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You want a great debate to fall into?

Start debating someone on logical fallacies and what falls under what fallacy... the conversation is interesting to say the least lol

Unknown parent

Shiri Bailem

@milquetoast :milquetoast: This!

But in this case we were debating on exact definitions of appeal to authority, and it devolved a little because I gave the example "Are you a doctor? Because Dr. Phil says..." and they called it Ad Hominem...

We settled on it depends on the context of said statement, but it's ultimately appeal to authority in both cases, just in some contexts it's also ad hominem

Random thought of a brighter aspect of the #ai future:

We're not too far off from AI video editing, and imagine writing out a list of all your triggers, loading it into an AI, and then having it edited movies and tv shows to remove all triggering content.


My autistic accent: vaguely northern US accent (emulated mostly from TV growing up), reflexive mimicking of vocal quirks around people I particularly respect (ie. like a faint lisp, or pieces of a thick accent), naturally monotone with occasional emulated attempts at emotional inflection (not super often, I don't have the effort to emulate inflection at the same time as emulating expression and I prioritize expression), difficulty with volume control (sensory and excitement based), moderate rate of speech.

Oh, and some canned phrases/responses I've picked up over the years, though at this point I have to pay attention to notice them.

Share your accent!

#autism #ActuallyAutistic #AutisticAccent

(Out of spoons, if someone gives me an image description for the set I'll edit to add it)

(URL replace addon enabled for X, YouTube, Instagram and some news sites.)

Dear god I feel like a newb... I used to do this stuff professionally and I feel the fact that it's been years.

Biggest performance issue I've had for a little while with this server turns out to be because the hypervisor copied the MAC address when I copied the server. It shouldn't have taken me nearly this long to identify this problem!


Content warning: Unintentionally lewd product, only NSFW if you're kinky, someone should have asked more people for feedback on the design

Definitely worth the subscription!

Potato reshared this.

This looks onerous right now... but I can imagine something like this being incorporated into AC system or dehumidifiers, etc, especially if it gets expanded to an array of diseases...

It doesn't so much prevent disease, but it can at least help with peace of mind and rapid disease control (ie. system goes off, everyone in the area quarantines to limit spread)

Content warning: Antisemitism, Twitter

Unknown parent

Shiri Bailem
@The Ill-Tempered Synthesizer I don't think it's street legal lol

@Friendica Admins I could use some help cleaning up something on my instance.

I'm moving around the storage, and for some reason a lot of the thumbnails (not all) seem to have gotten corrupted. Regular files seem fine, but basically full size profile pictures are good but small versions are blurry.

Is there any good way to clear the storage of everything that's cached both in terms of thumbnails and data from other servers?

Friendica Admins reshared this.

Content warning: Mutual Aid Call, Family Crisis, Mental Health Crisis

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  • Content warning: NSFW, Chuck Tingle Erotica, Man In Only Underwear
  • Filtered word: nsfw

Great wind down activity for the night, migrating LVM volumes
in reply to Shiri Bailem

To be clear: this is a hands off, low risk, operation. There's redundancy, so if it fails nothing should be lost and if I fall asleep no harm done.

Image Alt Text: On the left is a picture of Mountain Dew flavored lip balm. On the right is a comic with two thin masc presenting people wearing collars, one playing a game with a controller saying "Damn, I keep dying in the same spot. Could I get some Mountain Dew real quick?" The other says "I'm on it!" while applying lip balm, beneath that is a drawing of the two kissing.

reshared this

This is so damn fascinating, an AI playing the game, not as a speedrun but humanlike, and dynamically monologuing in the voice of the original character!

I'm really tired and at the end of my rope and could use some broad advice and help... I don't expect much...

My sibling (by choice) got arrested last night because they were in a major mental health crisis (really bad Borderline/Bipolar episode) and slapped/shoved their partner in the middle of it. I don't think that's okay for them to have done and am not remotely justifying it.

This was brought on by their breakup with their partner and the fact that they ran out of their medications.

I'm in the US, Texas to be specific. They need consistent access to medications and therapy to be remotely stable... and that just isn't available.

We moved into this apartment last year with various plans on how I would support them but all of those plans fell through. Their mother was supposed to cover their half of bills until they could get on disability, but just before move-in she basically disowned them.

They were off and on able to pick up some work initially, but were very unstable. Started this relationship with their now-ex who moved in and covered their half of the bills for most of the past year, but that ended recently and their ex is moving out.

I simply don't make enough to really cover them by myself and I can't abandon them when they're actively trying to be and do better. We just happen to live in a country and state that believes that it's better for people to just die than actually help someone who hasn't "earned it"

reshared this

in reply to Shiri Bailem

I'm so sorry. Boosting in hopes you get some good suggestions.

Just sharing a random bit of AI fun because I was bored and had a thought.

AI can incidentally translate language, but that also extends to things like converting victorian english to modern day english and even updating slang and euphamisms (though when asked for slang it'll lay it on a bit thick... but it's fun about it)

So... here's the opening monologue of Romeo & Juliet (and no, it didn't preserve iambic pentameter):

Yo, listen up, peeps! Two big-shot families, equally high and mighty,
Kicking it in fair Verona, where this drama's gonna go down.
An old beef turns into some fresh drama,
And it's so bad it gets everyone dirty.
From the messed-up love lives of these two rival crews,
A pair of star-crossed lovers are gonna do something crazy,
Their messed-up misadventures bring down a whole lotta pain,
And with their deaths, their parents' drama finally stops.
The crazy rollercoaster of their death-marked love,
And the never-ending feud between their folks,
That only ends with their tragic deaths,
Is gonna be the main event on our stage—
If y'all stick around and listen close,
We'll do our best to keep it real for ya!

#AI #RandomFun #Shakespeare

in reply to Shiri Bailem

Well, regarding disablities:

I don't know if I should still write something like this nowadays - but so be it.
2-3 years ago I went by train and there was a person in a wheelchair without legs, who turned on everyone else.
I kept out of it, but when I got off I had to inevitably pass him and he he had also for me me a stupid saying in store.
I was really annoyed by him and asked him where he was going? to a dance contest?
*concerned silence*
He started to laugh and said that I was the only one who would take him seriously.
I see him 1-2 times a year at most, but a friendship has grown out of the situation :)

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Raroun

@Raroun I call that a lucky bit of chemistry. Also, just because someone isn't using saying ableist things doesn't mean they're being ableist... walking lightly around disabled people is also it's own form of ableism that gets really tiring.

And I'm not even sure your joke is what I was talking about since it was very direct and more a specific targeted jab that happened to reference their disability, you didn't even mark it as something shameful but rather just spouted an absurdity.

A prime example would be something like mocking the lisp of a Nazi. Sure, that person is a Nazi... but what about all the non-Nazis that you're also mocking at the same time?

Call For Mutual Aid!

One of my sibling's friends was hit by a car and is temporarily disabled, they're currently living off of only $70 in food stamps while they can't work and every little bit can help!

They've been in this state for a few weeks but only now broke down and asked for help (we all know how it is with hyper-independence).

They can take donations over Paypal here:


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Whelp, Facebook suspended my account, so y'all have my full attention for now!

Unknown parent

Shiri Bailem

@Faye Loves Godzilla ah, the party who will at best do nothing about cops and war...

I'm not saying don't vote for them, but don't pretend they're any good.

Unknown parent

Shiri Bailem

@Faye Loves Godzilla they don't remotely represent me, they think our existence can be bargained with for "middle ground" with nazis.

The no-spine, concede to Nazis part is marginally better than Nazis, which is why I vote for them. But I don't ever pretend that they're "good".

Open invite to ask questions since a lot of people here have shown interest.

I'm willing to share my experience with Judaism, notably as a Jewish convert (but don't confuse me for a rabbi), as well as my experience as an autistic (and how the two interact).

I'm very open to questions, even about sensitive topics, but I do ask potentially sensitive questions be put in a content warning for the sake of others.

#jewish #judaism #ActuallyAutistic

Edit: Boosting / Resharing is encouraged

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Seasons Greetings and Happy Holidays Everyone!

There are times when you must speak, not because you are going to change the other person, but because if you don't speak, they have changed you.
- Mary Quinn

reshared this

Pulled from an uncredited facebook post with an image of the text:

Quickest player death

D&D story time.

I was running the first session of a new campaign. Everyone starting at level 1. We had an EIf Druid, a Half Elf ranger, a Dragonborn Sorcerer, and a Tiefling Rouge. As the party was going through introductions:

5'2 90 Ib. Tiefling “I don't like to be touched.”

6'3 250 Ib. Dragonborn “I pat her on the head.”

Tiefling “I bite his hand”

Ok so you bite his hand... roll to hit

Rolls NAT20.

Roll 1d4 damage...?

Rolls 4 doubles to 8

Dragonborn sorcerer only has 8 hp.

Ok so you bite his hand off and he is now bleeding out.

No one has any healing pots or magic. All level 1 characters.

Dragonborn rolls 3 on death save.

Next save Nat 1.

Dragonborn is dead.

Tiefling “I said I don't like to be touched.”

#ttrpg #dnd

in reply to Shiri Bailem

this reminds me of one instance where a PC died on _session 0_

I can't remember the details, but it was an item that had a chance of inflicting damage, and it killed them.

99% of the time "Judeo-Christian" is antisemitic. And yes, I will absolutely elaborate on this if asked.

Credit: @Rabbit Cohen

Edit because this blew up far more than I expected and multiple people have asked for me to elaborate, here's a copy of my elaboration with follow up questions encouraged:

It's a messy topic and it's late here (I'm a bit sleepy), so feel free to ask follow up questions.

The short version of it is that Judeo-Christian is almost always used in one of two harmful ways:

1) To try and give more credibility and weight to something that is purely Christian by claiming that it's part of Judaism as well when it's not (like the above example, because Judaism explicitly permits abortions)
2) To try and talk about broader groupings of related faiths while ignoring the many other Abrahamic faiths (the proper term, though that one more often hurts the lesser known groups, don't use it unless you also know it applies to groups like the Baháʼí, which I'll admit even I know next to nothing about, but it's valid here because all I'm doing is naming their religious family)

Because many (cough most cough) teach a bastardized form of Judaism through the lens of Christianity, and because that's the only exposure many get to our faith... they get skewed harmful and hurtful ideas about us.

Some highlight examples:
* We don't have an established afterlife (we don't say there isn't one, we just have zero information on it if there is)
* We don't seek "eternal reward", the reward for our faith is being a better person than we were the day before
* We have forgiveness baked into our faith, and no it doesn't require animal sacrifice (it requires you to actually ask the person you wronged...)
* We thoroughly encourage arguing any topic with anyone (right time and place of course), and that includes picking a fight with God if you think they're wrong about something (you have a 99.9% chance of being wrong... but we commend the effort and every once in a while someone wins the argument)
* We have a rule, Pikuach Nefesh, roughly meaning that life is the highest commandment. Your well being takes precedence over your faith, if it would hurt you or others to be observant than you are exempt from that requirement. It's unacceptable to hurt others for your faith, and for yourself it's frowned upon
* We actively discourage conversion, it's allowed but it's not a trivial process. We don't want people to become Jews, we just want people to be better.

Unknown parent

Shiri Bailem

@Shannon (she/her) @Pedestriansfirst I suppose you're technically correct, I guess I usually never think about it because there's always more apt descriptions (ie. Nazis are often Zionists because "Blood And Soil").

And yes on the antisemitism of it, I just chose not to say anything about that in favor of a chance at education. (Also a love for getting into arguments with aggressive militant atheists because it's so fun to see their talking points shatter and the confusion that comes from it)

And I didn't bring it up later because I felt from the conversation that it wasn't going to be a problem again from them because they learned some things about Judaism, Jewish Culture, and that religions people can in fact own and acknowledge bad behaviors in their own communities.

Unknown parent

Shiri Bailem

@Shannon (she/her) I don't think believing all zionists are jews isn't that messy of a idea because it impacts so little, especially since the zionist behavior of non-jews is already easily discernible on it's own as awful anyways.

And keep in mind that the comparison is that this started from assuming that all Jews condoned the atrocities committed by the Israeli government and has walked away knowing that it's not uniform.


There's real insights here, but damn it with the pathologizing. They literally treat having moral principles as if it were a disordered negative trait...

Standing up for your values might be decided to be a pathology - If you're autistic

This article picks apart a bunch of biases by the researchers of a given paper. The object of study was the differences in behavior between a group of autistic people and a group of non-autistic people when choosing between prioritizing value for oneself or value for the community.

I recommend reading the paper itself too. If that is, understandably, too much for you, I suggest you go for the introduction, the conclusion, and the segments mentioned in the article.

Stolen from Facebook:

If you ever doubt yourself or your abilities, or your competence, I want you to remember that a man named Elon Musk bought a social platform for $44 billion, ran it into the ground and then changed its named to X. 😐

If you EVER think you aren't good enough, remember that you are smarter than Elon Musk. Remember that there's a billionaire somewhere, who has the sense of a drunk seal. And remember that racism and patriarchy exist to prop up those who wouldn't be able to hold a candle to your genius.

You belong. You're smart enough. You can DO THIS. Impostor syndrome can go to hell. 😤😤😤


A quick test...

Ok, allegedly I've set up to post to Tumblr from my Friendica account... let's see if it works.
Unknown parent

@skye 🏳️‍⚧️ he/him Yeah, it's a very weird conversation the two sites are having and I'm not sure how it's working, but the bottom line seems to be that I can post from Friendica to Tumblr, I can view my Tumblr timeline on Firendica, and I can reply to Tumblr posts via Friendica. Friendica just can't see new comments added to the posts *via* Tumblr.
Unknown parent

Shiri Bailem

@skye 🏳️‍⚧️ he/him @hadeantaiga Friendica connects to Tumblr as a puppet account, so none of it is on the fediverse but just in the same feed.

I suppose they probably didn't connect the comments because that would get weird with a whole lot of comments being only visible to you (a whole of context management to figure out if you're replying via tumblr or AP, and whether or not the person you're talking to can see the relevant tumblr or AP comment)

It does offer a quick button to get to the original post immediately though, which is helpful (for Friendica users, the top right little arrow beside the network icon).

I think the feature mostly works to let you post and not worry about leaving a chunk of your audience out. Though I imagine it could use some work and if you have ideas they're always listening on the github:

Introduction post!

Hello! My name is Eli, I'm a transmasc butch from Tumblr. I'm slowly poking my way around the Fediverse and I'm looking for an interface that lets me do long-form blogging. Friendica is allegedly good for that, so here I am!

Grad student, certified "Moon Nerd".
Nonbinary butch transmasc. Masculine like a misty mountain forest, queer as in fuck you. Converting to Judaism slowly but surely.

Games: #Pathfinder #DnD #DragonAge #DiscoElysium #TheSims #CivilizationIV

TV: #Trigun #StarTrek #OurFlagMeansDeath #YouTubeVideoEssays

Books: #SherlockHolmes #TheExpanse #LordOfTheRings #TheHungerGames #SciFi #Fantasy

in reply to hadeantaiga

@hadeantaiga Welcome to the server/fediverse! And welcome as a fellow trans jewish convert!

I'm more than happy to answer any questions you may have with Friendica and to help you figure out if it's the right place for you... but if you go somewhere else please link because you definitely have me interested in your introduction!

Also what's your Tumblr, Friendica supports following Tumblr feeds, and this spurred me on to finally setting up the Tumblr addon which allows crossposting to Tumblr (it does require access to your Tumblr to do so, but uses Oauth so doesn't have your password or control over your account, just the ability to post).

in reply to Shiri Bailem

@Shiri Bailem Oh my gosh that is PERFECT. I'm HadeanTaiga over on Tumblr too and I've been *searching* for a way to do longer posts like on Tumblr, and the fact that I can integrate Tumblr and the Fediverse here is like??? A dream come true???
in reply to hadeantaiga

@hadeantaiga friendica's upside is connecting to everything that allows it to connect, downside is that it's a little less user friendly.

Followed your tumblr!

in reply to hadeantaiga

Filtered word: nsfw