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Mastodon User Tip

Make use of #Lists, and when you follow someone make a habit of adding them to a list right then.

It's quick and easy:
- Set up at least three or four lists. You can number them to arrange the list display order.
- After you hit FOLLOW, click the three vertical dots and choose "Add or Remove from lists". This will bring up your lists and you can click to add the follow to one or more lists.

They will make your #Fediverse life so much better.

#MastoTips #MastodonMigration

T. T. Perry reshared this.

in reply to Mastodon Migration

I've just wandered in because my previously active twitter list full of a range of scientists & conservationists has dwindled down to a handful of mostly bird folk. (I do love & work with birds, but there isn't as much variety anymore over there.) I am completely at a loss with how mastodon works though 🫣😵‍💫 Hoping to get some tips now I've found this channel 🤞
in reply to Mastodon Migration

I have a List called Don’t Miss and put all the folks who may not post frequently, just to be sure to see them. Also good for following a thread where a number of common friends are commenting.
in reply to Mastodon Migration

Seconded. It took me ages to realise lists here aren't the sinister rubbish they are elsewhere (cough bird) , but more like Tweetdeck columns.
in reply to Mastodon Migration

I have been doing this almost since Day One. The only glitch is when someone has their account set to approve followers. I don’t get a notification when they approve the follow, so they never get added to one of my many lists.
in reply to Mastodon Migration

Lists are excellent!

Is it possible to remove or to rename a list?

in reply to jfor

@fae2535 Yes, absolutely. Select the list. In the top right you will see an icon that looks like three horizontal sliders. Click that to expose a dialog that enables you to edit the list and delete the list. If you click edit, you can remove members and change the name. It is particularly useful to number the lists, so you can control their display order.
in reply to Mastodon Migration

Should have known but didn't see the sliders (again ...) - thank you!
in reply to Mastodon Migration

Not needing to follow an account to put it in a list is what I miss most from Twitter
Unknown parent

Mastodon Migration
@NaturaArtisMagistra When you click on a list, you get a feed of only those posts from members of the list. It's like having your own channels.
Unknown parent

Mastodon Migration

Good question. Everyone uses Mastodon their own way, but one good way is to use lists as a kind of topical index. Let's say you are interested in US Politics at a given moment. Click on that list for a feed just containing those posts.. Ukraine, Photography, Climate Change same... etc... It really helps organize your viewing.

The reason for numbering the lists is to organize the list of lists for your convenience.

This entry was edited (9 months ago)
Unknown parent

Mastodon Migration

asks if users are notified when added to one of your lists as this was a big issue with Twitter lists.

No. Lists are just a way to organize your feeds.

Note also that as of the 4.2 release you can now remove members of a list from being displayed in your Home feed.

This is a great new feature to help curate your Mastodon experience.

This entry was edited (9 months ago)

Mastodon Migration reshared this.

in reply to Mastodon Migration

Wish this feature existed in the phone apps. I follow some bots, and it'd be REALLY nice to be able to track the content, but only when I want to see it.

I'm trying Tusky right now, and it looks like I can create the lists, but not filter the content in lists from my main feed. 😕 But that's better than the main apps, which don't even support lists at all.

This entry was edited (9 months ago)
in reply to George Pandzik

@gepandz @LALegault Know that people love the apps, but the Mastodon browser interface is pretty sweet, even on mobile devices.
in reply to Mastodon Migration

TIL that the mobile web interface for Mastodon is better than the apps... Thanks for the tip!
This entry was edited (9 months ago)