic tension of both more time, money, and capability; against higher demands on those very resources. I've been looking for a new place to do my social networking. I don't need the massive social networks of the past, since most of my community is well established at this point. It's nice to have federation, so my more distant friends can still see my posts without having to maintain or check a specific network just on my behalf. It's a little disappointing to find the landscape of self-hosted or federated social networks so barren, but Friendica seems like a solid option. The federated landscape makes it easier to try a platform, knowing that my work will not be forever vendor-locked into that platform.

Slightly sketchy account makes me uncomfortable and others report it... I politely give them a warning to migrate before shutting them down...

Day and a half later "Protocols of the Elders of Zion"... whelp, that's an immediate delete...

reshared this

The shadows of Baykus oak tree - A short story

Content warning: Dark Lovecraftian-like story

First post on Friendica

So I'm relatively new to fediverse, although I have already interacted with federated protocols (such as Matrix, but Matrix is way different from Mastodon/Friendica/Bluesky/Pleroma/etc).

I have been sailing through two Mastodon instances, but Mastodon's character limit is low for my needs. I'm a developer (JS, PHP, Python, etc) that also like to write poetry and chronicles, as well as interacting with AI to create artistic representations of the gothic and the dark supernatural. While it seems that Friendica supports more characters, I'll know it the moment I send this first post. It has 1342 characters in total.

I have a syncretic view over the reality, trying to converge scientific inquiry with the philosophical questioning and the metaphysical spirituality from all religions and belief systems (even when they seem to "contradict" one another; actually, they have more in common than people think, starting from the beginning of the existence from primordial waters from the amniotic liquid to the electromagnetic fields permeating the cosmos, but it's a subject for another future post).

One important thing for me to ask: does the instance allow AI Art (e.g. from artistic representations of daemons such as Astaroth and Lilith to mathematical concepts such as fractals; obviously these AI imagery would be marked as so)?

in reply to Daemon Silverstein

@Daemon Silverstein This instance? I allow properly marked AI content, I would also suggest content warnings (in Friendica it's done with [abstract]content warning message[/abstract]), but I count that more as a courtesy effort than something I'm going to really demand.

Friendica has no character limit set.

As Friendica isn't the friendliest user interface, if you do find you'd prefer Mastodon or Mastodon-like, there are many that have higher character limits.

Friendica vs Mastodon

I tried Friendica previously, but never figured out what I wanted to do with it, and deleted it after a while. But after I'd read the excellent post @Elena Rossini wrote on her blog I realised I really should give it another chance, and decided to put a little more effort into it this time. So I created this account yesterday, and now I'm trying to decide how I want to use it. Some part of that uncertainty is because I haven't figured out all the bells and whistles of the platform, and I don't always quite understand what the help pages are trying to tell me. This is definitely mostly on me, having some preconceived notions and expectations, and getting a little confused here and there. This is not Facebook or Goggle+, it is its own thing.
For the most part though, just trying things out with one eye on those help pages have solved any questions I've had.

After I had signed up, I initially imported all the accounts I am following on Mastodon, but am starting to regret this. The two networks are obviously very different beasts, and I will act accordingly from now on. My current idea is to use Friendica, at least partly, as a sort of news aggregator, following accounts both on the fediverse and via RSS feeds, so a lot of those Mastodon accounts will be unfollowed here for a quieter experience and left on Mastodon. Just because you can follow everything everywhere on ActivityPub, it doesn't always make the best sense. But that, of course, is also the beauty of this, what doesn't make the best sense for me, might do for someone else. Different folks...

Occasionally I may even post something here, things that require more than 500 words, things like this.

That's what I'm planning to do right now, anyway. Who knows what I'll think tomorrow?

Jarulf reshared this.

in reply to Jarulf

@Jarulf @Elena Rossini welcome aboard! I'm definitely saving that article, might link it or one of the guides it mentions in the getting started welcome panel (... I should review that as well, I haven't looked at it in ages)

Also remember there's a helper group as you're figuring things out, just tag (not tagged here because otherwise it'll share this comment to the group). I'm also happy to help out my users!

in reply to Shiri Bailem

@Shiri Bailem Thank you, happy to be here. And also thank you for providing the instance.
I'm figuring things out as I go along, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to like it here. I'll be sure to ask for help when I'm getting too confused :-)

new work

আজকে এটিই আমার প্রথম পোস্ট। দেখি কেমন হয়?

Long time no writing here

I started to digging into my latest hobby of #bookbinding (but it's not the only one i assure you)
And made several pamphlet, with also some custom design.
I recently made couple of handmade hardcover journals. One using a custom hero-quest character sheet, the other one is just a lined notebook.
More info for who is interested are available here: (don't worry all my posts on #ko-fi are free)
It also gave my a nice surprise of receiveing the first donation ever (even if it will be the last it still made me happy! :) ) Any opinion comment is appreciated.
These are couple of pictures of my latest works:

any comment/critics is appreciated.

Hey there, I'm Kees (they/them/their, ne/nem/nir), a 30-something bug living in California. I'm hoping to make this my public facing account to share my art and generally interact with the rest of the fediverse.

I'm an amateur naturalist (I like BIRDS and BUGS, especially parasitic wasps) and I do art in various media (digital, watercolor, acrylic), usually of birds or original characters from an ARPG I help run. #tokipona li pona. Aaand I don't know what else to put in here so I'll stop ha.

Content warning: Hello world. Just doing some testing with how this interfaces with Mastodon, and the various privacy options

Hello there. Glasgow calling.
I'm an analogue digital hybrid who cares about mental health issues, music, photography and art.
I'm deeply suspicious of ducks (in a less than serious way) and although I exist on Mastodon I'm keen to migrate to Friendica.
Best wishes all.

in reply to mug

Get a dog or a mustang horse 🐴 and you will never be alone 💡✌️👍

Mist and fog clouds over this domain. The thoughts of raceme flowers and pinnated ferns hang over my minds eye as I walk with covered pupils. The hard dirt feels rock like, with an occasional trip over roots.

Pulling me down a pathway of cedar and pine, nesting in its canopy, birds orientated skywards to a plateau of limitless sky. Just out of reac- war̓n̼͚͜i̴͈ng,͈͑̌ l͓̀o̩͋ͬw̦͊ b̵̍a̶͋͂t̫tê̾̍r͉̔͠y

O̪͉p͎e̜̽n̡ ỳ̬o̲ur̘̥ e̫͌yē͌ͅs̵͗̿, O̪͉p͎e̜̽n̡ ỳ̬o̲ur̘̥ e̫͌yē͌ͅs̵͗̿, O̪͉p͎e̜̽n̡ ỳ̬o̲ur̘̥ e̫͌yē͌ͅs̵͗̿.

fumbled a baddie again

Claire reshared this.

Listened to a command on the internet informing me how to remove dependencies using pacman on arch. Ended up removing ca-certificates and fucking my system. Had to reinstall those packages from cache.

Welp now that Trump got shot I guess i'm voting Jill Stein because it's either that or I don't vote. No way Biden's going to win.

It's just too warm to do anything... I loathe this heat. I want the winter temperatures back... 😩

Shinryu reshared this.