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Samuel Johnson: Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information upon it.…

Samuel Johnson: It must be agreed that in most ages many countries have had part of their inhabitants in a state of slavery; yet it may be doubted whether slavery can ever be supposed the natural condition of man. It is impossible not to conceive that men in their original state were equal; and very difficult to imagine how one would be subjected to another but by violent compulsion. An individual may, indeed, forfeit his liberty by a crime; but he cannot by that crime forfeit the liberty of his children.…

Samuel Johnson: As the Spanish proverb says, "He, who would bring home the wealth of the Indies, must carry the wealth of the Indies with him." So it is in travelling; a man must carry knowledge with him, if he would bring home knowledge.…

Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld: It is difficult to re-educate people who have been educated in nationalism. It is very difficult to convince them to give up part of their sovereignty in favor of a supranational institution.…

Friedrich Engels: (W)hen we are in possession of state power we shall not even think of forcibly expropriating the small peasants (regardless of whether with or without compensation), as we shall have to do in the case of the big landowners. Our task relative to the small peasant consists, in the first place, in effecting a transition of his private enterprise and private possession to co-operative ones, not forcibly but by dint of example and the proffer of social assistance for this purpose. And then of course we shall have ample means of showing to the small peasant prospective advantages that must be obvious to him even today.…

Benjamin Tucker: To force a man to pay for the violation of his own liberty is indeed an addition of insult to injury.…

Une meute d'ânes menée par un lion est supérieure à une meute de lions menée par un âne.

Citation apocryphe.

Le dicton apparaît dans le recueil «Apophtegmes des rois et des capitaines célèbres » du philosophe grec Plutarque, décédé en 119 après J.-C. D'après Plutarque, c'est le général athénien Chabrias, mort en 357 avant J.-C., qui en est l'auteur. Dans sa première version, on parle de cerfs au lieu d'ânes.

Extrait des «Apophtegmes des rois et des capitaines célèbres » du philosophe grec Plutarque:

Le meilleur général, disait Chabrias, est celui qui sait le mieux ce qui se passe chez les ennemis.
Accusé de trahison avec Iphicrate , il ne laissait pas d'aller au gymnase, et de dîner à son heure ordinaire. Comme Iphicrate l'en blâmait: «Si les Athéniens nous condamnent, lui dit Chabrias, ils vous feront mourir, quoique sale et à jeun, aussi bien que moi qui aurai bien diné, et qui me serai baigné.»
Il disait qu'une armée de cerfs conduite par un lion était plus redoutable qu'une armée de lions commandée par un cerf.

Pour ce qui est du remplacement des cerfs par des ânes, on le doit à un officier russe pendant la guerre de Crimée:…

|Une meute d'ânes menée par un lion est supérieure à une meute de lions menée par un âne.|

Palmiro Togliatti: Based on (the features of Imperialism), there is a tendency of all the bourgeoisie's political institutions to undergo a reactionary transformation... and this tendency appears in its most coherent forms with fascism.…

Always be on the alert against trotskyism, reformism and revisionism / Soyez toujours en alerte contre le trotskysme, le réformisme et le révisionnisme / Seid immer wachsam gegen Trotzkismus, Reformismus und Revisionismus

Joe Biden: I was suggesting we bomb Belgrade. I was suggesting that we send American pilots in and blow up all of the bridges on the Drina. I was suggesting we take out his oil supplies. I was suggesting very specific action.…

Franz Fallon: In the capitalist countries a multitude of moral teachers, counselors and "bewilderers" separate the exploited from those in power.…