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Karl Marx: The changes in the economic foundation lead sooner or later to the transformation of the whole immense superstructure.…

L'éducation, c'est la famille qui la donne; l'instruction, c'est l'État qui la doit.

Citation extraite de la lettre de Victor Hugo à M. Trébois, Président de la société des écoles laïques, en date du 2 juin 1872.…

Lettre de Victor Hugo à M. Trébois, Président de la société des écoles laïques, en date du 2 juin 1872:

Vous avez raison de le penser, j'adhère complètement à l'éloquente et irréfutable lettre que vous a adressée Louis Blanc. Je n'ai rien à y ajouter que ma signature. Louis Blanc est dans le vrai absolu et pose les réels principes de l'instruction laïque, aussi bien pour les femmes que pour les hommes.
Quant à moi, je vois clairement deux faits distincts, l'éducation et l'instruction. L'éducation, c'est la famille qui la donne; l'instruction, c'est l’état qui la doit. L'enfant veut être élevé par la famille et instruit par la patrie. Le père donne à l'enfant sa foi ou sa philosophie; l'état donne à l'enfant l'enseignement positif.
De là, cette évidence que l'éducation peut être religieuse et que l'instruction doit être laïque. Le domaine de l'éducation, c'est la conscience; le domaine de l'instruction, c'est la science. Plus tard, dans l'homme fait, ces deux lumières se complètent l'une par l'autre.
Votre fondation d'enseignement laïque pour les jeunes filles est une œuvre logique et utile, et je vous applaudis.

|L'éducation, c'est la famille qui la donne; l'instruction, c'est l'État qui la doit.|

Don Lorenzo Milani: I learned that other people’s problems match my own. Overcoming them together is politics. Overcoming them on your own is avarice.…

Napoleon Bonaparte: Well analyzed, political freedom is a fable imagined by Governments to numb to their constituencies.…

Personne ne se connaît soi-même sans avoir été éprouvé, ne peut être couronné sans avoir vaincu, ne peut vaincre sans avoir combattu, et ne peut combattre s'il n'a pas rencontré l'ennemi et les tentations.

Citation détournée extraite du "Discours sur le psaume LX" de saint Augustin.…

Saint Augustin parle de l'épreuve du péché, pas de grimper une montagne. Il ne s'agit pas de développement personnel.

Extrait du "Discours sur le psaume LX" de saint Augustin:

Et, en effet, notre vie, dans cet exil sur la terre, ne peut être exempte de tentations; car notre avancement a lieu par le fait même de nos tentations, et nul ne se connaît qu'autant qu'il a été éprouvé, nul ne peut recevoir la couronne qu'autant qu'il a remporté la victoire, nul ne peut vaincre qu'autant qu'il combat, et nul ne peut combattre s'il n'a un ennemi et s'il n'est attaqué. Celui qui crie des extrémités de la terre est donc dans les angoisses, mais il n'est pas abandonné.

|Personne ne se connaît soi-même sans avoir été éprouvé, ne peut être couronné sans avoir vaincu, ne peut vaincre sans avoir combattu, et ne peut combattre s'il n'a pas rencontré l'ennemi et les tentations.|

Lenin: Put no faith in words; subject everything to the closest scrutiny—such is the motto of the Marxist workers.…

Lenin: In all capitalist countries throughout the world, the bourgeoisie resorts to two methods in its struggle against the working-class movement and the workers’ parties. One method is that of violence, persecution, bans, and suppression. In its fundamentals, this is a feudal, medieval method. Everywhere there are sections and groups of the bourgeoisie—smaller in the advanced countries and larger in the backward ones—which prefer these methods, and in certain, highly critical moments in the workers’ struggle against wage-slavery, the 𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙧𝙚 bourgeoisie is agreed on the employment of such methods. Historical examples of such moments are provided by Chartism in England, and 1849 and 1871 in France. The other method the bourgeoisie employs against the movement is that of dividing the workers, disrupting their ranks, bribing individual representatives or certain groups of the proletariat with the object of winning them over to its side. These are not feudal but 𝙥𝙪𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙮 bourgeois and modern methods, in keeping with the developed and civilised customs of capitalism, with the democratic system. For the democratic system is a feature of bourgeois society, the most pure and perfect bourgeois feature, in which the utmost freedom, scope and clarity of the class struggle are combined with the utmost cunning, with ruses and subterfuges aimed at spreading the “ideological” influence of the bourgeoisie among the wage-slaves with the object of diverting them from their struggle against wage-slavery.…

Kwame Nkrumah: We are not fighting against a race and colour and creed. We are fighting against a system, a system which degrades and exploits, and wherever we find the system, that system must be abolished … we abhor man’s inhumanity against man.…

Lenin: The history of modern, civilized America opened with one of those great, really liberating, really revolutionary wars... That was the war the American people waged against the British robbers who oppressed America and held her in colonial slavery, in the same way as these “civilized” bloodsuckers are still oppressing and holding in colonial slavery hundreds of millions of people in India, Egypt, and all parts of the world.…

Mao Zedong: You are making the socialist revolution, and yet you don’t know where the bourgeoisie is. It is right inside the Communist Party - those in power taking the capitalist road. The capitalist roaders are still on the capitalist road.…

Stalin: The dictatorship of the proletariat is needed for the purpose of waging a relentless struggle against the capitalist elements, for the purpose of suppressing the bourgeoisie and of uprooting capitalism.…

Ghassan Kanafani: Everything in this world can be robbed and stolen, except one thing; this one thing is the love that emanates from a human being towards a solid commitment to a conviction or cause.…

Muammar Gaddafi: The terrorists who hit New York were not Afghani. They did not use airplanes or take off from Iraq or Afghanistan. They flew from JFK airport, here. The whole action was done in America. They were trained in America.…

Stalin: And what was the Napoleonic government? A bourgeois government which strangled the French Revolution and retained only those results of the revolution which were advantageous to the big bourgeoisie.…

Bible: And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need.…

Octave Mirbeau: Sheep go to slaughter. They say nothing, and they hope for nothing. But at least they don't vote for the butcher who will kill them and the bourgeois who will eat them. More stupid than beasts, more sheep-like than sheep, the voter appoints his butcher and chooses his bourgeois. He fought revolutions to win this right.…

Ho Chi Minh: Everyone has good qualities and bad qualities. Each person has both good and evil in his/her heart. But, good and evil are not a natural phenomenon, they are largely the result of education. Therefore, the revolutionary must know how to cause the good in human beings to blossom like flowers in spring time and to gradually reduce and eradicate evil.…

Russell Brand: I say us - obviously I don't vote as I believe democracy is a pointless spectacle where we choose between two indistinguishable political parties, neither of whom represent the people but the interest of powerful business elites that run the world.…

Winston Churchill: I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. But perhaps there is a key. That key is Russian national interest.…