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Lenin: It is natural for a liberal to speak of "democracy" in general; but a Marxist will never forget to ask: "for what class?"…
Mikhail Gorbachev: Then Yeltsin broke up the USSR and at that time I was not in the Kremlin, all the newspaper reporters asked me whether I shall cry? I did not cry, because I really managed to destroy Communism in the USSR, and also in all other European Socialist countries. I did not cry, because I knew that I fulfilled my main aim, that was the defeat of communism in Europe.…
Lenin: An ever subtler falsification of Marxism, an ever subtler presentation of anti-materialist doctrines under the guise of Marxism-this is the characteristic feature of modern revisionism in political economy, in questions of tactics and in philosophy generally, both in epistemology and in sociology.…
Lenin: For different nations to live together in peace and freedom or to separate and form different states (if that is more convenient for them), a full democracy, upheld by the working class, is essential. No privileges for any nation or any one language! Not even the slightest degree of oppression or the slightest injustice in respect of a national minority—such are the principles of working-class democracy.…
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B.K. Gebert: Communists declare that social-democracy, in its ideology & practice, paves the way for fascism; that it splits the working class, and so weakens the struggle of the proletariat against fascism.…
Milan Kundera: The struggle of people against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting.…
Andrei Zhdanov: We Bolsheviks do not deny our cultural heritage. On the contrary, we subject to a critical study the cultural heritage of all peoples and all ages in order to draw from it all that can inspire the working people of Soviet society to great achievements.…
Kwame Ture: Socialism hasn't gone anywhere. It has been betrayed, yes. But betrayal doesn't mean collapse. Perhaps they get confused because, at least Judas had the dignity after betraying Christianity to hang himself! Gorbachev is still running around the world picking up pieces of silver.…
Friedrich Engels: Socialism hasn't gone anywhere. It has been betrayed, yes. But betrayal doesn't mean collapse. Perhaps they get confused because, at least Judas had the dignity after betraying Christianity to hang himself! Gorbachev is still running around the world picking up pieces of silver.…
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William Z. Foster: Capitalism will not grow into Socialism. The great masses of toilers must be in a revolutionary mood ... they must smash capitalism. This all means that they must be under the general leadership of the only revolutionary party, the Communist party.…
Mikhail Gorbachev: My ambition was to liquidate communism, the dictatorship over all the people. Supporting me and urging me on in this mission was my wife, who was of this opinion long before I was. I knew that I could only do this if I was the leading functionary. In this my wife urged me to climb to the top post.…
Mikhail Gorbachev: I decided that I must destroy the whole apparatus of the CPSU and the USSR. Also, I must do this in all of the other socialist countries. My ideal is the path of social democracy.…
Mikhail Gorbachev: I found friends that had the same thoughts as I in Yakovlev and Shevernadze, they all deserve to be thanked for the break-up of the USSR and the defeat of Communism.…
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Mikhail Gorbachev: I wanted to save the USSR, but only under social democracy rule. This I could not do. Yeltsin wanted power, he did not know anything about democracy or what I intended to do.…
Lenin: We reject any morality based on extra-human and extra-class concepts. We say that this is deception, dupery, stultification of the workers and peasants in the interests of the landowners and capitalists.…
Aesop: I will have nought to do with a man who can blow hot and cold with the same breath.…
Aesop: In critical moments even the very powerful have need of the weakest.…
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Karl Marx: History is nothing but the activity of man pursuing his aims.…
Walter Lippmann: There can be no higher law in journalism than to tell the truth and to shame the devil.…
Hugo Chávez: I take this opportunity to once again condemn, from the depth of my soul, the state of Israel. Damn you, state of Israel, terrorists and murderers! Long live the Palestinian people!…
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William Z. Foster: Capitalism will not automatically collapse... It will prolong its existence by one means or another, even though hundreds of millions are impoversihed, until the workers by a supreme political act give it its deathblow.…