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Deng Xiaoping: Their talk about human rights, freedom and democracy is only designed to safeguard the interests of the strong, rich countries, which take advantage of their strength to bully weak countries, and which pursue hegemony and practice power politics. We never listen to such stuff... Even in the past when we were quite weak, we ignored them.…

The German communist urban guerrilla group known as the Red Army Faction (RAF) kidnapped the German businessman Hanns Martin Schleyer on this day in 1977. But did you know that Schleyer was a former SS officer? A fact often ignored in the historical narrative. Schleyer’s aggressive anti-communist views, his history with the Nazi Party, and later his position as a prominent member of the right-wing Christian Democratic Union made him one of the main enemies of the 1968 student movement and a target for the RAF’s kidnapping operation. The RAF used Schleyer to blackmail the West German government into releasing imprisoned RAF members, including two of its founders, Andreas Baader and Gudrun Ensslin. After all the imprisoned members were found dead in their jail cells, Schleyer was killed by the RAF. Early in his life, Schleyer became an enthusiastic Nazi follower and quickly rose in the ranks of the Nazi Party. After being held as a prisoner of war following the defeat of Nazi Germany, Schleyer was released in 1948 and became one of the most influential German businessmen. He was simultaneously president of the Confederation of German Employers’ Association and the Federation of German Industries. The RAF was a West German communist, anti-imperialist urban guerrilla group that emerged from the 1968 student movement. It was founded in 1970 and remained active until 1998. Due to the RAF’s numerous activities against the West German state and its NATO allies, it became one of the leading communist urban guerrilla groups in Europe. The infamous picture of Schleyer being held by the RAF, taken 20 days into his capture, has since become one of the most iconic pictures of the 20th century. (@redstreamnet)…

Karl Marx: Labor is not the source of all wealth. Nature is just as much the source of use values (and it is surely of such that material wealth consists!) as labor, which itself is only the manifestation of a force of nature, human labor power.…

Kim Jong-il: The US imperialists are most fearful of the single-hearted unity of our entire army and the people behind the great Party, and resort to every conceivable scheme to break it. While persisting with their aggressive military maneuvers, the US imperialists and their acolytes try to slander us under the signboard of “human rights” and “democracy,” but this is wild dream. The “defence of human rights” and “democracy” the imperialist reactionaries advocate are nothing other than sophistry to hide their intervention in and hegemonic moves towards other countries. It is preposterous to slander our Republic, which is the motherland of the people, and our society that is united single-heartedly, with such far-fetched sophistry. It only serves to trigger the unanimous indignation of our people, and can never be tolerated.…

Mikhail Kilev: No one doubted his absolute devotion to the revolution, socialism and the interests of the working class. His principles were unshakable and his person incorruptible. He had a capable and incisive intelligence, capable of analyzing complex situations and plotting courses of action accurately clear and thorough. He was decisive, calm and firm even under great stress. He had an unrivaled talent for organization. He had a great ability to undergo a high pace of work. His lifestyle, his way of acting at work and in dealing with others he denotes great modesty and simplicity. It was the combination of these characteristics and the undeniable achievements of the Soviet Union under his leadership that gave Stalin towering authority and earned him the respect of his comrades, of the people in general and also of many of his enemies.…

Lenin: We professional revolutionaries must and will make it our business to engage in this kind of 'pushing on' a hundred times more forcibly than we have done hitherto. But the very fact that you select so hideous a phrase as 'pushing on from outside' ... proves you to be demagogues, and demagogues are the worst enemies of the working class.…

Le paresseux appelle chance le succès du travailleur.

Citation américaine anonyme et déformée remontant au début du XXe siècle (1917).

Bonne version: «La chance est l'estimation par un paresseux du succès d'un travailleur.»…

|Le paresseux appelle chance le succès du travailleur.|

Stalin: Some comrades say that it is not advisable to speak openly of mistakes, since the open admission of mistakes may be construed by our enemies as weakness. This is rubbish. Open recognition of our mistakes and their honest rectification can only strengthen our Party.…

Julius Fučík: In the face of adversity, the strength of the human spirit shines brightest. It is in the darkest of times that we must hold on to hope and fight for a better world.…

George Patton: Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politicians.…

Claude-Adrien Helvétius: The degree of genius necessary to please us is pretty nearly the same proportion that we ourselves have.…

Le plus grand ennui c'est d'exister sans vivre.

Citation déformée extraite de "Ceux qui vivent, ce sont ceux qui luttent" (1848) venant du recueil de poèmes satiriques "Les Châtiments" de Victor Hugo (1853).…

"Ceux qui vivent, ce sont ceux qui luttent" de Victor Hugo (1848):

Ceux qui vivent, ce sont ceux qui luttent; ce sont
Ceux dont un dessein ferme emplit l'âme et le front,
Ceux qui d'un haut destin gravissent l'âpre cime,
Ceux qui marchent pensifs, épris d'un but sublime,
Ayant devant les yeux sans cesse, nuit et jour,
Ou quelque saint labeur ou quelque grand amour.
C'est le prophète saint prosterné devant l'arche,
C'est le travailleur, pâtre, ouvrier, patriarche;
Ceux dont le cœur est bon, ceux dont les jours sont pleins,
Ceux-là vivent, Seigneur! les autres, je les plains.
Car de son vague ennui le néant les enivre,
Car le plus lourd fardeau, c'est d'exister sans vivre.
Inutiles, épars, ils traînent ici-bas
Le sombre accablement d'être en ne pensant pas.
Ils s'appellent vulgus, plebs, la tourbe, la foule.
Ils sont ce qui murmure, applaudit, siffle, coule,
Bat des mains, foule aux pieds, bâille, dit oui, dit non,
N'a jamais de figure et n'a jamais de nom;
Troupeau qui va, revient, juge, absout, délibère,
Détruit, prêt à Marat comme prêt à Tibère,
Foule triste, joyeuse, habits dorés, bras nus,
Pêle-mêle, et poussée aux gouffres inconnus.
Ils sont les passants froids, sans but, sans nœud, sans âge;
Le bas du genre humain qui s'écroule en nuage;
Ceux qu'on ne connaît pas, ceux qu'on ne compte pas,
Ceux qui perdent les mots, les volontés, les pas.
L'ombre obscure autour d'eux se prolonge et recule;
Ils n'ont du plein midi qu'un lointain crépuscule,
Car, jetant au hasard les cris, les voix, le bruit,
Ils errent près du bord sinistre de la nuit.

Quoi, ne point aimer! suivre une morne carrière,
Sans un songe en avant, sans un deuil en arrière!
Quoi! marcher devant soi sans savoir où l'on va!
Rire de Jupiter sans croire à Jéhova!
Regarder sans respect l'astre, la fleur, la femme!
Toujours vouloir le corps, ne jamais chercher l'âme!
Pour de vains résultats faire de vains efforts!
N'attendre rien d'en haut! ciel! oublier les morts!
Oh non, je ne suis point de ceux-là! grands, prospères,
Fiers, puissants, ou cachés dans d'immondes repaires,
Je les fuis, et je crains leurs sentiers détestés;
Et j'aimerais mieux être, ô fourmis des cités,
Tourbe, foule, hommes faux, cœurs morts, races déchues
Un arbre dans les bois qu'une âme en vos cohues!

|Le plus grand ennui c'est d'exister sans vivre.|

L'ignorant affirme, le savant doute, le sage réfléchit.

Citation apocryphe remontant au XXe, au moins depuis 1935. Elle semble venir du journal l'Excelsior:…

La citation authentifiée qui s'en rapproche le plus est celle de Jacques-Pierre Brissot De Warville ( 1754-1793) dans "Le sang innocent vengé, ou Discours sur les réparations dues aux accusés innocents":

Il en est des procès criminels comme de la plupart des sciences. L'homme qui pèse mûrement la certitude, ne trouve partout que des raisons de douter. L'ignorant affirme où le sage balance, et il balance surtout quand sa décision dépend le bonheur de son semblable.…

|L'ignorant affirme, le savant doute, le sage réfléchit.|

Bertolt Brecht: The aim of science is not to open the door to infinite wisdom, but to set a limit to infinite error.…

Mao Zedong: Commodity production is not an isolated thing. Look at the context: capitalism or socialism. In a capitalist context it is capitalist commodity production. In a socialist context it is socialist commodity production.…

Erich Honecker: Nevertheless, at the end of my life I have the certainty that the GDR was not founded in vain. She sent a signal that socialism can be possible and better than capitalism.…

Friedrich Engels: The state is nothing but the organised collective power of the possessing classes, the landowners and the capitalists as against the exploited classes, the peasants and the workers. What the individual capitalists do not want, their state also does not want.…

Gramsci: The most important observation about any concrete analysis of the relations of force is that such analyses cannot and must not be ends in themselves, but acquire significance only if they serve to justify a particular practical activity.…

Fidel Castro: Globalization was enclosed in the straitjacket of neoliberalism, and as such tends to globalize not development, but poverty; not respect for the national sovereignty of our States, but its violation; not solidarity among peoples, but "every man for himself" in the midst of unequal competition in the market. Two decades of the so-called neoliberal structural adjustment have left a balance of economic failure and social disaster... It is time for the Third World to energetically demand the demolition of an organization (the IMF) that does not offer stability to the world economy and functions not to deliver preventive funds to debtors to avoid liquidity crises, but to protect and rescue creditors.…

Maurice Bishop: Has Reagan ever been interested in elections and democracy? When did Reagan ever call on Haiti to hold elections? When did Reagan ever call on the butcher Pinochet in Chile or on South Korea to hold elections? Is he calling upon racist South Africa to hold elections? No! Even when Allende in Chile had in fact won power through elections what did the American President - Nixon at the time do? Nixon, Kissinger and Helms sat down the night after Allende won the elections in September 1970 and they worked out their plan of aggression and destabilisation against President Allende. Allende didn't say no more elections. He didn't arm working people to try to close down the reactionary paper El Mercurio as he should have done. Allende relied on the parliamentary form that they wanted him to rely on. But because he was a socialist and was independent and was bringing benefits and justice to his people, the American elite went out of their way to crush him ruthlessly. And the criminal they put into power has yet to be told by the so-called democratic United States to call an election.…

Theodore Dreiser: Belief in the greatness and dignity of Man has been the guiding principle of my life and work. The logic of my life and work leads me therefore to apply for membership in the Community Party.…

Kim Jong-il: It has already been established by materialistic dialectic that the world consists of material, not consciousness or ideas, and that it moves, changes the Juche philosophy answered a new question—who is the master of the world and what is the motive force for its transformation. It elucidated a new idea of the world that nature and society are dominated and transformed by man, and thus fulfilled brilliantly the philosophical task of our time when the popular masses are masters of their own destiny and history.…

Lenin: Communist morality is that which serves struggle and unites the working people against all exploitation, against all petty private property; for petty property puts into the hands of one person that which has been created by the labour of the whole of society.…

Che Guevara: The guerrilla is a social reformer, he takes up arms responding to the angry protest of the people against their oppressors.…

Stalin: In the United States of America, in Britain, as also in France, there are aggressive forces thirsting for a new war. They need war to obtain super-profits, to plunder other countries. They are billionaires and millionaires who regard war as a lucrative item yielding colossal profits. They, these aggressive forces, hold reactionary governments in their hands and direct them. But they are at the same time afraid of their peoples, who do not want a new war and stand for the preservation of peace. Therefore they try to use reactionary governments in order to entangle their peoples with lies, to deceive them and to portray the new war as defensive and the peaceful policy of the peace-loving countries as aggressive. They are trying to deceive their peoples in order to impose their aggressive plans on them and to draw them into a new war... Peace will be preserved and consolidated if the peoples take the cause of peace into their own hands and defend it to the end. War may become inevitable if the warmongers succeed in entangling the masses of the people in lies, in deceiving them and drawing them into a new world war.…

Always be on the alert against Trotskyism, reformism and revisionism / Soyez toujours en alerte contre le trotskysme, le réformisme et le révisionnisme / Seid immer wachsam gegen Trotzkismus, Reformismus und Revisionismus