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Plastic Frog

@Plastic Paragraph

> test commenting from Friendica

hi, just seeing what Friendica is like as I know not much about it

i think software devs should be forced to use a laptop with 2gb ram and a 5400rpm hard drive

My sister Chelsie is struggling emotionally with potty training her kid, so I edited a popular meme to be more relevant.

#StarTrek #Parenting #PottyTraining #StarTrekTNG

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in reply to Shiri Bailem

our eldest took to using the potty relatively well (heavy emphasis on relatively). Which naturally means our second is going to be an absolute nightmare right?

That's how everything else has gone.

🔥👍 Helldivers 2: A Thrilling and Challenging Gaming Experience 🔥👍

🔥👍 Helldivers 2: A Thrilling and Challenging Gaming Experience 🔥👍

Content warning: what

Kosmetyki trychologiczne w Głogowie

Udało się w końcu zobaczyć jak może wyglądać tekst napisany swobodnie o kosmetykach trychologicznych przez sztuczną inteligencję - na raze to narzędzie wcale nie jest tak dobre - nadal człowiek a raczej jego mózg jest niezastąpionym narzędziem do wymyślania tekstów, pisania książek i artykułów.

Maybe I should pin a post or add it to the description or something that I'm Jewish Anti-Zionist and don't tolerate the bullshit "criticism of Israel's war crimes is antisemitism" narrative...

Yeah... I think I'm going to add that to the description, because if someone is going to defederate because they think the Israeli government is synonymous with the entire Jewish people, or think they can just conveniently ignore war crimes and colonialism because people on the other side have also done bad things...

Hell, I'll even tag myself in #fediblock if people want to take the trash out for me.

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in reply to Shiri Bailem

Oh wait, already did... maybe I need to make it more prevalent?

(Edited as based on a reply it was far too easily misread. Previously said "Admin is a Jew" and it never dawned on me that someone could think it meant the admin of the zionist server rather than myself)

in reply to Shiri Bailem

i mean this is literally just saying the quiet part out loud isn't it. "blocking this server because the admin is a Jew... err, a Zionist."

amazing that they then have the gall to put a little asterisk next to racism and explain that they don't tolerate dogwhistles. apparently foghorns are okay though.

in reply to Psy Chuan :therian:

@Psy Chuan :therian: okay, that definitely needs clarification and I hadn't realized... fixing that now. "admin is a Jew" is talking about myself, not the server being blocked.
in reply to Shiri Bailem

oh goodness i am so sorry i thought that screenshot was of someone putting out a block report for you, i'm sorry i came off so hostile.
in reply to Shiri Bailem

Not a Zionist, but fairly sure Zionists also acknowledge that Israel has committed lots of war crimes and atrocities.

Obviously your server your rules, but I have found no matter how strenuously you tell people otherwise, people will label you a Zionist as soon as they find your views on Israel politically inconvenient.

I just feel that the people who most need to see that don't read bios and pinned posts.

in reply to ראַף 🟣

@raf 🟣 I mean I'm not taking the angle of "don't you dare call me a zionist" but rather that from my side of things modern zionism, especially in the US equates to a fervent belief that Israel is synonymous with Judaism and any criticism of Israel is antisemitic.

This kicked off especially from the fediblock post in which someone was rallying against the EndAntisemitism account for it's labeling of any criticism of Israel's military action in Gaza as antisemitic and the ensuing accusations.

While I think the fediblock post was poorly handled, I do agree with the fundamentals underneath that it's not remotely acceptable to label criticism of the Israeli government to be inherently antisemitic.

Mostly, I'm just cranky and ranting. I'm not worried about being called a Zionist at any point... only time it can maybe happen with my views is if I'm talking to someone who is advocating the immediate abrupt abolition of the country.

in reply to Shiri Bailem

As the person who operates the EndAntisemitism account, I feel what it does and how it operates was grossly mischaracterised.

I literally label every post with why I think it's antisemitism. NONE of the reasons are about the military actions taken by the IDF. I stress repeatedly that if a reader disagrees with the report, they can just ignore it.

I criticise the Israeli govt regularly both publicly and privately. But the idea that no criticism of the Israeli government can be antisemitic is absurd and nonsensical.

We used to be mufos so I feel you should have some sense of where I stand on all this bullshit. We live in a world where Ilan Pappe and Norm Finkelstein have both been called Zionists. No one is immune from being called a Zionist and harassed shortly afterwards.

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to ראַף 🟣

@raf 🟣 Mufos?

Since you're the one running the account I do think it's lacking in detail on those particular callouts then.

To be clear, I've only blocked one person in all of this and that was only a personal block rather than a server block.

I will admit to unfollowing you but there's no spite, we're just somewhat different in values there (ie. we draw the line in different places) and it's less about who you are as a person and really just more about what shows up in my feed (ie. posts you comment on, etc where too much of what was showing up in my feed related to your activity is just on the other side of the line from me)

in reply to Shiri Bailem

To be clear, you don't have to justify unfollowing. I'm just more saying we are likely not all the different.

I only have 500 characters on that account and the label set is restricted. So there is some shorthand. When I say "Holocaust inversion" I mean comparing what some Jews are doing to the Holocaust. When I say "Nazi inversion" I mean comparing Jews to Nazis.

Some people don't think that constitutes antisemitism. Some do. I'd like to think people can talk about the atrocities in Gaza without mentioning Hitler and Auschwitz, mostly because the vast majority of people on the network do just that.

I am constantly refining and raising my standards, and I already put in way more effort into each of my reports than most Fediblocks I've seen.

You say those callouts, but Ned did not point to a single callout. And ignored all requests made of him to link directly to a single problematic one.

in reply to ראַף 🟣

@raf 🟣 Perhaps in the the description of your account make a note along the lines of "if it's a disputed topic, we err on the side of reporting so that you can make the decision yourself"

I think that clears the air alot

in reply to Shiri Bailem

@Shiri Bailem I know! I hate it when people say that any criticism of Israel is antisemitic.

Image Upload Trouble

If y'all have had issues uploading images... sorry about that.

I missed a setting when re-configuring the server after transfer to it's current environment and it's fixed now.

Longer Explanation: there are two servers involved, a reverse proxy and then the actual Friendica server. The Friendica server accepted uploads up to 100MB... the proxy didn't have that setting... so it would just go for a bit, then timeout. Added that setting to the proxy and all solved.


New here, i'm a nerd and in freetime programmer! Italian, living in Ireland

I like to do a lot of stuff, and i'm interested in: #programming #osdev #music #art #bookbinding #sewing etc.

I like crafting things basically. And writing OS (and about Osdev in general).
Also have an interest into arts, and so far i made a small bunch of paintings (i'm a newbie so don't expect high level art), i will maybe post the photos here in the future.

So far that's all, my nick in the fediverse, and outside is most of the time dreamos82.

PatsyBaloney reshared this.

About me!

I'm a Linux/Cloud Engineer! Married with two kids.

chipi chipi chapa chapa dubi dubi daba daba magico mi dubi dubi boom boom boom boom

silly little thing

Hey! I really wanna make friends. my discord is Buhbubbles
!!!!!!! I am a she/her cis female
UHHH I am good at talking, and yea we can do art trades if wanted!! imma pretty talkative person (mentioned two times but I promise I will chat and keep company)
but yeayea thanks

Ranting about capitalism

Another reason to hate capitalism. It's considered smart for someone to buy cheap products then resell them for a higher price. They don't add anything extra, literally just reselling the same thing because they can, and it makes a profit. Personally I hate this kind of behavior, but It's a major part of capitalism. So many companies do this and it's frustrating as a consumer. This particular person got caught and is being prosecuted because they lied about the quality of their products and sold them to the military and police. They claimed it was made in the US and passed all safety standards, when in fact it was just cheap gear from China that doesn't comply with any safety regulations. So of course they get in trouble, but the thousands of other companies that do the exact same shit get away with it because they aren't selling safety gear to important people.

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

Server Migration Complete

Thank you for your patience!

The server has been migrated to a new dedicated remote server (hosted with OVH) and to the newest version of Friendica (2024.03, previously it was 2023.12).

Things should stabilize mostly for the time being, but I will be on the lookout for bugs.

First post

New to the fediverse, trying out friendica and foggyminds seemed like a good place to start. I also created a Mastodon and pixelfed account. Will see which one I prefer after using them for a bit.
in reply to Rainbow Jax

@Rainbow Jax Welcome to the server!

Pardon the dust, I'm currently going through a move so shutting down spare servers and migrating the server to a temporary remote server until I can get settled again. In a few days things should pick back up as the transition is complete. So please keep that in mind when getting an impression of Friendica and of my server ❤ (I'm also going to upgrade to the latest version of Friendica that just came out as part of it)

And yeah, definitely different niches to different platforms. Mastodon and Friendica have a fair amount of overlap since they mostly focus on the same content, just one has a word limit and more UI designers.

Pixelfed I haven't actually looked at, but if I understand it correctly it's a very different user experience, so it's a good compliment to either Mastodon or Friendica.

Server Migration Update

The downtime for server transfer is coming up sooner now, I've had to twist a few things to make it work and my apologies for any inconvenience.

I deleted a large chunk of the media on the server, primarily focusing on data that hasn't been accessed in 60 days, but it does look like it hit a few more recent pieces.

If you've been with us for a few months you might have lost some old photo uploads, some old contacts might have blurry profile photos for a while until the system decides to redownload them later.

To be clear, this *only* impacted images and we don't offer any guarantees against data loss on this server, especially with uploaded images. There's simply too much data there for me to reasonably back up at this time, and worse yet there really isn't any distinction in Friendica that allows me to backup only local media as opposed to cached remote media.

Wishmasta - Girl on the Beach

New track called "Girl on the Beach" just released! You can check the information on my website

Content warning: new test

in reply to Lolita

you can add ?lang=en to the url which will temporarily switch the displayed language.

Example: for english for german

Friendica Support reshared this.

in reply to Lolita

I thought it is dendend on the browser default language.

Friendica Support reshared this.