Kim Philby: I am really two people. I am a private person and a political person. Of course, if there is a conflict, the political person comes first.…
Stalin: However great your consciousness may be, you cannot stand up against bullets with bare hands!…
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Fidel Castro: Why did they think that by killing him, he would cease to exist as a fighter? Today Che is in every place, wherever there is a just cause to defend.…
Fidel Castro: There are people who carry inside them the dignity of the world, and one of those is Che.…
Philip Agee: In the CIA we didn't give a hoot about democracy. It was fine if a government was elected and would cooperate with us, but if it didn't, then democracy didn't mean a thing to us. And I don't think it means a thing today.…
Date night tonight with my girlfriend, what do y'all think? #TransEuphoria
(Sorry no image description, if someone else writes one I'll copy it, but I'm useless at describing myself)
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Dostoyevski: Above all, do not lie to yourself. A man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point where he does not discern any truth either in himself or anywhere around him, and thus falls into disrespect towards himself and others.…
Pablo Neruda: Many of the creative spirits of our time do not realize that what seems to them to be the deepest expression of their being is often deadly poison injected into them by their most implacable enemies. Dying capitalism is filling the cup of human creation.…
Kwame Nkrumah: Socialism is not spontaneous. It does not arise of itself. It has abiding principles according to which the major means of production and distribution ought to be socialized if exploitation of the many by the few is to be prevented if, that is to say, egalitarianism in the economy is to be protected.…
Adam Smith: People of the same trade seldom meet together even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or on some contrivance to raise prices.…
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Palmiro Togliatti: When we speak of 'adversaries' we do not have in mind the masses enrolled in the fascist, social-democratic and Catholic organizations. Our adversaries are the fascist, social-democratic and Catholic "organizations".…
Palmiro Togliatti: Watch out when you hear fascism spoken of as 'Bonapartism.' This proposition, which is Trotskyism's warhorse, is drawn from some statements by Marx (...) and Engels; but Marx and Engels' anlyses, ... become incorrect when mechanically applied today, in the age of imperialism.…
Palmiro Togliatti: The most complete definition of fascism was given by the 13th meeting of the Englarged Exec. of the Communist International and is as follows: 'Fascism is the open terrorist dictatorship of the most reactionary, most chauvinistic, most imperialist elements of finance capital.'…
Palmiro Togliatti: (referring to the Bonapartism thing) The Trotskyites have always had this conception of fascism. What is its root? Its root is the disavowal of the definition of fascism as the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.…
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Palmiro Togliatti: The probabilities of establishing a fascist dictatorship depend on the degree of the fighting spirit of the working class and its ability to defend the democratic institutions... This struggle to defend the democratic institutions broadens and becomes the struggle for power.…
Palmiro Togliatti: We must use (the term fascism) only when the fight against the working class develops on a new mass base with a petty-bourgeois character... Hence, the fascist dictatorship endeavors to posess a mass movement by organizing the bourgeoisie and petty bourgeoisie.…
Palmiro Togliatti: This was one of our errors, an error that has been repeated elsewhere as well: to overlook the shift of the intermediate strata and the creation of trends in the petty bourgeoisie that the bourgeoisie can use against the working class.…
Palmiro Togliatti: Fascist ideology contains a series of heterogeneous ingredients. We must bear this in mind because this trait enables us to understand the purpose this ideology serves. It serves to solder together various factions in the struggle for dictatorship over the working masses and to create a vast movement for this scope. Fascist ideology is an instrument created to bind these elements together.…
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Palmiro Togliatti: The fascist dictatorship has been driven to assume its current forms by objective factors, by real factors — by the economic situation and the mass movements this situation has brought into being... The bourgeoisie has always intervened as a factor of organization.…
Palmiro Togliatti: It is the fascists, in fact, who try to show that everything they have done has been based on pre-established plans.…
Lenin: An end to wars, peace among the nations, the cessation of pillaging and violence—such is our ideal, but only bourgeois sophists can seduce the masses with this ideal, if the latter is divorced from a direct and immediate call for revolutionary action.…
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