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Just sharing a random bit of AI fun because I was bored and had a thought.

AI can incidentally translate language, but that also extends to things like converting victorian english to modern day english and even updating slang and euphamisms (though when asked for slang it'll lay it on a bit thick... but it's fun about it)

So... here's the opening monologue of Romeo & Juliet (and no, it didn't preserve iambic pentameter):

Yo, listen up, peeps! Two big-shot families, equally high and mighty,
Kicking it in fair Verona, where this drama's gonna go down.
An old beef turns into some fresh drama,
And it's so bad it gets everyone dirty.
From the messed-up love lives of these two rival crews,
A pair of star-crossed lovers are gonna do something crazy,
Their messed-up misadventures bring down a whole lotta pain,
And with their deaths, their parents' drama finally stops.
The crazy rollercoaster of their death-marked love,
And the never-ending feud between their folks,
That only ends with their tragic deaths,
Is gonna be the main event on our stage—
If y'all stick around and listen close,
We'll do our best to keep it real for ya!

#AI #RandomFun #Shakespeare