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I feel like the Chase "infinite money glitch" people found (it's just very simple, very traceable check fraud that people recorded themselves doing and put it on TikTok) is indicative of a very specific, very stupid mindset. It's people who aren't particularly smart assuming that there are easily exploited holes in the system that have no consequences, that their stupid asses are the first people to think of stealing money from the bank.

Vanessa reshared this.

in reply to Rabbit Cohen

It's also indicative of a mindset that I think Donald Trump and his admirers have, albeit on a smaller scale: this attitude that if you can just figure out how to cheat the system and get away with it, that's ok, regardless of the fact that the "system" you're cheating is made up of people who you're hurting.
in reply to Rabbit Cohen

Like no, check fraud isn't a "glitch" or a "cheat" (in the video game sense) any more than getting services and then refusing to pay for them is. It's a crime, and perhaps more importantly, it's a dick move.
in reply to Rabbit Cohen

But maybe I'm being a little unfair, because I'm not sure these people have any concept of that. I think it's possible that they just see an ATM as an object that has a special secret that can give you lots of money, and they don't really understand that they're taking that money from someone. Which is... unsettling. It's unsettling that someone could model the world that way as an adult.
in reply to Rabbit Cohen

I think it can be harder for people to conceptualise theft when there isn't a specific face to put to who you're stealing from.
in reply to Rabbit Cohen

A lot of people just don't have any concept of a lot of how the world works, and I don't know how you deal with that as a society, really, when there are good reasons that the rules still need to apply to those people.
in reply to Rabbit Cohen

Sometimes it helps to remember that the AVERAGE IQ is 100.

That means a lot of people with less than 100 IQ, right?

in reply to Rabbit Cohen

Reminds me of CS Lewis's observation that some people seem to have big heads because they have small hearts. The issue is at least as much one of empathy and ethics as it is one of intelligence.
in reply to Rabbit Cohen

and Chase is considering criminal charges.

" It is fraud, plain and simple"

in reply to Rabbit Cohen

@Rabbit Cohen this is just a more extreme version of "copy paste this vague legal sounding text to your facebook wall to prevent them from doing things you agreed to under the terms of service" but maybe on part with the "sovereign citizen" people ("I need a license to drive, I'm not driving I'm 'traveling', no you can't arrest me officer for driving without a license...")
in reply to Rabbit Cohen

I wonder if the problem is less stupidity more due to not being able to reason more than a couple of steps at once. Without practice, it becomes more mental effort than they are used to and so just skip any sanity checking. I think it's possible that the original video was intended as a prank to see how many people would fall for it, but we'll see in the indictments to follow.

It's an argument for teaching more math word problems, and computer programming. You may never use the math or programming, but your brain will be trained to break down complex problems.

Vanessa reshared this.

in reply to Dan Neuman

@dan613 Well yeah, I'm kind of using "stupidity" as shorthand for that.