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Reminded deeply today of the subtle insidious racism of leftists and liberals.

So many in our communities are prone to believe that they've gotten rid of their racism, and instead fuel it by demanding ideological purity and by ignoring inconvenient truths.

When a minority group says something you're doing is racist, take a minute to stop and ask yourself what you might not be seeing. And if you really can't find anything, ask for more information (but try to figure it out for yourself first, it's both polite and good exercise).

#racism #leftism #liberals

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in reply to Shiri Bailem

The case in question here was people calling out anyone still using Twitter as a Nazi.

Take it from this Jew: Twitter is not the same thing as the table quote. It's a massive international platform with shitloads of social inertia. There are many many people who can't leave the platform without personal harm.

And many who did try to leave and come here? They got drove out by demands that they conform to the ideologies and culture here, subtle racism in the form of demanding that they abandon their cultural norms otherwise they'll be harassed until they leave.

So don't condemn someone for just using and being present on Twitter.

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in reply to Shiri Bailem

It must be really important reasons for people to continue supporting a site that encourages racism and hate. I know it must bother those folks to be forced to support them.
in reply to Runyan50

@Runyan50 it sounds like you're saying this tongue and cheek, but it's pretty much nail on the head. Most of them that I've seen are pissed that we've taken this long to notice (Twitter has always been pretty bad).

As I understand it, it's a lot of community organizing efforts kind of stuff. And that sounds small, but we're talking things ranging from abortion care to political revolutions.

And these all need the people to work. Over here we have a lot of people who are opposed to platform growth and are hell bent on their cultural view of this space, so when they try to move those efforts here... they're too often met with intense hostility.

in reply to Shiri Bailem

Sorry to hear that. I am trying to understand. I have heard it is difficult or impossible for people to leave, & they seem truthful. Hostility here would be a good reason for not switching. However, I was on Twitter for 2 years & it was the most hostile site I ever experienced. I follow a few folks of differing philosophies here and I don’t read the kind of hostility here that bombarded me on Twitter. I am not dismissing their viewpoint, I just can’t verify it.
in reply to Runyan50

@Runyan50 I unfortunately can only say in vague terms because I'm not a member of any of those communities.

I can say social inertia is a thing, it's the reason I'm still on facebook for instance. I would have never joined in the first place if it weren't for the social weight of the platform, and I hate it every single day for it.

in reply to Shiri Bailem

@Shiri Bailem Self-reflection and facing cognitive dissonance is hard. Its easier to dismiss the person calling you out as too unenlightened like myself to see the bigger class struggle picture.