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I'm really tired and at the end of my rope and could use some broad advice and help... I don't expect much...

My sibling (by choice) got arrested last night because they were in a major mental health crisis (really bad Borderline/Bipolar episode) and slapped/shoved their partner in the middle of it. I don't think that's okay for them to have done and am not remotely justifying it.

This was brought on by their breakup with their partner and the fact that they ran out of their medications.

I'm in the US, Texas to be specific. They need consistent access to medications and therapy to be remotely stable... and that just isn't available.

We moved into this apartment last year with various plans on how I would support them but all of those plans fell through. Their mother was supposed to cover their half of bills until they could get on disability, but just before move-in she basically disowned them.

They were off and on able to pick up some work initially, but were very unstable. Started this relationship with their now-ex who moved in and covered their half of the bills for most of the past year, but that ended recently and their ex is moving out.

I simply don't make enough to really cover them by myself and I can't abandon them when they're actively trying to be and do better. We just happen to live in a country and state that believes that it's better for people to just die than actually help someone who hasn't "earned it"

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in reply to Shiri Bailem

I'm so sorry. Boosting in hopes you get some good suggestions.