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Jean-Paul Sartre: The (Communist) Party has one objective: the creation of a socialist economy; and one means: the utilization of the class struggle.…

Charles Burton Barber

Charles Burton Barber (1845-1894) est un peintre britannique qui a connu un grand succès avec ses peintures d'enfants et d'animaux domestiques.

Barber est né à Great Yarmouth, dans le Norfolk, et a étudié dès l'âge de 18 ans à la Royal Academy de Londres, où il a reçu une médaille d'argent pour le dessin en 1864 et où il a exposé pour la première fois en 1866.

De son vivant, Barber est considéré comme l'un des meilleurs peintres animaliers de Grande-Bretagne et reçoit des commandes de la reine Victoria pour la représenter avec ses petits-enfants et ses chiens[1], ainsi que du prince de Galles (futur Édouard VII) et de ses animaux de compagnie. Un certain nombre de ses portraits se trouvent dans la Royal Collection. Il expose à la Royal Academy de 1866 à 1893. En 1883, il est élu membre de l'Institut royal des peintres à l'huile.

Barber est devenu un peintre sportif et animalier très populaire, spécialisé dans les portraits sentimentaux de chiens, souvent accompagnés d'enfants. Ses œuvres vont du réalisme photographique à l'esquisse rapide. Bien que certains aient considéré son travail comme trop sentimental, son œuvre reste populaire, en grande partie grâce à sa compétence en matière de peinture.

Barber reçoit sa dernière commande en 1894 pour peindre la reine Victoria, avec ses petits-enfants, dans sa voiture à poney. Il meurt à Londres peu de temps après. Sa place de premier peintre d'enfants et d'animaux domestiques a été reprise par Arthur Elsley.

De nombreuses peintures de Barber ont été imprimées, généralement en photogravure. Il a exposé au Royal Institute of Oil Painters, à la Walker Art Gallery et à la Manchester Art Gallery. Une grande partie de ses œuvres se trouve à la Lady Lever Art Gallery à Port Sunlight.

Jean-Paul Sartre: There are two types of poor people, those who are poor together and those who are poor alone. The first are the true poor, the others are rich people out of luck.…

Jean-Paul Sartre: I will not be modest. Humble, as much as you like, but not modest. Modesty is the virtue of the lukewarm.…

Jean-Paul Sartre: Similarly, individual acts of aristocratic generosity do not eliminate pauperism; they perpetuate it.…

This hits hard tbh

#lbgt #lgbtqia #lgbt #trans #meme

in reply to Shiri Bailem

Sensitive content

in reply to Shiri Bailem

wait a minute. Trans people are the real Americans!

/j /j idek what I’d be starting with this omfg /j

Jean-Paul Sartre: In some places the metropolis makes do with paying a clique of feudal overlords; in others, it has fabricated a fake bourgeoisie of colonized subjects in a system of divide and rule; elsewhere, it has killed two birds with one stone: the colony is both settlement and exploitation.…

Enver Hoxha: At these difficult moments, when capitalism in crisis is seeking to establish its savage dictatorship, sacrifices on the part of Marxist-Leninists, the working class and progressive elements are indispensable, but every revolutionary action requires courage, intelligence and vigorous actions. There must be no retreat in the face of this situation. The just and heroic struggle of the Palestinian people for the liberation of their territories seized and occupied by Israel is a fine example. Despite the fact that it is not led by Marxist-Leninists we support it. We support it since it is a national liberation, anti-imperialist struggle. In assessing their struggle we must appreciate their bravery in coping with countless difficulties against extremely strong powers, armed to the teeth, such as the American imperialists and the Israeli Zionists. We must also bear in mind the fact that, at the same time, the Palestinians have to fight the reactionary Arab forces, too. They are left without a homeland, but they have the strength of their spirit and the strength of their arms, their courage and honest aims to have their homeland liberated, which keep them alive. They are fighting tooth and nail against the Israeli Zionists, fighting for their existence as a people and for their right to have their own homeland. It is useful for the Marxist-Leninist parties of the capitalist countries to bear in mind this wonderful experience for the organization of their struggle, to draw inspiration from the example of the resistance of this small people who, although displaced and scattered, have been able to rally their energies for a great purpose. They are fighting in the ways which the conditions of bourgeois domination have allowed them for the creation of a Palestinian state in opposition to the great forces of capitalism and imperialism.…

Otto Kuusinen: The main thing that characterises the parties of the new type is their irreconcilability to capitalism. The Communists are waging an active struggle for its abolition, for a revolutionary transformation of capitalist society, for they hold that the taking of political power by the working class and the establishment, of a dictatorship of the proletariat are essential conditions for this transformation. Hence the intolerance displayed by Communists for all forms of opportunism, which in practice signifies adaptation to capitalism.…

Umberto Eco: A democratic civilization will save itself only if it makes the language of the image into a stimulus for critical reflection — not an invitation for hypnosis.…

Umberto Eco: Because learning does not consist only of knowing what we must or we can do, but also of knowing what we could do and perhaps should not do.…

Umberto Eco: Books are not made to be believed, but to be subjected to inquiry. When we consider a book, we mustn't ask ourselves what it says but what it means...…

Umberto Eco: A philosophy does not play its role as an actor during a recital; it interacts with other philosophies and with other facts, and it cannot know the results of the interaction between itself and other world visions. World visions can conceive of everything, except alternative world visions, if not in order to criticize them and to show their inconsistency.…

Umberto Eco: What is a symbol? Etymologically speaking, the word σύμβολον comes from σνμβάλλω, to throw-with, to make something coincide with something else: a symbol was originally an identification mark made up of two halves of a coin or of a medal. Two halves of the same thing, either one standing for the other, both becoming, however, fully effective only when they matched to make up, again, the original whole. … in the original concept of symbol, there is the suggestion of a final recomposition. Etymologies, however, do not necessarily tell the truth — or, at least, they tell the truth, in terms of historical, not of structural, semantics. What is frequently appreciated in many so-called symbols is exactly their vagueness, their openness, their fruitful ineffectiveness to express a 'final' meaning, so that with symbols and by symbols one indicates what is always beyond one's reach.…

Ernest Walbourn

Ernest Charles Walbourn (16 février 1872 Dalston, Middlesex - 29 juin 1927) était un peintre paysagiste britannique de scènes rurales et agricoles. Il est le deuxième d'une famille de cinq enfants et reçoit une éducation locale. Son père, qui possédait une propriété en Tasmanie/Australie, a d'abord désapprouvé ses ambitions artistiques, mais il l'a ensuite aidé à installer un studio dans la maison familiale et à financer sa formation artistique.

En 1895, il s'installe à Chingford, dans l'Essex, et commence à exposer à l'Institut royal des peintres à l'huile. À partir de 1897, ses peintures sont exposées à la Royal Academy et à la Royal Society of British Artists. Ses œuvres sont bien accueillies et nombre d'entre elles sont vendues par l'intermédiaire des marchands d'art londoniens W. W. Sampson & Louis Wolfe. En 1906, il épouse Eva Gardner, qui l'aide à peindre l'arrière-plan de certaines de ses grandes œuvres, et qui sera plus tard reconnue comme telle.