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Still processing something...

I'm recovering from the trauma of constantly being hyper-vigilant of how I might present as a threat, constantly focused on how to make others feel safe around me...

and now I've traded it for the trauma of being constantly hyper-vigilant of potential threats around me.

It sucks but honestly I prefer it to the intense sense of isolation and loneliness.

#TransWoman #TransFemme #Transitioning #Trans #Transition

in reply to Shiri Bailem

@Shiri Bailem Much empathy as somebody on their own trauma recovery journey and an lgbtqia background and ally. It's tough out there for many in the trans community with so much ill founded backlash scapegoating in some countries and online.
Solidarity with your journey and hopefully dealing with your hyper vigilance and trauma issues.

Roger Griffin: (Fascism is) a genuinely revolutionary, trans-class form of anti-liberal, and in the last analysis, anti conservative nationalism. As such it is an ideology deeply bound up with modernization and modernity, one which has assumed a considerable variety of external forms to adapt itself to the particular historical and national context in which it appears, and has drawn a wide range of cultural and intellectual currents, both left and right, anti-modern and pro-modern, to articulate itself as a body of ideas, slogans, and doctrine. In the inter-war period it manifested itself primarily in the form of an elite-led "armed party" which attempted, mostly unsuccessfully, to generate a populist mass movement through a liturgical style of politics and a programme of radical policies which promised to overcome a threat posed by international socialism, to end the degeneration affecting the nation under liberalism, and to bring about a radical renewal of its social, political and cultural life as part of what was widely imagined to be the new era being inaugurated in Western civilization. The core mobilizing myth of fascism which conditions its ideology, propaganda, style of politics and actions is the vision of the nation's imminent rebirth from decadence.…

Aldous Huxley: Of course, I am against fascism with its spread of color prejudice and race hatred and working class oppression. How could any sensible Negro be otherwise?…

George L. Jackson: The fascist arrangement has attempted to create the illusion of a mass society in which the traditional capitalist ruling class would continue to play its leading role.…

George L. Jackson: The essence of a U.S.A. totalitarian socio-political capitalism is concealed behind the illusion of a mass participatory society. We must rip away its mask. Then the debate can end, and we can enter a new phase of struggle based on the development of an armed revolutionary culture that will triumph.…

Mark Neocleous: Despite the fact that only the Nazi included into the title of their party designation 'National Socialist', fascism generally presented itself as socialist.…

Karl Polanyi: Market society was born in England-yet it was on the Continent that its weaknesses engendered the most tragic complications. In order to comprehend German fascism, we must revert to Ricardian England. The nineteenth century, as cannot be overemphasized, was England's century. The Industrial Revolution was an English event. Market economy, free trade, and the gold standard were English inventions. These institutions broke down in the twenties everywhere-in Germany, Italy, or Austria the event was merely more political and more dramatic. But whatever the scenery and the temperature of the final episodes, the long-run factors which wrecked that civilization should be studied in the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution, England.…

David Renton: Fascism began as a rejection of the idea that reason could be used to understand society and resulted, Sternhell argues, in the formation of a 'new generation of intellectuals (which) rose violently against the rationalist individuals of liberal society'. These intellectuals absorbed the synthesised socialism and nationalism and thus created a new ideology, 'a socialism without the proletariat', which duly became fascism. This ideology Sternhell describes as being 'a synthesis of organic nationalism and anti-Marxist socialism,...'…

Lew Rockwell: Fascism is the system of government that cartelizes the private sector, centrally plans the economy to subsidize producers, exalts the police State as the source of order, denies fundamental rights and liberties to individuals, and makes the executive State the unlimited master of society.…

Zeev Sternhell: In the form that it emerged at the turn of the century and developed in the 1920s and 1930s, the fascist ideology represented a synthesis of organic nationalism with the antimaterialist revision of Marxism.…

Zeev Sternhell: (Fascist ideology was) a variety of socialism which, while rejecting Marxism, remained revolutionary. This form of socialism was also, by definition, anti-liberal and anti-bourgeois, and its opposition to historical materialism made it the natural ally of radical nationalism.…

Zeev Sternhell: If the Fascist ideology cannot be described as a simple response to Marxism, its origins, on the other hand, were the direct result of very specific revision of Marxism. It was a revision of Marxism and not a variety of Marxism or a consequence of Marxism...It was the French and Italian Sorelians, the theoreticians of revolutionary syndicalism who made this new and original revision of Marxism, and precisely this was their contribution to the birth of the Fascist ideology.…

Frank Zappa: The biggest threat to America today is not communism. It's moving America toward a fascist theocracy, and everything that's happened during the Reagan administration is steering us right down that pipe.…

Kim Il Sung: Our Party’s Juche idea is a Marxist-Leninist revolutionary belief which has been evolved during the long years of revolutionary struggle. The Juche idea requires that one should consider and judge all problems arising in the revolution and construction; using one’s own intelligence and solve them by one’s own efforts and that everything should be subordinated to the interests of the revolution and of the people in one’s own country.…

Stalin: The proletarian struggle is not, however, an uninterrupted advance, an unbroken chain of victories. The proletarian struggle also has its trials, its defeats. The genuine revolutionary is not one who displays courage in the period of a victorious uprising but one who, while fighting well during the victorious advance of the revolution, also displays courage when the revolution is in retreat, when the proletariat suffers defeat who does not lose his head and does not funk when the revolution suffers reverses, when the enemy achieves success; who does not become panic-stricken or give way to despair when the revolution is in a period of retreat.…

Bertolt Brecht: The law was made for one thing alone, for the exploitation of those who don't understand it, or are prevented by naked misery from obeying it.…

Gramsci: The popular masses who want peace, freedom and bread must, in this period of dark onrush of events, always hold themselves ready to spring up as one man against every danger of new carnage and suffering threatened by the so heroic exploits of fascism.…

Mao Zedong: In war there must be sacrifice. Without sacrifices there will be no victory. To sacrifice my son or other people's sons are just the same. There are no parents in the world who do not treasure their children. But please do not feel sad on my behalf, because this is something entirely unpredictable.…

Ho Chi Minh: Our resistance will be long and painful, but whatever the sacrifices, however long the struggle, we shall fight to the end, until Vietnam is fully independent and reunified.…

Henry George: In a capitalist democracy, the tendency is always to give power to the worst. Honesty & patriotism are a handicap, while dishonesty brings success. The best sink to the bottom, the worst float to the top. The vile are ousted only by the viler.…

Just reaching out for suggestions, it's not often I get people converted to the fediverse but when I do I'm a bit short on suggested instances, especially in variety.

As it stands I've got my own instance, which runs Friendica. But because I'm a nerd who craves all the options at once and will sacrifice some user-friendliness for it, it's good for me not for most users.

Aside from that, I've got which is a wonderful Mastodon server I started out on in the fediverse. But obviously leaves me fumbling when helping the rare few friends who aren't in the alphabet.

I'd like suggestions of other open instances (aside from the mega instances like that I can direct people to, especially of different platforms so they have a little more choice in their experience.

Unknown parent

in reply to Shiri Bailem

I love being on Fosstodon. Never had to look back and plenty of interesting people here \m/

Ho Chi Minh: In all countries, the Trotskyists give themselves fine names in order to mask their dirty work and banditry. For example: in Spain they call themselves the United Marxist Workers Party (POUM). Do you know that it's they who constitute the nests of spies in Madrid in Barcelona and in other places in the service of Franco?…

Lenin: It is natural for a liberal to speak of "democracy" in general; but a Marxist will never forget to ask: "for what class?"…

Mikhail Gorbachev: Then Yeltsin broke up the USSR and at that time I was not in the Kremlin, all the newspaper reporters asked me whether I shall cry? I did not cry, because I really managed to destroy Communism in the USSR, and also in all other European Socialist countries. I did not cry, because I knew that I fulfilled my main aim, that was the defeat of communism in Europe.…