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Théodore Gérard

Théodore Gérard, né à Gand, en Belgique, en décembre 1829, et mort en 1902, était un graveur et peintre de scènes de genre.

Gérard a commencé sa formation artistique en tant qu'élève de l'Académie des beaux-arts de Gand. En 1863, comme beaucoup de jeunes artistes de son époque, il s'installe à Bruxelles, la nouvelle capitale, pour élargir sa carrière. C'est à Bruxelles qu'il commence à être reconnu pour ses peintures de genre et, dès 1870, il connaît un succès international.

Les peintures de Gérard ont reçu des médailles à Philadelphie en 1870, à Londres en 1871, à Vienne en 1873 et à Bruxelles en 1875. Alors que ses premiers tableaux imitaient le style et les sujets du peintre hollandais de l'âge d'or Gerrit Dou, le style mature de Gérard se concentre sur les scènes de genre contemporaines des Pays-Bas, montrant des moments joyeux avec une spontanéité intime.

Il a beaucoup voyagé en Allemagne et dans l'Empire austro-hongrois, ce qui lui a permis d'inspirer ses peintures, qui représentent souvent des costumes historiques pittoresques. L'œuvre de Gérard était si respectée qu'il a été nommé professeur à l'Académie des beaux-arts de Bruxelles. Aujourd'hui, ses peintures se trouvent dans des musées et des collections publiques du monde entier, notamment à Bruxelles, à Gand, dans les musées de Courtrai et d'Anvers, ainsi que dans de nombreuses collections publiques internationales, dont les Dover Collections.

Théodore Gérard est surtout connu pour ses charmantes peintures de genre de la vie rurale peintes dans les Pays-Bas, la région de plaine côtière formant le bassin inférieur du delta Rhin-Meuse-Escaut dans le nord-ouest de l'Europe.

John Brown: I have only a short time to live, only one death to die, and I will die fighting for this cause. There will be no peace in this land until slavery is done for.…

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Mahmoud Darwish: The wars will end and the leaders will shake hands, and that old woman will remain waiting for her martyred son, and that girl will wait for her beloved husband, and the children will wait for their heroic father, I do not know who sold the homeland but I know who paid the price.…

John Brown: Slavery, throughout its entire existence in the United States, is none other than the most barbarous, unprovoked and unjustifiable war of one portion of its citizens against another portion, the only conditions of which are perpetual imprisonment and hopeless servitude, or absolute extermination, in utter disregard and violation of those eternal and self-evident truths set forth in our Declaration of Independence.…

Yemelyan Yaroslavsky: In 1939, a very dangerous situation for the USSR had been created in Europe. Having seized Czechoslovakia and Austria, the German fascists were preparing to seize other states. At this time, many capitalist states incited Germany to direct its military forces against the USSR, to attack us. The foreign newspapers of the capitalist states openly wrote that Germany could seize everything she needed in the East, that is, in the USSR: land, raw materials, food, ore, oil, cotton, and the like. What was the Soviet state to do then? Go to war with Germany? At that time, such a war would have been even more dangerous for the Soviet state. The Soviet Government and the Bolshevik Party, headed by Comrade Stalin, did everything to avoid war. We knew that this war would be very difficult. If we had gone to such a war then, the position of the Soviet state would have been much more dangerous than it is now. Comrade Stalin has already answered the question whether the Soviet Government did the right thing by signing in 1939 a non-aggression pact (that is, a treaty) with the fascist government of Germany. “One may ask,” said Comrade Stalin, “how could it have happened that the Soviet Government agreed to conclude a non-aggression pact with such treacherous people and monsters as Hitler and Ribbentrop? Was there not a mistake on the part of the Soviet Government here? Of course not! A non-aggression pact is a peace pact between two states. It was precisely such a pact that Germany proposed to us in 1939. Could the Soviet Government refuse such a proposal? I think that no peace-loving state can refuse a peace agreement with a neighboring power, even if such monsters and cannibals as Hitler and Ribbentrop are at the head of this power. And this, of course, under one indispensable condition: that the peace agreement does not affect either directly or indirectly the territorial integrity, independence and honor of the peace-loving states.” This agreement lasted a year and a half, during which time Hitler repeatedly stated that he would never fight against the USSR. So on August 25, 1939, he told the British Ambassador Henderson that “Russia and Germany will never again take up arms against each other.” On September 1, 1939, he spoke in the German parliament: “Russia and Germany fought against each other during the world war! It shouldn not and will not happen a second time.” These were treacherous, false words, because Hitler was preparing to attack the USSR at the same time.…

Vasily Lanovoy: In Europe, journalists asked me: 'Why do you celebrate Victory Day like that? We have already forgotten it. I asked them, "How many days did your countries resist Hitler?" They are silent.…

Naomi Klein: The only thing I can imagine more horrific than this live-streamed genocide would be a world in which that became normal.…

Enver Hoxha: Israel was artificially created by Zionism and imperialism at the expense of the Palestinian people. To abolish a nation in the name of a nationality of dubious authenticity is condemned by the peoples and will result in a bloody national liberation war.…

Nicolás Maduro: Marxism is the study of concrete reality, with concrete solutions, based on an understanding of dialectics, so that it is a scientific knowledge that arises from reality.…