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Marcus Aurelius: As thou thyself art a component part of a social system, so let every act of thine be a component part of social life. Whatever act of thine that has no reference, either immediately or remotely, to a social end, this tears asunder thy life, and does not allow it to be one, and it is of the nature of a mutiny, just as when in a popular assembly a man acting by himself stands apart from the general agreement.…

Robert Beyschlag

Robert Julius Beyschlag (1838-1903) était un peintre allemand.

Robert Julius Beyschlag est né à Nördlingen le 1er juillet 1838. Il étudie à l'Akademie der Bildenden Künste de Munich. Il a peint des sujets mythologiques, des personnages et des scènes de genre. Ses œuvres comprennent: Nymphes ; Conversation au puits; L'adieu d'Iphigénie; La séparation d'Orphée et d'Eurydice; et des études de têtes et de figures de femmes de différents siècles, qui ont été publiées sous forme de collotypes en 1885 sous le titre Frauenlob. Il a également peint une fresque au Bayerisches Nationalmuseum de Munich. Il meurt à Munich le 15 décembre 1903, à l'âge de 65 ans.

in reply to Vanessa

Israeli parliament passes law to ban Unrwa from operating inside country | Israel | The Guardian…

Virgil: The gates of hell are open night and day; Smooth the descent, and easy is the way: But to return, and view the cheerful skies, In this the task and mighty labor lies.…

Theodore White: The power of the press in America is a primordial one. It sets the agenda of public discussion; and this sweeping poli tical power is unrestrained by any law. It determines what people will talk and think about— an authority that in other nations is reserved for tyrants, priests, parties, and mandarins.…

Rosa Luxemburg: Without general elections, without freedom of the press, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, without the free battle of opinions, life in every public institution withers away, becomes a caricature of itself, and bureaucracy rises as the only deciding factor.…

Comrades, if you stop receiving posts from one of our accounts, please visit our website to check the available accounts.…

Emir Sader: If a monkey hoarded more bananas than it could eat, while most other monkeys starved to death, scientists would study that monkey to find out what the hell was going on with it. When humans do that, we put them on the cover of Forbes.…

Barbara Ehrenreich: Please, no more talk of companies “giving” people jobs. In reality, the gift relationship goes in the opposite direction. Workers give their blood, sweat and tears, sometimes their lives, and in return companies pay them the minimum they can get away with.…

Lenin: The idea of building communist society exclusively with the hands of the Communists is childish, absolutely childish. We communists are but a drop in the ocean, a drop in the ocean of the people.…

Malala Yousafzai: I am convinced Socialism is the only answer and I urge all comrades to take this struggle to a victorious conclusion. Only this will free us from the chains of bigotry and exploitation.…