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Ranting about capitalism

Another reason to hate capitalism. It's considered smart for someone to buy cheap products then resell them for a higher price. They don't add anything extra, literally just reselling the same thing because they can, and it makes a profit. Personally I hate this kind of behavior, but It's a major part of capitalism. So many companies do this and it's frustrating as a consumer. This particular person got caught and is being prosecuted because they lied about the quality of their products and sold them to the military and police. They claimed it was made in the US and passed all safety standards, when in fact it was just cheap gear from China that doesn't comply with any safety regulations. So of course they get in trouble, but the thousands of other companies that do the exact same shit get away with it because they aren't selling safety gear to important people.

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

First post

New to the fediverse, trying out friendica and foggyminds seemed like a good place to start. I also created a Mastodon and pixelfed account. Will see which one I prefer after using them for a bit.
in reply to Rainbow Jax

@Rainbow Jax Welcome to the server!

Pardon the dust, I'm currently going through a move so shutting down spare servers and migrating the server to a temporary remote server until I can get settled again. In a few days things should pick back up as the transition is complete. So please keep that in mind when getting an impression of Friendica and of my server ❤ (I'm also going to upgrade to the latest version of Friendica that just came out as part of it)

And yeah, definitely different niches to different platforms. Mastodon and Friendica have a fair amount of overlap since they mostly focus on the same content, just one has a word limit and more UI designers.

Pixelfed I haven't actually looked at, but if I understand it correctly it's a very different user experience, so it's a good compliment to either Mastodon or Friendica.