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Date night tonight with my girlfriend, what do y'all think? #TransEuphoria

(Sorry no image description, if someone else writes one I'll copy it, but I'm useless at describing myself)

I shared this a few years ago but a lot has changed since then...

Not a perfect graph regardless, but I like it for communicating.

Content warning: Meme image joking about real world murders (mocking murderers)

My sister Chelsie is struggling emotionally with potty training her kid, so I edited a popular meme to be more relevant.

#StarTrek #Parenting #PottyTraining #StarTrekTNG

Oh wait, already did... maybe I need to make it more prevalent?

(Edited as based on a reply it was far too easily misread. Previously said "Admin is a Jew" and it never dawned on me that someone could think it meant the admin of the zionist server rather than myself)

Had a really long night at a charity LARP event I was invited to, I thought I felt slightly pretty for a moment in the last one picture I shared... But after last night I felt much much more happy and sure of myself.

Edit: alt-text provided by @Janet Logan šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø

#selfie #transfemme

Felt pretty, not just slightly cute, today for the first time...

WTF Google? It costs serious money just to get a network jack that fast!

Call for help for emergency vet bills, thankfully my fur-nibling is safe now but my sibling Dandelion is under a lot of strain from this.

Hey friends: my dog got into something he shouldn't and I've been left with a $700 emergency vet bill. Doggo is okay now, thankfully, but I could use some assistance if anyone has anything to give. Venmo: @ronanjoem

Link To Original Post

#EmergencyAid #VetBills #Pets #Dogs

Just a random picture of my kitty receiving joyous chin scritches

Got my anti-cistamines today! One order of tit-tacs and one order of antiboyotics!

#hrt #trans #transfemme

@Kris :v_bi: :v_amam: I don't have stats of it, but on Friendica I get to see what protocol and platform every post is from.

(For those with a generic AP icon, I can mouse over it to see the platform name)

I want to run tabletop games, be emotional support, teach people techie shit, and contribute to programming projects or building small programs for people who'd benefit from them.

@Aaron Freebie-ish, here's a template I made for a simple autistic button that I wore for a while. (Original copy I had was rainbow, but it's better gold because rainbow is specifically neurodiversity and gold is the specific autistic symbol).

(Please just credit if sharing)

I'm struggling hard with my health right now.

Saw this and decided to share my commentary on it because it's extremely harmful:

Unfortunately nothing here is valid. They've solved the finger problem and it's pretty much only old models that show up there. People are bad at even as well (let alone the fact that real faces are asymmetrical). Purposeless or lack of intent is also common in human art (there are whole art styles around it). And lack of perspective often is because the real art it's emulating lacks perspective.

And those AI detection pages are very very inaccurate. They can't remotely tell you if it's actual AI work, just if they think there's a chance of it being AI work.

All of this, including the detection sites are causing problems for real people who get accused of their very real artwork being AI. People get shut out of communities and told that they need to entirely change their personal style if they want to be accepted because it's too "AI like".

And finally the comment about it taking an incredible amount of resources: it actually takes remarkably little. You can run these AI systems on a single desktop computer with a low to mid range graphics card. (One of the problems for these AI companies and one of the reasons they're so widespread is because it's so easy and cheap to run it yourself)

Note: I don't have the energy for an image description, if you reply with one I'll edit this post to include it.

Got me a site icon now, taken with permission from my sibling's art!

I should nab a bunch of their artwork to share here, especially since they offer prints.

A picture of a drawing superimposed on a grey brick wall of a figure wearing vague black close, long brown hair, and a cloud covering the upper half of their head
Piece: Sad Girl (modified)
Artist: Devin Bailem (they/them)

Source Link

Quoted from a facebook post by user Elraen:

Iā€™ve threatened this digital essay for some time, and now I feel like my timeline could use some nerdom, so the moment has come: itā€™s time for my full defense of Frodo. šŸ˜‰
I remember when I was younger, I struggled to accept and understand why a lot of my peers found Frodo either forgettable or material for mocking. I understand it a little better now: the movies DO often make him not particularly likable or watchable. The book portrays him as someone who doesnā€™t seem to be experiencing a reasonable range of human expression/emotion, which admittedly can make him less compelling to read about. I understand that. But I also think itā€™s integral to the point of the character.
Frodo and Sam are necessary for understanding each other. Sam was a character cast from the mold that Tolkien learned on the frontlines of World War I. Tolkien saw Sam as the everyday hero, the embodiment of the simple good-hearted courage of the men he watched die in the trenches. Samā€™s obstacles are exterior to himself: the geography. The threat of enemy soldiers (orcs), of Shelob, of his companion's physical and mental difficulties.
By contrast, Frodoā€™s obstacles are primarily internal. He endured a lot of those same exterior challenges as Sam, but Sam did much to absorb their impact (see the Cirith Ungol rescue). Frodoā€™s challenges are the slow, steady erosion of a soul being asked to carry a tremendous internal darkness without being consumed by it. Everything he was became laser-focused on that monolithic spiritual and emotional task.
This is why, at the end, Frodo had to sacrifice far more than Sam. Because Samā€™s primary struggle was against external forces, once those external forces were alleviated, he could go home, marry, have children, live as a functional member of his community. For Frodo, the cessation of exterior pressure could do nothing to mend the way his soul had been burning from the inside out.
This is a hard thing to portray in movie form (the greatest weakness of the LotR movies is their inability to portray subtlety and spirituality, two traits the narrative Tolkien crafted requires). We see Frodoā€™s neck chapping from the actual physical weight of the Ring as a representation; well and good. But itā€™s hard to truly convey the immense mental weight, the crucible of enduring without utter collapse.
If Sam is a kind of patron saint for the good-hearted soldier, I would posit that Frodo is the patron saint of the depressed, the suicidal, the addicted, the ones living with trauma. We see it best maybe at Mount Doom, where Frodoā€™s very self has been ground down to nearly nothing: ā€œNo taste of food, no feel of water, no sound of wind, no memory of tree or grass or flower, no image of moon or star are left to me. I am naked in the dark, Sam, and there is no veil between me and the wheel of fire. I begin to see it even with my waking eyes, and all else fades.ā€
If youā€™d ever been deeply depressed, ever lived chained in the prison of PTSD, you will have experienced that exact same thing.
And of course thatā€™s not always the most likable thing to read about or to watch. Mental anguish has a way of stripping away so many of the human details about you, even your personality itself.
"Frodo is a study of a hobbit broken by a burden of fear and horrorā€” broken down, and in the end made into something quite different,ā€ J.R.R. Tolkien himself wrote.
In another letter (#246, for the curious), Tolkien addressed the concern that had been posed to him that Frodo was a weak and failed hero, that his decision at Mount Doom proved it. ā€œI do not think that Frodo's was a moral failure,ā€ Tolkien clarified. ā€œAt the last moment the pressure of the Ring would reach its maximumā€“ impossible, I should have said, for any one to resist, certainly after long possession, months of increasing torment, and when starved and exhaustedā€¦ I do not myself see that the breaking of his mind and will under demonic pressure after torment was any more a moral failure than the breaking of his body would have beenā€“ say, by being strangled by Gollum, or crushed by a falling rock.ā€
Tolkien built into Frodo a validation of the internal struggle, marking it not as weakness, but ultimately even as a special kind of strength. Through the character of Frodo, Tolkien displayed that internal anguish, fear, and pain were not moral failings. He might not have known it, but Tolkien was building an incredibly beautiful fictitious case study on the impact of trauma on the soul and the human ability to endure.
ā€œFrodo undertook his quest out of loveā€“ to save the world he knew from disaster at his own expense, if he could; and also in complete humility, acknowledging that he was wholly inadequate to the task,ā€ Tolkien summarized. ā€œHis real contract was only to do what he could, to try to find a way, and to go as far on the road as his strength of mind and body allowed. He did that.ā€
And for any of us carrying a weight of horror, trauma, grief, dread, anxiety, depression, despairā€” maybe our hope is the same. To do what we can. To know that, even when our minds give out under the tremendous weight, we are still enough.


Content warning: Unintentionally lewd product, only NSFW if you're kinky, someone should have asked more people for feedback on the design

  • Content warning: NSFW, Chuck Tingle Erotica, Man In Only Underwear
  • Filtered word: nsfw

Great wind down activity for the night, migrating LVM volumes

Call For Mutual Aid!

One of my sibling's friends was hit by a car and is temporarily disabled, they're currently living off of only $70 in food stamps while they can't work and every little bit can help!

They've been in this state for a few weeks but only now broke down and asked for help (we all know how it is with hyper-independence).

They can take donations over Paypal here:

