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Pulled from an uncredited facebook post with an image of the text:

Quickest player death

D&D story time.

I was running the first session of a new campaign. Everyone starting at level 1. We had an EIf Druid, a Half Elf ranger, a Dragonborn Sorcerer, and a Tiefling Rouge. As the party was going through introductions:

5'2 90 Ib. Tiefling “I don't like to be touched.”

6'3 250 Ib. Dragonborn “I pat her on the head.”

Tiefling “I bite his hand”

Ok so you bite his hand... roll to hit

Rolls NAT20.

Roll 1d4 damage...?

Rolls 4 doubles to 8

Dragonborn sorcerer only has 8 hp.

Ok so you bite his hand off and he is now bleeding out.

No one has any healing pots or magic. All level 1 characters.

Dragonborn rolls 3 on death save.

Next save Nat 1.

Dragonborn is dead.

Tiefling “I said I don't like to be touched.”

#ttrpg #dnd

in reply to Shiri Bailem

We started a new Pathfinder game a couple weeks ago (an evil campaign for off weeks) and one of our party members made a snake-person sorceress (not sure what race it was exactly.) In the very first encounter, they got their character killed :)
in reply to Shiri Bailem

this reminds me of one instance where a PC died on _session 0_

I can't remember the details, but it was an item that had a chance of inflicting damage, and it killed them.