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Note to Twitter/X users.
(Please post or link on Twitter)

Seems like Elon Musk is going to try to start charging all of you for Twitter/X.

Perhaps you've thought of trying Mastodon in the past, but heard it was too complicated, too squishy, or something.

Actually, it is a really great social media platform that is actually very easy to use with lots of nice people and great conversations.

Maybe now is the time to give Mastodon a serious try:

This entry was edited (1 year ago)

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in reply to Mastodon Migration

I'm open to a short list of "starter" instances that'd be good to suggest, because apparently the big ones like are a trash fire? Based on hearsay.
in reply to LCWebsXOXO [mod]

Certainly good to listen to advice about different instances, but it really doesn't matter all that much, and if you are unhappy it is easy to switch. The Mastodon GmbH instances and are fine choices for large instances. Other good larger instances include:
or, for more options>>>
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Mastodon Migration

@Mastodon Migration it helps a lot to share a specific instance you recommend. The two biggest hurdles to joining the fediverse are (a) picking an instance and (b) the amount of ideological/cultural purity people demand, which is connected to which instance you pick as well. (This also directly connects to the minority experience of abundant racism/bigotry in the fediverse as many people will ignore cultural and life differences if it's at all in conflict with the culture they've accepted)

So yeah, recommendations matter alot.

LCWebsXOXO [mod] reshared this.

in reply to Shiri Bailem

@shiri One of the things that confuses newcomers is a lot of Mastodon "inside baseball" about different instances. Like any community there are preferences and recommendations, but you don't need to understand any of this to get started. Just join a server and start Mastodoning, you will figure it out.
in reply to Mastodon Migration

@Mastodon Migration "Just join a server" is the biggest barrier.

A lot of the people we're trying to bring in have executive dysfunction that makes it absolutely overwhelming to ask them to pick a server when they know nothing about any of them, no matter how easy it is to move afterwards.

On top of that, if they spend that not insignificant effort and find an unwelcoming place, or worse yet a registration approval process that isn't being paid attention to by the admin (in which applying to servers feels like applying to jobs...).

So I really do insist, if you're going to push people toward Mastodon, suggest one or more instances to start with. (Like most of my circle is quite gay, so I recommend to them)

LCWebsXOXO [mod] reshared this.

in reply to Shiri Bailem

@Mastodon Migration also, to be clear about your tone... it sounds like you're responding to talk about suggested instances as if we're not already on the network.

In my case the whole point of my comment here is to tell people to not just link to the server list or say little more than "join mastodon", but rather give people a concrete place to just jump in.

The server list is for people coming on their own, if you're invited in then the invitation really should include one or more server suggestions, they value your opinion if they're responding to your invitation.

in reply to Shiri Bailem

@shiri One of the biggest reasons that people have given to finding Mastodon too overwhelming is the initial requirement to chose an instance. Which instance? What if I make a mistake? So they simply do nothing. Yes, some people find certain instances a better fit, but this is not something that most people need to address before they even know how the platform works. Once they get their feet on the ground is the time to educate them about different instances and the choices available to them.
in reply to Mastodon Migration

@Mastodon Migration I'm confused by what you're saying here, you start by agreeing with me and then transfer to basically saying that people need to just get over it.

All I'm saying is that anytime you post somewhere encouraging someone to join Mastodon, you should be recommending specific instances. Even if it's just some of the big ones. That way you take away that hurdle so they can get to that second part you're talking about.

A personal recommendation, even a mild one, is a night and day difference.

in reply to Shiri Bailem

@shiri It's an "on boarding" issue. When people are confronted by debates like this and choices they don't understand or have any context to understand, they conclude that Mastodon is too complex for them and move on. If they just join any instance and start using the platform, informed choices can come later.
in reply to Mastodon Migration

This is, honestly, a point of confusion: “without any foreknowledge, where do I start?” As much as there are reasons against it, initially onboarding new folks to mastodon dot social takes a rather unanswerable question off the table, so they can proceed to experience the fediverse itself.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to wendinoakland has moved…

@wendinoakland @shiri Exactly. You said it better. This is not to say that new users won't later migrate to a more differentiated community, but that need not be their first choice before they even understand the options.
in reply to Mastodon Migration

@shiri There are strict anti-hate speech policies on mastodon dot social which make me feel pretty comfortable here. As a starting place (and I haven’t moved yet) this works. I would definitely encourage an automatic-onboarding option (click here to join…) to eliminate the weirdness this can cause.
in reply to wendinoakland has moved…

@wboucek @Mastodon Migration I definitely agree, I'm just saying that people don't even typically suggest that one. I'm just pleading with people to suggest something, be it or something else.

I'm not suggesting exclusive communities, just that it helps to say "Hey, this instance is a good safe place to start"

in reply to Shiri Bailem

@shiri Right, that’s what I’m advocating. I thought that the onboarding process steered new folks to to simplify the process. Obviously, there are other ways to join up where you’re left to make an uninformed decision.
in reply to Shiri Bailem

@shiri @wendinoakland That's fair. The link does sort of guide new users into, while giving them the opportunity to choose other instances, but perhaps it could be clearer.
in reply to Mastodon Migration

@Mastodon Migration @wboucek what I'm saying isn't the central mastodon process, but rather include a suggestion when you're telling people to join.

If I make a post on other networks about how people should join, I tell them one or two servers that are a good place to start (typically,, and my instance; but since my instance is friendica I only suggest it for the nerdy)

in reply to Shiri Bailem

@shiri As long as posting your suggestion on a network doesn’t invite trolls etc to the lgbtqia space, sure.
in reply to wendinoakland has moved…

@wboucek @Mastodon Migration I mean that's a case for every instance, I suggest that one because it's the instance I was on before I started my own. I got to know the admin a little while I was on there and I definitely respect them, they're responsive and active. Also they manually review registrations, which is less attractive for trolls.

Like I said though, even just specifically suggesting or is better than just linking the server list (let alone not directing them at all)

in reply to Shiri Bailem

@shiri I suppose, but I wouldn’t trust mastodon dot online. Different set of rules, restrictions… I can’t vouch for them. Whereas mastodon dot social I would — and that’s pretty important.
in reply to wendinoakland has moved…

@shiri Actually, I wonder if the strict rules here would be protective for PoC who’ve had horrific issues with crazy follower only pile ons, and heinous bs? @mekkaokereke any thoughts?
in reply to wendinoakland has moved…

@wboucek @mekka okereke :verified: @Mastodon Migration I can pretty much guarantee no on that front.

Safe spaces are separate from the big mainstream servers. Those servers are typically still white centric, and take mild stances on bigotry (mild meaning they moderate the blatant cases, but subtle cases that aren't readily apparently to anyone outside the minority are typically dismissed).

I won't even pretend my own instance is an ideal safe space for that. I'll absolutely act on those happening on my own instance, but I won't defederate for it. There are instances that I know of that might be good places for that, but as someone who is definitely very white I can't vouch for any personally.

in reply to wendinoakland has moved…

@wendinoakland @shiri

Absolutely spot on. Mastodon dot social kinda limits the downside risk for most newbies. Both of these things are the true:

A) Mastodon dot social is much safer than a newbie playing instance roulette by trying to choose a server. The probability of landing on a poorly moderated instance is too high.🫤

B) Smaller, community focused instances can provide a much safer and better moderation experience than mega instances like Mastodon for social.

Mastodon Migration reshared this.

in reply to mekka okereke :verified:

@mekkaokereke @shiri Thanks. I want things to be comfortable for everyone* here in the fediverse — I hope there’s a way to avoid harassment & isolation situations.

*except trolls/nazis/spambots/racists/etc

in reply to wendinoakland has moved…

@wboucek @mekka okereke :verified: @Mastodon Migration the important thing is allyship, while I may be white I'm also trans and jewish and can speak to the impact of allyship on those statuses.

The biggest issue I've seen here on AP is a demand for ideological and "cultural" purity. Far too many people and instances harass others for not conforming or for perceived failures (look up the story of how Wil Wheaton got run off Mastodon because of some old already addressed shit).

I've been in arguments with people who are upset at the idea of Mastodon/AP growing in popularity because it'll threaten their "culture" (this is one of the big factors behind the anti-meta pact for people pre-blocking threads). This means when a POC community tries to migrate their support systems over to Mastodon, they're often seen as a threat, and then we accuse them of being Nazis for not moving despite being harassed.

On top of that we have a lot of leftist infighting unleashed here where people are quick to call another fascist for not adhering to their specific variety of leftist political philosophy.

And last but not least a tendency for demanding accomodations while not giving accomodations (ie. harassing people for not putting in image descriptions rather than just replying to them with a description, because adding those descriptions takes work that people don't always have the energy or capacities for).

in reply to Shiri Bailem

@shiri @mekkaokereke Ugh, it’s so counterproductive and tiring. Infighting is destructive, as are purity tests. Actually that’s the kind of work done by outside aggressors, looking to sew chaos throughout a semi cohesive group. If someone is that angry or autocratic, they probably need a time out or perhaps ought to be blocked. I have no space for extremism.
in reply to wendinoakland has moved…

@wboucek @mekka okereke :verified: @Mastodon Migration most of it isn't notably "extreme", which is why it often flourishes.

It comes from identity mechanisms. Many leftists make the mistake of identifying themselves as good and stop questioning it, so when something simple they thought was progressive and good turns out to be complicated they ultimately balk at it.

No matter how decent a person you are, we all love and prefer simplicity and neat stories... the challenge is reminding yourself constantly that the world isn't simple and doesn't usually arrange itself into a clean story.

I mentioned one recent argument I had where people tried to argue that anyone still on Twitter is a Nazi by association, based on the old saying "If you see a table with 1 nazi and 9 other people, you see a table with 10 nazis".

They of course refused to accept that the original saying has nuance (a major international communications platform is a very different thing from a table...), and they also pointedly refused to accept that anyone had a need for the twitter communities and couldn't just jump to activitypub trivially.

And they argued with a Jew (myself) on what was or wasn't a red flag of a likely Nazi.

in reply to Mastodon Migration

It's complicated. At least for me. And a huge disappointment!
in reply to SabineH

@SabineHammerba Sorry you feel that way. Seems like you have a fairly active account. What is the source of your disappointment?
in reply to Mastodon Migration

My TL is full of stuff which to an extent of 80 % app. is of no interest to me. To mute the hashtags is too time-consuming. No one is to blame, except me. A great misunderstanding on my side. The subjects I write about are getting nowhere here. Of course I don't feel fine about that but that's life.
in reply to SabineH

@Sabine Hammerbacher @Mastodon Migration might help to start a new account possibly to get a clean slate?

What kind of stuff are you writing about? Do you put hashtags and tag groups on those posts?

in reply to Shiri Bailem

Thank you for the support. Yes, I use hashtags in almost every post. And I'm tagging groups.

My posts are about music, everything related to culture, history and about Stuttgart.

My TL is filled to a huge extent with articles from newspapers or clips from TV news.

There are a handful of people I'm really in contact with and discussing issues.

The start some weeks ago was promising. But a few people seem to have left or taking a break as long as X works.

in reply to SabineH

@SabineHammerba @shiri Hang in there. You are doing it right. Since there is no algorithm here it can be a more effort to connect with your interests, but the benefit is that once you do, your feed does not include a bunch of off topic stuff. One technique that helps a lot is using lists to categorize your follows, and to always add new follows to a list.
in reply to Mastodon Migration

@SabineHammerba @shiri Here is a post on tips for setting up lists...

Mastodon User Tip

Make use of #Lists, and when you follow someone make a habit of adding them to a list right then.

It's quick and easy:
- Set up at least three or four lists. You can number them to arrange the list display order.
- After you hit FOLLOW, click the three vertical dots and choose "Add or Remove from lists". This will bring up your lists and you can click to add the follow to one or more lists.

They will make your #Fediverse life so much better.

#MastoTips #MastodonMigration

in reply to Mastodon Migration

I guess it ends up you have to post for each message you post or re-x (formerly known as retweet).
Unknown parent

Shiri Bailem

@Emma Builds 🚀 worlds apart, though I can see the confusion because conservatives like to adopt phrases like that to complain about being called out for their bad behavior.

I'm talking things like fights between anarchists, communists, and socialists because each thinks the other philosophies are ridiculous. People who think Threads shouldn't be allowed to federate because it would dilute the culture (there's plenty of valid issues to have, but culture isn't one of them).

Ideological Purity is talking about when people have an inflexible ideology, refuse to accept when that ideology might be flawed, and demonize people for not adhering strictly to it.

Great example is how there are a lot of people who will harass someone for not including image descriptions... and basically believe that if a person has trouble making those descriptions they should just leave, regardless of whether or not that's a disability influencing it as well. (Healthy constructive response is to simply reply with an image description)

Unknown parent

Shiri Bailem

@Inken Paper @mekka okereke :verified: @wboucek @Mastodon Migration wouldn't surprise me at all, also one of the perks if you give more personal suggestions is that it means less people on those giant impossible to properly moderate nodes.

Which reminds me, I wonder how is doing, are they holding true to their previously stated moderation values?

Inken Paper 🇵🇸 reshared this.

in reply to Emma Builds 🚀

@Emma Builds 🚀 thank you for pushing me to clarify, I wasn't thinking about it coming across that way