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Erich Honecker: We all had fought against Nazism. Whether in the KPD or the SPD, after liberation from Nazism we had jointly taken the road of antifascist democratic reformation, the road to the German Democratic Republic.…

Michael Sherlock: Christianity did not become a major religion by the quality of its truth, but by the quantity of its violence.…

Stalin: As far as I know in the CPC there is a thin layer of the proletariat and the nationalist sentiments are very strong and if you will not conduct genuinely Marxist-Leninist class policies and not conduct struggle against bourgeois nationalism, the nationalists will strangle you. Then not only will socialist construction be terminated, China may become a dangerous toy in the hands of American imperialists. In the building of socialism in China I strongly recommend you to fully utilise Lenin’s splendid work ‘The Immediate Tasks of Soviet Power’. This would assure success.…

Malcolm X: They accuse us of what they themselves are guilty of. This is what the criminal always does. They’ll bomb you, then accuse you of bombing yourself. They’ll crush your skull, then accuse you of attacking him.…

Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald: There is no life anywhere without struggle; those who want to move forward must fight... There is no doubt that the new and young will win.…

L'esprit et le corps sont-ils séparés et si oui, lequel vaut-il mieux choisir?

Citation probablement apocryphe introduite par Christophe André sans référence dans "Je médite jour après jour" (2014), puis reprise sans vérification par d'autres auteurs amis du psychiatre.

Le corps, l'âme et l'esprit constitue l'être dans les 3 religions monothéistes. Ils ne seront séparés qu'à la mort.

Il est probable que Christophe André ait repris la citation "Is there a separation between body and mind, and if so which is it better to have?" attribuée à Woody Allen aux États-Unis sans référence et inexistante dans la littérature et sur Twitter (plus maintenant 😁).

Lenin: The liberals cannot advocate a struggle, because they are afraid of it. They respond to the intensification of reaction by whining about a constitution, thus corrupting people’s minds, and by intensified opportunism. The methods of the liberals were aptly and graphically hit off by the Trudovik Sedelnikov at a meeting on May 9 in the Panina Palace. When a liberal is abused, he says: Thank God they didn’t beat me. When he is beaten, he thanks God they didn’t kill him. When he is killed, he will thank God that his immortal soul has been delivered from its mortal clay.…

Enver Hoxha: The modern revisionists try to justify the approach to and union with the social-democrats under the pretext that "positive trends" are allegedly being observed especially in recent times, among the ranks of social democracy; that they have allegedly expressed themselves in favor of peace, peaceful coexistence, disarmament, that they have positively modified their attitude toward the USSR, that they have expressed themselves in favor of some kind of approach to the communists, that they have expressed some sort of willingness to meet the demands of the working class, to preserve and strengthen democratic institutions, they have stated that they are in favor of socialist transformation of society and so forth. Thus, in order to justify their line of approach to the rightwing leaders of social-democracy, the revisionists try to create the illusion that it is not the revisionist train which is speeding its way to the social-democratic station, but the social-democratic station is coming up to meet the revisionist train!…

Aldous Huxley: Cynical realism—it's the intelligent man's best excuse for doing nothing in an intolerable situation.…

Bible: For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.…

Alexander Pope: Some people will never learn anything, for this reason, because they understand everything too soon.…

George Habash: As long as you are still fighting in defense of your dignity and for your occupied land, all is well.…

Xi Jinping: In the days when the Chinese people were poor, weak, and at the mercy of others, all sorts of ideologies and theories were attempted. The capitalist road was tried and found wanting. Reformism, liberalism, social Darwinism, anarchism, pragmatism, populism, syndicalism—they all were given their moment on the stage. They all failed to solve the problems of China’s future destiny. It is Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought that guided the Chinese people out of the darkness of that long night and established a New China.…

Enver Hoxha: Present-day social-democracy is a direct follower of the traitorous 2nd International. It has inherited all the ideological luggage, organization and tactics of the parties of the 2nd International. The social-democrats began their betrayal by getting away from the basic teachings of Marxism-Leninism, which they proclaim as out-dated and inexpedient, by renouncing the class struggle and replacing it with the "theory" of harmony and reconciliation of classes, by negating the revolution and replacing it with reforms within the capitalist order, by giving up the revolutionary way and replacing it with "peaceful", "democratic" and parliamentary method, by denying the indispensability of breaking up the old bourgeois state machinery and accepting the capitalist state as a means to cross over to socialism, by withholding their assent to the dictatorship of the proletariat and replacing it with "pure and general democracy", by departing from proletarian internationalism and going so far the other way as to plunge into positions of the national-chauvinists, to open union with the imperialist bourgeoisie.…

Anthony V. Clark: How poor people spend the little money they have is always the topic of discussion. Let’s talk about how rich people spend the money poor people create.…

Sun Tzu: If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.…

Aristophanes: Men of sense often learn from their enemies. It is from their foes, not their friends, that cities learn the lesson of building high walls and ships of war; and this lesson saves their children, their homes, and their properties.…

Lenin: Learn from your enemies, comrade workers, who sympathise with the formation of a non-partisan workers’ organisation, or are at least indifferent to this desire! Call to mind the Communist Manifesto of Marx and Engels, which speaks of the transformation of the proletariat into a class in keeping with the growth not only of its unity, but also of its political consciousness.(2) Remember the example of such countries as England, where the class struggle of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie has been going on every where and at all times, in spite of which the proletariat has remained disunited, its elected representatives have been bought up by the bourgeoisie, its class-consciousness has been corrupted by the ideologists of capital, its strength has been dissipated through. the desertion of the masses of the workers by the labour aristocracy. Think of all this, comrade workers, and you will come to the conclusion that only a Social-Democratic proletariat is a proletariat conscious of its class tasks. Down with non-partisanship! Non-partisanship has always and everywhere been a weapon and slogan of the bourgeoisie. Under certain conditions, we can and must march together with proletarians who are not class-conscious, with proletarians who accept non-proletarian doctrines (the programme of the “Socialist-Revolutionaries”). But under no circumstances and at no time must we relax our strict Party approach, under no circumstances and at no time must we forget, or allow others to forget, that hostility to Social-Democracy within the ranks of the proletariat is a relic of bourgeois views among the proletariat.…

Dieu a donné un cerveau et un sexe à l'homme mais pas assez de sang pour irriguer les deux à la fois.

Il n'est pas évident que cette citation soit de Pierre Desproges. Un Internaute la rattache à un "Tribunal des Flagrants délires". Pourtant, elle est introuvable dans les deux tomes de 2003. Un ouvrage de 2019 dit qu'elle est une perle du net.…

Le plus probable est qu'elle soit issue du film "Sexy Boys" de 2001.…

|Dieu a donné un cerveau et un sexe à l'homme mais pas assez de sang pour irriguer les deux à la fois.|

Mark Twain: If it's your job to eat a frog, it's best to do it first thing in the morning. And If it's your job to eat two frogs, it's best to eat the biggest one first.…

En vérité, quand la jeunesse meurt en nous, il s'agit d'une mort plus dure que n'est la mort en la vieillesse.

Citation tronquée extraite des "Essais" de Montaigne (1580).

Extrait des "Essais" de Montaigne (1580):

César répondit plaisamment à un soldat de sa garde, recru et cassé, qui était venu dans la rue lui demander le droit de se faire mourir, regardant son maintien décrépi: «Tu penses donc être en vie». Si nous y tombions tout d'un coup, je ne crois pas que nous serions capables de supporter un tel changement. Mais, conduit par sa main, d'une douce pente et comme insensible, peu à peu, de degré en degré, elle nous roule dans ce misérable état, et nous y apprivoise, aussi nous ne sentons aucune secousse, quand la jeunesse meurt en nous, qui est en essence et en vérité une mort plus dure que n'est la mort réelle d'une vie languissante, et que n'est la mort de la vieillesse. D'autant que le saut n'est pas si lourd du mal-être au non-être, comme il l'est d'un état doux et florissant à un état pénible et douloureux.

|En vérité, quand la jeunesse meurt en nous, il s'agit d'une mort plus dure que n'est la mort en la vieillesse.|

Politiquement, la faiblesse de l'argument du moindre mal a toujours été que ceux qui choisissent le moindre mal oublient très vite qu'ils ont choisi le mal.

Citation extraite de "Responsabilité et jugement" d'Hannah Arendt (édité à titre posthume en 2005).…

Extrait de "Responsabilité et jugement" d'Hannah Arendt:

Politiquement, la faiblesse de l'argument du moindre mal a toujours été que ceux qui choisissent le moindre mal oublient très vite qu'ils ont choisi le mal. Puisque le mal commis par le IIIe Reich était si monstrueux qu'aucun effort de l'imagination ne pouvait permettre de l'appeler «moindre mal», on devait supposer que, à cette époque, le raisonnement aurait dû s'effondrer une fois pour toutes, ce qui, étonnamment, n'a pas été le cas. De plus, si on considère les techniques de gouvernement totalitaire, il est évident que le raisonnement du «moindre mal» - loin d'être avancé seulement de l'extérieur par ceux qui n'appartiennent pas à l'élite au pouvoir - est l'un des mécanismes intégrés à la machinerie de la terreur et de la criminalité. L'acceptation du moindre mal est consciemment utilisée pour conditionner les fonctionnaires comme la population en général à accepter le mal comme tel. Pour n'en donner qu'un parmi maints exemples: l'extermination des juifs a été précédée par une suite très progressive de mesures antijuives, et chacune a été acceptée au motif que refuser de coopérer aurait empiré les choses - jusqu'au stade où rien de pire n'aurait pu arriver.

Hannah Arendt nous rappelle que le moindre mal dont il est question (acceptation du nazisme) n'en était pas un. Elle dit ensuite que par une escalade d'acceptions de ce genre de croyance, on finit par choisir le mal absolu alors que ce "moindre mal" était dès le départ le mal.

C'est d'un point de vue politique qu'il faut être prudent avec ceux qui parlent d'un moindre mal alors qu'il s'agit de toute évidence du mal. Il convient donc de rester vigilant (il faut veiller comme disait Jésus).

|Politiquement, la faiblesse de l'argument du moindre mal a toujours été que ceux qui choisissent le moindre mal oublient très vite qu'ils ont choisi le mal.|