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Alexander Hohenlohe Burr

Alexander Hohenlohe Burr était un peintre écossais né Manchester en 1837 et décédé en 1899.

Il était le frère cadet de John Burr. Il a étudié avec John Ballantyne et Robert Scott Lauder. Il expose pour la première fois en 1856 à la Royal Scottish Society. En 1861, il s'installe à Londres. Ses sujets ne sont jamais ambitieux et sont principalement tirés de scènes de la vie modeste. Alexander Hohenlohe Burr était membre du célèbre «groupe Scott Lauder» à la Trustees' Academy au début des années 1860, qui comprenait son frère John, Chalmers, McTaggart, Orchardson et Pettie. Burr, comme beaucoup de membres du groupe, a suivi la tradition établie en se rendant à Londres en 1861 pour tenter d'être reconnu par la Royal Academy. Ce bel exemple de genre rural écossais, inspiré par Wilkie et la tradition hollandaise, exploite le potentiel comique et le sentimentalisme douillet d'un thème popularisé par les Faeds.

En 1859, Burr eut l'honneur d'être sélectionné, avec des noms aussi connus que Sir George Harvey et Horatio McCulloch, pour contribuer à un dessin qui serait ensuite gravé pour une édition des poèmes de Burns.

Alfonso Simonetti

Alfonso Simonetti (29 décembre 1840 - 22 août 1892) était un peintre italien de scènes historiques, de portraits et de paysages, surtout connu pour ses œuvres aux effets de clair de lune et de coucher de soleil.

Simonetti est né à Naples, en Italie, du peintre Giuseppe Simonetti (1840-1864) et de sa femme Vincenza, née Piccirillo. En 1859, il s'inscrit à l'Académie royale des beaux-arts, où il étudie avec Gabriele Smargiassi et Giuseppe Mancinelli. Il fait ses débuts en 1862, à la Société pour la promotion des beaux-arts, en représentant le soldat mercenaire Ettore Fieramosca au mont Gargano. Deux ans plus tard, il obtient une bourse pour étudier à Florence. En 1873, il reçoit la commande d'un portrait de Giuseppe Verdi.

Peu après, il retourne à Naples et, en 1877, expose deux œuvres majeures: Sans espoir, elle est morte et Le dernier rayon. À l'Exposition artistique de Turin de 1880, il expose Malaria et Sérénade. En l'honneur de son ancien professeur, il peint une scène de rue de la Via Giuseppe Mancinelli, qui sera ensuite exposée à Paris lors de l'Exposition universelle (1889). Lors de l'inauguration du Palazzo delle Esposizioni à Rome, il est représenté par un grand paysage intitulé Coucher de soleil (1883). Deux autres paysages sont présentés à l'exposition des beaux-arts de Venise (1887): Mon seigneur la forêt et La récolte des oliviers.

Il a également exposé en dehors de l'Italie. À l'exposition italienne de Londres, il expose Forêt, Campagne de Castrocielo et la toile historique : Gutenberg, Faust et Coeffer impriment la première page de la Bible. À Melbourne, en Australie, il expose Costume de Castrocielo.

Trois de ses principales toiles sont exposées à la Pinacothèque du musée de Capodimonte : Matin d'hiver, Rue de Castrocielo et le portrait Fatigué. Ses œuvres sont également exposées à la Galleria dell'Accademia et à la Galleria d'arte moderna de Florence.

Il est nommé professeur honoraire à l'Accademia en 1872 et chevalier de l'Ordre de la Couronne d'Italie.

Robespierre: I defy the most scrupulous defender of property to contest these principles, short of declaring openly that he understands this word as the right to despoil and assassinate his fellows. So how have people been able to claim that any sort of restriction, or rather any regulation of the trade in wheat, was an attack on property, and disguise that barbaric system under the specious name of freedom of trade? Do the authors of this system not perceive that they are inevitably in contradiction with themselves?…


  • Lenin: Miraculous prophecy is a fairy-tale. But scientific prophecy is a fact.
  • Noam Chomsky: See, people with power understand exactly one thing: violence.
  • George Bernard Shaw: Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
  • Henry Kissinger: Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
  • Fidel Castro: This position of the Trotskyists is the same which all newspapers and publicity agencies of Yankee imperialism adopted in relation to the cause of Comrade Ernesto Guevara. All the imperialist press of the United States, its news agencies, the Cuban counter-revolutionaries' press, the bourgeois press throughout the continent and the rest of the world - in other words, this campaign of slanders and intrigues against revolutionary Cuba in connection with the case of Comrade Guevara - coincided with precision with all imperialist bourgeois sectors, all the slanderers and all the conspirators against the Cuban revolution, for there is no doubt that only reaction and imperialism is interested in discrediting the Cuban revolution and in destroying the confidence of the revolutionary movements in the Cuban revolution, in destroying the confidence of the Latin American peoples in the Cuban revolution, in destroying their faith. Therefore, they have not hesitated to use the dirtiest and most indecent weapons.
  • Fidel Castro: Even though at one time Trotskyism represented an erroneous position, but a position in the field of political ideas, Trotskyism became during the following years a vulgar instrument of imperialism and reaction.
  • Fidel Castro: Yon Sosa led the movement of a group of armed officers in the crushing of whom the mercenaries who later invaded Playa Girón participated. Through a businessman who took charge of the movement's political aspects, the Fourth International fixed it up so that that leader, who was ignorant of the profound problems of politics and of the history of revolutionary thought, would permit that agents of Trotskyism, about whom we do not have the slightest doubt that he is an agent of imperialism, to publish a newspaper which copies outright the program of the Fourth International. By doing this, the Fourth International committed a real crime against the revolutionary movement to isolate it from the rest of the people, to isolate it from the masses, when it contaminated it with the stupidities, the discredit, and the repugnant thing which Trotskyism today is in the field of politics.
  • Martin Luther King, Jr.: So today capitalism has out-lived its usefulness. It has brought about a system that takes necessities from the masses to give luxuries to the classes.
  • Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord: It is the beginning of the end.
  • Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord: Financiers flourish only when nations decline.
  • George Friedman: The primordial interest of the United States, over which for centuries we have fought wars– the First, the Second and Cold Wars– has been the relationship between Germany and Russia, because united there, they’re the only force that could threaten us. And to make sure that that doesn’t happen.
  • Lenin: Prompted by fear of revolution, the old state power, which is independent of the people and is a power over the people, promises the people that it will ensure their freedom. But its promises remain unfulfilled; they cannot be fulfilled.
  • James Connolly: If you remove the English army tomorrow and hoist the green flag over Dublin Castle, unless you set about the organisation of the Socialist Republic, your efforts would be in vain.
  • Lenin: There are moments in history when a desperate struggle of the masses, even for a hopeless cause, is essential for the further schooling of these masses and their training for the next struggle.
  • Kim Il Sung: Our ideal is to build a society where everyone is well fed, well clothed, and lives a long life, a society where everybody is progressive and works devotedly, a society where all people live united in harmony as one big family.
  • Michael Parenti: To make the world safe for those who own it, politically active elements of the owning class have created a national security state that expends billions of dollars and enlists the efforts of vast numbers of people.
  • Edward Snowden: There is nothing more grotesque than a media pushing for war.
  • Lenin: Practice is higher than (theoretical) knowledge, for it has not only the dignity of universality, but also of immediate actuality.
  • Stalin: Only in the highest phase of communism will people, working in accordance with their capacity, receive recompense therefor in accordance with their needs: "From each according to his capacity, to each according to his needs."
  • Stalin: All that Marxism declares is that until classes have been completely abolished, and until work has been transformed from being a means of maintaining existence, into a prime necessity of life, into voluntary labour performed for the benefit of society, people will continue to be paid for their labour in accordance with the amount of labour performed.
  • Stalin: The October Revolution is neither the continuation nor the culmination of the Great French Revolution. The purpose of the French Revolution was to put an end to feudalism and establish capitalism. The aim of the October Revolution is to put an end to capitalism and to establish socialism.
  • Lenin: We shall not achieve socialism without a struggle. But we are ready to fight, we have started it and we shall finish it with the aid of the apparatus called the Soviets.
  • Gilbert Scott-Heron: The first revolution is when you change your mind.
  • Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya: Solidarity among the male and female workers, a general cause, general goals, a general path to that goal - that is the solution to the "woman" question in the working-class environment.
  • Lenin: No idea could be more erroneous or harmful than to separate foreign from home policy.
  • Kim Jong-il: Introducing individualism into socialism, which is based entirely on collectivism, is tantamount to taking poison.
  • Langston Hughes: Put one more S in the U.S.A. To make it Soviet.
  • Lenin: There is a good Latin proverb which says: “It is natural for all men to err; but only a fool persists in his error.
  • Lenin: A Marxist must take cognisance of real life, of the true facts of reality, and not cling to a theory of yesterday, which, like all theories, at best only outlines the main and the general, only comes near to embracing life in all its complexity.
  • Kim Il Sung: It can be said that the life of a revolutionary begins by going among the masses and that it is over when he parts from them.
  • Lenin: Deafened by liberal catch-phrases, people in our country are apt to overlook the actual class stand of the liberal party’s real bosses.
  • Lenin: The proletariat’s struggle against the bourgeoisie, which finds expression in a variety of forms ever richer in content, inevitably becomes a political struggle directed towards the conquest of political power by the proletariat (“the dictatorship of the proletariat”).

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Robespierre: No doubt if all men were just and virtuous; if cupidity were never tempted to devour the people’s substance; if the rich, receptive to the voices of reason and nature, regarded themselves as the bursars of society, or as brothers to the poor, it might be possible to recognize no law but the most unlimited freedom; but if it is true that avarice can speculate on the misery and tyranny itself on the despair of the people; if it is true that all the passions declare war on suffering humanity, then why should not the law repress these abuses? Why should it not stay the homicidal hand of the monopolist, as it does that of the common murderer? Why should it not concern itself with the subsistence of the people, after caring so long for the pleasures of the great, and the power of despots?…


  • Lenin: Miraculous prophecy is a fairy-tale. But scientific prophecy is a fact.
  • Noam Chomsky: See, people with power understand exactly one thing: violence.
  • George Bernard Shaw: Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
  • Henry Kissinger: Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
  • Fidel Castro: This position of the Trotskyists is the same which all newspapers and publicity agencies of Yankee imperialism adopted in relation to the cause of Comrade Ernesto Guevara. All the imperialist press of the United States, its news agencies, the Cuban counter-revolutionaries' press, the bourgeois press throughout the continent and the rest of the world - in other words, this campaign of slanders and intrigues against revolutionary Cuba in connection with the case of Comrade Guevara - coincided with precision with all imperialist bourgeois sectors, all the slanderers and all the conspirators against the Cuban revolution, for there is no doubt that only reaction and imperialism is interested in discrediting the Cuban revolution and in destroying the confidence of the revolutionary movements in the Cuban revolution, in destroying the confidence of the Latin American peoples in the Cuban revolution, in destroying their faith. Therefore, they have not hesitated to use the dirtiest and most indecent weapons.
  • Fidel Castro: Even though at one time Trotskyism represented an erroneous position, but a position in the field of political ideas, Trotskyism became during the following years a vulgar instrument of imperialism and reaction.
  • Fidel Castro: Yon Sosa led the movement of a group of armed officers in the crushing of whom the mercenaries who later invaded Playa Girón participated. Through a businessman who took charge of the movement's political aspects, the Fourth International fixed it up so that that leader, who was ignorant of the profound problems of politics and of the history of revolutionary thought, would permit that agents of Trotskyism, about whom we do not have the slightest doubt that he is an agent of imperialism, to publish a newspaper which copies outright the program of the Fourth International. By doing this, the Fourth International committed a real crime against the revolutionary movement to isolate it from the rest of the people, to isolate it from the masses, when it contaminated it with the stupidities, the discredit, and the repugnant thing which Trotskyism today is in the field of politics.
  • Martin Luther King, Jr.: So today capitalism has out-lived its usefulness. It has brought about a system that takes necessities from the masses to give luxuries to the classes.
  • Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord: It is the beginning of the end.
  • Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord: Financiers flourish only when nations decline.
  • George Friedman: The primordial interest of the United States, over which for centuries we have fought wars– the First, the Second and Cold Wars– has been the relationship between Germany and Russia, because united there, they’re the only force that could threaten us. And to make sure that that doesn’t happen.
  • Lenin: Prompted by fear of revolution, the old state power, which is independent of the people and is a power over the people, promises the people that it will ensure their freedom. But its promises remain unfulfilled; they cannot be fulfilled.
  • James Connolly: If you remove the English army tomorrow and hoist the green flag over Dublin Castle, unless you set about the organisation of the Socialist Republic, your efforts would be in vain.
  • Lenin: There are moments in history when a desperate struggle of the masses, even for a hopeless cause, is essential for the further schooling of these masses and their training for the next struggle.
  • Kim Il Sung: Our ideal is to build a society where everyone is well fed, well clothed, and lives a long life, a society where everybody is progressive and works devotedly, a society where all people live united in harmony as one big family.
  • Michael Parenti: To make the world safe for those who own it, politically active elements of the owning class have created a national security state that expends billions of dollars and enlists the efforts of vast numbers of people.
  • Edward Snowden: There is nothing more grotesque than a media pushing for war.
  • Lenin: Practice is higher than (theoretical) knowledge, for it has not only the dignity of universality, but also of immediate actuality.
  • Stalin: Only in the highest phase of communism will people, working in accordance with their capacity, receive recompense therefor in accordance with their needs: "From each according to his capacity, to each according to his needs."
  • Stalin: All that Marxism declares is that until classes have been completely abolished, and until work has been transformed from being a means of maintaining existence, into a prime necessity of life, into voluntary labour performed for the benefit of society, people will continue to be paid for their labour in accordance with the amount of labour performed.
  • Stalin: The October Revolution is neither the continuation nor the culmination of the Great French Revolution. The purpose of the French Revolution was to put an end to feudalism and establish capitalism. The aim of the October Revolution is to put an end to capitalism and to establish socialism.
  • Lenin: We shall not achieve socialism without a struggle. But we are ready to fight, we have started it and we shall finish it with the aid of the apparatus called the Soviets.
  • Gilbert Scott-Heron: The first revolution is when you change your mind.
  • Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya: Solidarity among the male and female workers, a general cause, general goals, a general path to that goal - that is the solution to the "woman" question in the working-class environment.
  • Lenin: No idea could be more erroneous or harmful than to separate foreign from home policy.
  • Kim Jong-il: Introducing individualism into socialism, which is based entirely on collectivism, is tantamount to taking poison.
  • Langston Hughes: Put one more S in the U.S.A. To make it Soviet.
  • Lenin: There is a good Latin proverb which says: “It is natural for all men to err; but only a fool persists in his error.
  • Lenin: A Marxist must take cognisance of real life, of the true facts of reality, and not cling to a theory of yesterday, which, like all theories, at best only outlines the main and the general, only comes near to embracing life in all its complexity.
  • Kim Il Sung: It can be said that the life of a revolutionary begins by going among the masses and that it is over when he parts from them.
  • Lenin: Deafened by liberal catch-phrases, people in our country are apt to overlook the actual class stand of the liberal party’s real bosses.
  • Lenin: The proletariat’s struggle against the bourgeoisie, which finds expression in a variety of forms ever richer in content, inevitably becomes a political struggle directed towards the conquest of political power by the proletariat (“the dictatorship of the proletariat”).

Carl Zewy

Carl Zewy était un peintre autrichien né le 21 avril 1855 à Vienne et décédé le 20 juin 1929 dans la même ville.

Zewy a étudié à l'Académie des beaux-arts de Vienne sous la direction d'August Eisenmenger et à l'Académie royale des arts de Munich, mais n'y a pas été inscrit. Après ses études, Zewy retourne à Vienne et se concentre sur la peinture de genre. Il illustre également des livres. Il est ami avec les peintres Isidor Kaufmann, Josef Gisela et Johann Hamza. Le cercle d'amis de Zewy comprend également l'illustrateur et caricaturiste Karl Elleder et le réalisateur Fritz Lang. Zewy a reçu de nombreuses commandes du marchand d'art viennois Friedrich Schwarz. Zewy participe régulièrement aux expositions du Künstlerhaus de Vienne. Nombre de ses peintures sont publiées dans le «Gartenlaube» et sur des cartes postales. Le 24 avril 1925, Zewy reçoit le titre de «citoyen de la ville de Vienne».

Robespierre: The resources necessary to man are as sacred as life itself. Everything that is indispensable for its preservation is a property common to all of society. Only the surplus is private property and is abandoned to the industry of merchants. Any mercantile speculation that I make at the cost of the life of my countrymen is not trade, but brigandage and fratricide.…


  • Lenin: Miraculous prophecy is a fairy-tale. But scientific prophecy is a fact.
  • Noam Chomsky: See, people with power understand exactly one thing: violence.
  • George Bernard Shaw: Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
  • Henry Kissinger: Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
  • Fidel Castro: This position of the Trotskyists is the same which all newspapers and publicity agencies of Yankee imperialism adopted in relation to the cause of Comrade Ernesto Guevara. All the imperialist press of the United States, its news agencies, the Cuban counter-revolutionaries' press, the bourgeois press throughout the continent and the rest of the world - in other words, this campaign of slanders and intrigues against revolutionary Cuba in connection with the case of Comrade Guevara - coincided with precision with all imperialist bourgeois sectors, all the slanderers and all the conspirators against the Cuban revolution, for there is no doubt that only reaction and imperialism is interested in discrediting the Cuban revolution and in destroying the confidence of the revolutionary movements in the Cuban revolution, in destroying the confidence of the Latin American peoples in the Cuban revolution, in destroying their faith. Therefore, they have not hesitated to use the dirtiest and most indecent weapons.
  • Fidel Castro: Even though at one time Trotskyism represented an erroneous position, but a position in the field of political ideas, Trotskyism became during the following years a vulgar instrument of imperialism and reaction.
  • Fidel Castro: Yon Sosa led the movement of a group of armed officers in the crushing of whom the mercenaries who later invaded Playa Girón participated. Through a businessman who took charge of the movement's political aspects, the Fourth International fixed it up so that that leader, who was ignorant of the profound problems of politics and of the history of revolutionary thought, would permit that agents of Trotskyism, about whom we do not have the slightest doubt that he is an agent of imperialism, to publish a newspaper which copies outright the program of the Fourth International. By doing this, the Fourth International committed a real crime against the revolutionary movement to isolate it from the rest of the people, to isolate it from the masses, when it contaminated it with the stupidities, the discredit, and the repugnant thing which Trotskyism today is in the field of politics.
  • Martin Luther King, Jr.: So today capitalism has out-lived its usefulness. It has brought about a system that takes necessities from the masses to give luxuries to the classes.
  • Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord: It is the beginning of the end.
  • Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord: Financiers flourish only when nations decline.
  • George Friedman: The primordial interest of the United States, over which for centuries we have fought wars– the First, the Second and Cold Wars– has been the relationship between Germany and Russia, because united there, they’re the only force that could threaten us. And to make sure that that doesn’t happen.
  • Lenin: Prompted by fear of revolution, the old state power, which is independent of the people and is a power over the people, promises the people that it will ensure their freedom. But its promises remain unfulfilled; they cannot be fulfilled.
  • James Connolly: If you remove the English army tomorrow and hoist the green flag over Dublin Castle, unless you set about the organisation of the Socialist Republic, your efforts would be in vain.
  • Lenin: There are moments in history when a desperate struggle of the masses, even for a hopeless cause, is essential for the further schooling of these masses and their training for the next struggle.
  • Kim Il Sung: Our ideal is to build a society where everyone is well fed, well clothed, and lives a long life, a society where everybody is progressive and works devotedly, a society where all people live united in harmony as one big family.
  • Michael Parenti: To make the world safe for those who own it, politically active elements of the owning class have created a national security state that expends billions of dollars and enlists the efforts of vast numbers of people.
  • Edward Snowden: There is nothing more grotesque than a media pushing for war.
  • Lenin: Practice is higher than (theoretical) knowledge, for it has not only the dignity of universality, but also of immediate actuality.
  • Stalin: Only in the highest phase of communism will people, working in accordance with their capacity, receive recompense therefor in accordance with their needs: "From each according to his capacity, to each according to his needs."
  • Stalin: All that Marxism declares is that until classes have been completely abolished, and until work has been transformed from being a means of maintaining existence, into a prime necessity of life, into voluntary labour performed for the benefit of society, people will continue to be paid for their labour in accordance with the amount of labour performed.
  • Stalin: The October Revolution is neither the continuation nor the culmination of the Great French Revolution. The purpose of the French Revolution was to put an end to feudalism and establish capitalism. The aim of the October Revolution is to put an end to capitalism and to establish socialism.
  • Lenin: We shall not achieve socialism without a struggle. But we are ready to fight, we have started it and we shall finish it with the aid of the apparatus called the Soviets.
  • Gilbert Scott-Heron: The first revolution is when you change your mind.
  • Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya: Solidarity among the male and female workers, a general cause, general goals, a general path to that goal - that is the solution to the "woman" question in the working-class environment.
  • Lenin: No idea could be more erroneous or harmful than to separate foreign from home policy.
  • Kim Jong-il: Introducing individualism into socialism, which is based entirely on collectivism, is tantamount to taking poison.
  • Langston Hughes: Put one more S in the U.S.A. To make it Soviet.
  • Lenin: There is a good Latin proverb which says: “It is natural for all men to err; but only a fool persists in his error.
  • Lenin: A Marxist must take cognisance of real life, of the true facts of reality, and not cling to a theory of yesterday, which, like all theories, at best only outlines the main and the general, only comes near to embracing life in all its complexity.
  • Kim Il Sung: It can be said that the life of a revolutionary begins by going among the masses and that it is over when he parts from them.
  • Lenin: Deafened by liberal catch-phrases, people in our country are apt to overlook the actual class stand of the liberal party’s real bosses.
  • Lenin: The proletariat’s struggle against the bourgeoisie, which finds expression in a variety of forms ever richer in content, inevitably becomes a political struggle directed towards the conquest of political power by the proletariat (“the dictatorship of the proletariat”).

Robespierre: It is a gross contradiction to suppose that the constitution might preside over this new order of things; that would be to assume it had itself survived. What are the laws that replace it? Those of nature, the one which is the foundation of society itself: the salvation of the people. The right to punish the tyrant and the right to dethrone him are the same thing; both include the same forms. The tyrant’s trial is the insurrection; the verdict, the collapse of his power; the sentence, whatever the liberty of the people requires.…


  • Lenin: Miraculous prophecy is a fairy-tale. But scientific prophecy is a fact.
  • Noam Chomsky: See, people with power understand exactly one thing: violence.
  • George Bernard Shaw: Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
  • Henry Kissinger: Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
  • Fidel Castro: This position of the Trotskyists is the same which all newspapers and publicity agencies of Yankee imperialism adopted in relation to the cause of Comrade Ernesto Guevara. All the imperialist press of the United States, its news agencies, the Cuban counter-revolutionaries' press, the bourgeois press throughout the continent and the rest of the world - in other words, this campaign of slanders and intrigues against revolutionary Cuba in connection with the case of Comrade Guevara - coincided with precision with all imperialist bourgeois sectors, all the slanderers and all the conspirators against the Cuban revolution, for there is no doubt that only reaction and imperialism is interested in discrediting the Cuban revolution and in destroying the confidence of the revolutionary movements in the Cuban revolution, in destroying the confidence of the Latin American peoples in the Cuban revolution, in destroying their faith. Therefore, they have not hesitated to use the dirtiest and most indecent weapons.
  • Fidel Castro: Even though at one time Trotskyism represented an erroneous position, but a position in the field of political ideas, Trotskyism became during the following years a vulgar instrument of imperialism and reaction.
  • Fidel Castro: Yon Sosa led the movement of a group of armed officers in the crushing of whom the mercenaries who later invaded Playa Girón participated. Through a businessman who took charge of the movement's political aspects, the Fourth International fixed it up so that that leader, who was ignorant of the profound problems of politics and of the history of revolutionary thought, would permit that agents of Trotskyism, about whom we do not have the slightest doubt that he is an agent of imperialism, to publish a newspaper which copies outright the program of the Fourth International. By doing this, the Fourth International committed a real crime against the revolutionary movement to isolate it from the rest of the people, to isolate it from the masses, when it contaminated it with the stupidities, the discredit, and the repugnant thing which Trotskyism today is in the field of politics.
  • Martin Luther King, Jr.: So today capitalism has out-lived its usefulness. It has brought about a system that takes necessities from the masses to give luxuries to the classes.
  • Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord: It is the beginning of the end.
  • Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord: Financiers flourish only when nations decline.
  • George Friedman: The primordial interest of the United States, over which for centuries we have fought wars– the First, the Second and Cold Wars– has been the relationship between Germany and Russia, because united there, they’re the only force that could threaten us. And to make sure that that doesn’t happen.
  • Lenin: Prompted by fear of revolution, the old state power, which is independent of the people and is a power over the people, promises the people that it will ensure their freedom. But its promises remain unfulfilled; they cannot be fulfilled.
  • James Connolly: If you remove the English army tomorrow and hoist the green flag over Dublin Castle, unless you set about the organisation of the Socialist Republic, your efforts would be in vain.
  • Lenin: There are moments in history when a desperate struggle of the masses, even for a hopeless cause, is essential for the further schooling of these masses and their training for the next struggle.
  • Kim Il Sung: Our ideal is to build a society where everyone is well fed, well clothed, and lives a long life, a society where everybody is progressive and works devotedly, a society where all people live united in harmony as one big family.
  • Michael Parenti: To make the world safe for those who own it, politically active elements of the owning class have created a national security state that expends billions of dollars and enlists the efforts of vast numbers of people.
  • Edward Snowden: There is nothing more grotesque than a media pushing for war.
  • Lenin: Practice is higher than (theoretical) knowledge, for it has not only the dignity of universality, but also of immediate actuality.
  • Stalin: Only in the highest phase of communism will people, working in accordance with their capacity, receive recompense therefor in accordance with their needs: "From each according to his capacity, to each according to his needs."
  • Stalin: All that Marxism declares is that until classes have been completely abolished, and until work has been transformed from being a means of maintaining existence, into a prime necessity of life, into voluntary labour performed for the benefit of society, people will continue to be paid for their labour in accordance with the amount of labour performed.
  • Stalin: The October Revolution is neither the continuation nor the culmination of the Great French Revolution. The purpose of the French Revolution was to put an end to feudalism and establish capitalism. The aim of the October Revolution is to put an end to capitalism and to establish socialism.
  • Lenin: We shall not achieve socialism without a struggle. But we are ready to fight, we have started it and we shall finish it with the aid of the apparatus called the Soviets.
  • Gilbert Scott-Heron: The first revolution is when you change your mind.
  • Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya: Solidarity among the male and female workers, a general cause, general goals, a general path to that goal - that is the solution to the "woman" question in the working-class environment.
  • Lenin: No idea could be more erroneous or harmful than to separate foreign from home policy.
  • Kim Jong-il: Introducing individualism into socialism, which is based entirely on collectivism, is tantamount to taking poison.
  • Langston Hughes: Put one more S in the U.S.A. To make it Soviet.
  • Lenin: There is a good Latin proverb which says: “It is natural for all men to err; but only a fool persists in his error.
  • Lenin: A Marxist must take cognisance of real life, of the true facts of reality, and not cling to a theory of yesterday, which, like all theories, at best only outlines the main and the general, only comes near to embracing life in all its complexity.
  • Kim Il Sung: It can be said that the life of a revolutionary begins by going among the masses and that it is over when he parts from them.
  • Lenin: Deafened by liberal catch-phrases, people in our country are apt to overlook the actual class stand of the liberal party’s real bosses.
  • Lenin: The proletariat’s struggle against the bourgeoisie, which finds expression in a variety of forms ever richer in content, inevitably becomes a political struggle directed towards the conquest of political power by the proletariat (“the dictatorship of the proletariat”).

Robespierre: Any institution which does not suppose the people good, and the magistrate corruptible, is evil.…


  • Lenin: Miraculous prophecy is a fairy-tale. But scientific prophecy is a fact.
  • Noam Chomsky: See, people with power understand exactly one thing: violence.
  • George Bernard Shaw: Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
  • Henry Kissinger: Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
  • Fidel Castro: This position of the Trotskyists is the same which all newspapers and publicity agencies of Yankee imperialism adopted in relation to the cause of Comrade Ernesto Guevara. All the imperialist press of the United States, its news agencies, the Cuban counter-revolutionaries' press, the bourgeois press throughout the continent and the rest of the world - in other words, this campaign of slanders and intrigues against revolutionary Cuba in connection with the case of Comrade Guevara - coincided with precision with all imperialist bourgeois sectors, all the slanderers and all the conspirators against the Cuban revolution, for there is no doubt that only reaction and imperialism is interested in discrediting the Cuban revolution and in destroying the confidence of the revolutionary movements in the Cuban revolution, in destroying the confidence of the Latin American peoples in the Cuban revolution, in destroying their faith. Therefore, they have not hesitated to use the dirtiest and most indecent weapons.
  • Fidel Castro: Even though at one time Trotskyism represented an erroneous position, but a position in the field of political ideas, Trotskyism became during the following years a vulgar instrument of imperialism and reaction.
  • Fidel Castro: Yon Sosa led the movement of a group of armed officers in the crushing of whom the mercenaries who later invaded Playa Girón participated. Through a businessman who took charge of the movement's political aspects, the Fourth International fixed it up so that that leader, who was ignorant of the profound problems of politics and of the history of revolutionary thought, would permit that agents of Trotskyism, about whom we do not have the slightest doubt that he is an agent of imperialism, to publish a newspaper which copies outright the program of the Fourth International. By doing this, the Fourth International committed a real crime against the revolutionary movement to isolate it from the rest of the people, to isolate it from the masses, when it contaminated it with the stupidities, the discredit, and the repugnant thing which Trotskyism today is in the field of politics.
  • Martin Luther King, Jr.: So today capitalism has out-lived its usefulness. It has brought about a system that takes necessities from the masses to give luxuries to the classes.
  • Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord: It is the beginning of the end.
  • Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord: Financiers flourish only when nations decline.
  • George Friedman: The primordial interest of the United States, over which for centuries we have fought wars– the First, the Second and Cold Wars– has been the relationship between Germany and Russia, because united there, they’re the only force that could threaten us. And to make sure that that doesn’t happen.
  • Lenin: Prompted by fear of revolution, the old state power, which is independent of the people and is a power over the people, promises the people that it will ensure their freedom. But its promises remain unfulfilled; they cannot be fulfilled.
  • James Connolly: If you remove the English army tomorrow and hoist the green flag over Dublin Castle, unless you set about the organisation of the Socialist Republic, your efforts would be in vain.
  • Lenin: There are moments in history when a desperate struggle of the masses, even for a hopeless cause, is essential for the further schooling of these masses and their training for the next struggle.
  • Kim Il Sung: Our ideal is to build a society where everyone is well fed, well clothed, and lives a long life, a society where everybody is progressive and works devotedly, a society where all people live united in harmony as one big family.
  • Michael Parenti: To make the world safe for those who own it, politically active elements of the owning class have created a national security state that expends billions of dollars and enlists the efforts of vast numbers of people.
  • Edward Snowden: There is nothing more grotesque than a media pushing for war.
  • Lenin: Practice is higher than (theoretical) knowledge, for it has not only the dignity of universality, but also of immediate actuality.
  • Stalin: Only in the highest phase of communism will people, working in accordance with their capacity, receive recompense therefor in accordance with their needs: "From each according to his capacity, to each according to his needs."
  • Stalin: All that Marxism declares is that until classes have been completely abolished, and until work has been transformed from being a means of maintaining existence, into a prime necessity of life, into voluntary labour performed for the benefit of society, people will continue to be paid for their labour in accordance with the amount of labour performed.
  • Stalin: The October Revolution is neither the continuation nor the culmination of the Great French Revolution. The purpose of the French Revolution was to put an end to feudalism and establish capitalism. The aim of the October Revolution is to put an end to capitalism and to establish socialism.
  • Lenin: We shall not achieve socialism without a struggle. But we are ready to fight, we have started it and we shall finish it with the aid of the apparatus called the Soviets.
  • Gilbert Scott-Heron: The first revolution is when you change your mind.
  • Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya: Solidarity among the male and female workers, a general cause, general goals, a general path to that goal - that is the solution to the "woman" question in the working-class environment.
  • Lenin: No idea could be more erroneous or harmful than to separate foreign from home policy.
  • Kim Jong-il: Introducing individualism into socialism, which is based entirely on collectivism, is tantamount to taking poison.
  • Langston Hughes: Put one more S in the U.S.A. To make it Soviet.
  • Lenin: There is a good Latin proverb which says: “It is natural for all men to err; but only a fool persists in his error.
  • Lenin: A Marxist must take cognisance of real life, of the true facts of reality, and not cling to a theory of yesterday, which, like all theories, at best only outlines the main and the general, only comes near to embracing life in all its complexity.
  • Kim Il Sung: It can be said that the life of a revolutionary begins by going among the masses and that it is over when he parts from them.
  • Lenin: Deafened by liberal catch-phrases, people in our country are apt to overlook the actual class stand of the liberal party’s real bosses.
  • Lenin: The proletariat’s struggle against the bourgeoisie, which finds expression in a variety of forms ever richer in content, inevitably becomes a political struggle directed towards the conquest of political power by the proletariat (“the dictatorship of the proletariat”).

Robespierre: When the government violates the people’s rights, insurrection is, for the people and each portion of the people, the most sacred of rights and the most indispensable of duties.…


  • Lenin: Miraculous prophecy is a fairy-tale. But scientific prophecy is a fact.
  • Noam Chomsky: See, people with power understand exactly one thing: violence.
  • George Bernard Shaw: Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
  • Henry Kissinger: Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
  • Fidel Castro: This position of the Trotskyists is the same which all newspapers and publicity agencies of Yankee imperialism adopted in relation to the cause of Comrade Ernesto Guevara. All the imperialist press of the United States, its news agencies, the Cuban counter-revolutionaries' press, the bourgeois press throughout the continent and the rest of the world - in other words, this campaign of slanders and intrigues against revolutionary Cuba in connection with the case of Comrade Guevara - coincided with precision with all imperialist bourgeois sectors, all the slanderers and all the conspirators against the Cuban revolution, for there is no doubt that only reaction and imperialism is interested in discrediting the Cuban revolution and in destroying the confidence of the revolutionary movements in the Cuban revolution, in destroying the confidence of the Latin American peoples in the Cuban revolution, in destroying their faith. Therefore, they have not hesitated to use the dirtiest and most indecent weapons.
  • Fidel Castro: Even though at one time Trotskyism represented an erroneous position, but a position in the field of political ideas, Trotskyism became during the following years a vulgar instrument of imperialism and reaction.
  • Fidel Castro: Yon Sosa led the movement of a group of armed officers in the crushing of whom the mercenaries who later invaded Playa Girón participated. Through a businessman who took charge of the movement's political aspects, the Fourth International fixed it up so that that leader, who was ignorant of the profound problems of politics and of the history of revolutionary thought, would permit that agents of Trotskyism, about whom we do not have the slightest doubt that he is an agent of imperialism, to publish a newspaper which copies outright the program of the Fourth International. By doing this, the Fourth International committed a real crime against the revolutionary movement to isolate it from the rest of the people, to isolate it from the masses, when it contaminated it with the stupidities, the discredit, and the repugnant thing which Trotskyism today is in the field of politics.
  • Martin Luther King, Jr.: So today capitalism has out-lived its usefulness. It has brought about a system that takes necessities from the masses to give luxuries to the classes.
  • Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord: It is the beginning of the end.
  • Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord: Financiers flourish only when nations decline.
  • George Friedman: The primordial interest of the United States, over which for centuries we have fought wars– the First, the Second and Cold Wars– has been the relationship between Germany and Russia, because united there, they’re the only force that could threaten us. And to make sure that that doesn’t happen.
  • Lenin: Prompted by fear of revolution, the old state power, which is independent of the people and is a power over the people, promises the people that it will ensure their freedom. But its promises remain unfulfilled; they cannot be fulfilled.
  • James Connolly: If you remove the English army tomorrow and hoist the green flag over Dublin Castle, unless you set about the organisation of the Socialist Republic, your efforts would be in vain.
  • Lenin: There are moments in history when a desperate struggle of the masses, even for a hopeless cause, is essential for the further schooling of these masses and their training for the next struggle.
  • Kim Il Sung: Our ideal is to build a society where everyone is well fed, well clothed, and lives a long life, a society where everybody is progressive and works devotedly, a society where all people live united in harmony as one big family.
  • Michael Parenti: To make the world safe for those who own it, politically active elements of the owning class have created a national security state that expends billions of dollars and enlists the efforts of vast numbers of people.
  • Edward Snowden: There is nothing more grotesque than a media pushing for war.
  • Lenin: Practice is higher than (theoretical) knowledge, for it has not only the dignity of universality, but also of immediate actuality.
  • Stalin: Only in the highest phase of communism will people, working in accordance with their capacity, receive recompense therefor in accordance with their needs: "From each according to his capacity, to each according to his needs."
  • Stalin: All that Marxism declares is that until classes have been completely abolished, and until work has been transformed from being a means of maintaining existence, into a prime necessity of life, into voluntary labour performed for the benefit of society, people will continue to be paid for their labour in accordance with the amount of labour performed.
  • Stalin: The October Revolution is neither the continuation nor the culmination of the Great French Revolution. The purpose of the French Revolution was to put an end to feudalism and establish capitalism. The aim of the October Revolution is to put an end to capitalism and to establish socialism.
  • Lenin: We shall not achieve socialism without a struggle. But we are ready to fight, we have started it and we shall finish it with the aid of the apparatus called the Soviets.
  • Gilbert Scott-Heron: The first revolution is when you change your mind.
  • Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya: Solidarity among the male and female workers, a general cause, general goals, a general path to that goal - that is the solution to the "woman" question in the working-class environment.
  • Lenin: No idea could be more erroneous or harmful than to separate foreign from home policy.
  • Kim Jong-il: Introducing individualism into socialism, which is based entirely on collectivism, is tantamount to taking poison.
  • Langston Hughes: Put one more S in the U.S.A. To make it Soviet.
  • Lenin: There is a good Latin proverb which says: “It is natural for all men to err; but only a fool persists in his error.
  • Lenin: A Marxist must take cognisance of real life, of the true facts of reality, and not cling to a theory of yesterday, which, like all theories, at best only outlines the main and the general, only comes near to embracing life in all its complexity.
  • Kim Il Sung: It can be said that the life of a revolutionary begins by going among the masses and that it is over when he parts from them.
  • Lenin: Deafened by liberal catch-phrases, people in our country are apt to overlook the actual class stand of the liberal party’s real bosses.
  • Lenin: The proletariat’s struggle against the bourgeoisie, which finds expression in a variety of forms ever richer in content, inevitably becomes a political struggle directed towards the conquest of political power by the proletariat (“the dictatorship of the proletariat”).

La religion est pour ceux qui ont peur d'aller en enfer. La spiritualité est pour ceux qui y sont déjà allés.

Impossible que ce proverbe soit sioux puisque la religion a été inventée par les chrétiens (je ne parle pas de tradition spirituelle). Elle a été reprise par l'islam et le judaïsme.

Cette phrase est du père Patrick Collins (1994), de l'université de Notre-Dame, aux États-Unis.…

|La religion est pour ceux qui ont peur d'aller en enfer. La spiritualité est pour ceux qui y sont déjà allés.|

Robespierre: Offences committed by people’s representatives should be severely and promptly punished. No one has the right to claim to be more inviolable than other citizens.…


  • Lenin: Miraculous prophecy is a fairy-tale. But scientific prophecy is a fact.
  • Noam Chomsky: See, people with power understand exactly one thing: violence.
  • George Bernard Shaw: Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.
  • Henry Kissinger: Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
  • Fidel Castro: This position of the Trotskyists is the same which all newspapers and publicity agencies of Yankee imperialism adopted in relation to the cause of Comrade Ernesto Guevara. All the imperialist press of the United States, its news agencies, the Cuban counter-revolutionaries' press, the bourgeois press throughout the continent and the rest of the world - in other words, this campaign of slanders and intrigues against revolutionary Cuba in connection with the case of Comrade Guevara - coincided with precision with all imperialist bourgeois sectors, all the slanderers and all the conspirators against the Cuban revolution, for there is no doubt that only reaction and imperialism is interested in discrediting the Cuban revolution and in destroying the confidence of the revolutionary movements in the Cuban revolution, in destroying the confidence of the Latin American peoples in the Cuban revolution, in destroying their faith. Therefore, they have not hesitated to use the dirtiest and most indecent weapons.
  • Fidel Castro: Even though at one time Trotskyism represented an erroneous position, but a position in the field of political ideas, Trotskyism became during the following years a vulgar instrument of imperialism and reaction.
  • Fidel Castro: Yon Sosa led the movement of a group of armed officers in the crushing of whom the mercenaries who later invaded Playa Girón participated. Through a businessman who took charge of the movement's political aspects, the Fourth International fixed it up so that that leader, who was ignorant of the profound problems of politics and of the history of revolutionary thought, would permit that agents of Trotskyism, about whom we do not have the slightest doubt that he is an agent of imperialism, to publish a newspaper which copies outright the program of the Fourth International. By doing this, the Fourth International committed a real crime against the revolutionary movement to isolate it from the rest of the people, to isolate it from the masses, when it contaminated it with the stupidities, the discredit, and the repugnant thing which Trotskyism today is in the field of politics.
  • Martin Luther King, Jr.: So today capitalism has out-lived its usefulness. It has brought about a system that takes necessities from the masses to give luxuries to the classes.
  • Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord: It is the beginning of the end.
  • Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord: Financiers flourish only when nations decline.
  • George Friedman: The primordial interest of the United States, over which for centuries we have fought wars– the First, the Second and Cold Wars– has been the relationship between Germany and Russia, because united there, they’re the only force that could threaten us. And to make sure that that doesn’t happen.
  • Lenin: Prompted by fear of revolution, the old state power, which is independent of the people and is a power over the people, promises the people that it will ensure their freedom. But its promises remain unfulfilled; they cannot be fulfilled.
  • James Connolly: If you remove the English army tomorrow and hoist the green flag over Dublin Castle, unless you set about the organisation of the Socialist Republic, your efforts would be in vain.
  • Lenin: There are moments in history when a desperate struggle of the masses, even for a hopeless cause, is essential for the further schooling of these masses and their training for the next struggle.
  • Kim Il Sung: Our ideal is to build a society where everyone is well fed, well clothed, and lives a long life, a society where everybody is progressive and works devotedly, a society where all people live united in harmony as one big family.
  • Michael Parenti: To make the world safe for those who own it, politically active elements of the owning class have created a national security state that expends billions of dollars and enlists the efforts of vast numbers of people.
  • Edward Snowden: There is nothing more grotesque than a media pushing for war.
  • Lenin: Practice is higher than (theoretical) knowledge, for it has not only the dignity of universality, but also of immediate actuality.
  • Stalin: Only in the highest phase of communism will people, working in accordance with their capacity, receive recompense therefor in accordance with their needs: "From each according to his capacity, to each according to his needs."
  • Stalin: All that Marxism declares is that until classes have been completely abolished, and until work has been transformed from being a means of maintaining existence, into a prime necessity of life, into voluntary labour performed for the benefit of society, people will continue to be paid for their labour in accordance with the amount of labour performed.
  • Stalin: The October Revolution is neither the continuation nor the culmination of the Great French Revolution. The purpose of the French Revolution was to put an end to feudalism and establish capitalism. The aim of the October Revolution is to put an end to capitalism and to establish socialism.
  • Lenin: We shall not achieve socialism without a struggle. But we are ready to fight, we have started it and we shall finish it with the aid of the apparatus called the Soviets.
  • Gilbert Scott-Heron: The first revolution is when you change your mind.
  • Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya: Solidarity among the male and female workers, a general cause, general goals, a general path to that goal - that is the solution to the "woman" question in the working-class environment.
  • Lenin: No idea could be more erroneous or harmful than to separate foreign from home policy.
  • Kim Jong-il: Introducing individualism into socialism, which is based entirely on collectivism, is tantamount to taking poison.
  • Langston Hughes: Put one more S in the U.S.A. To make it Soviet.
  • Lenin: There is a good Latin proverb which says: “It is natural for all men to err; but only a fool persists in his error.
  • Lenin: A Marxist must take cognisance of real life, of the true facts of reality, and not cling to a theory of yesterday, which, like all theories, at best only outlines the main and the general, only comes near to embracing life in all its complexity.
  • Kim Il Sung: It can be said that the life of a revolutionary begins by going among the masses and that it is over when he parts from them.
  • Lenin: Deafened by liberal catch-phrases, people in our country are apt to overlook the actual class stand of the liberal party’s real bosses.
  • Lenin: The proletariat’s struggle against the bourgeoisie, which finds expression in a variety of forms ever richer in content, inevitably becomes a political struggle directed towards the conquest of political power by the proletariat (“the dictatorship of the proletariat”).

La discorde est le plus grand mal du genre humain, et la tolérance en est le seul remède.

Citation extraite du "Dictionnaire philosophique" de Voltaire (1764) à l'entrée "Tolérance".

Extrait du "Dictionnaire philosophique" de Voltaire (1764) à l'entrée "Tolérance":

Cette horrible discorde, qui dure depuis tant de siècles, est une leçon bien frappante que nous devons mutuellement nous pardonner nos erreurs; la discorde est le grand mal du genre humain, et la tolérance en est le seul remède.
Il n'y a personne qui ne convienne de cette vérité, soit qu'il médite de sang-froid dans son cabinet, soit qu'il examine paisiblement la vérité avec ses amis. Pourquoi donc les mêmes hommes qui admettent en particulier l'indulgence, la bienfaisance, la justice, s'élèvent-ils en public avec tant de fureur contre ces vertus? Pourquoi? c'est que leur intérêt est leur dieu, c'est qu'ils sacrifient tout à ce monstre qu'ils adorent.…

|La discorde est le plus grand mal du genre humain, et la tolérance en est le seul remède.|

Apprends la sagesse dans la sottise des autres.

"Proverbe" inconnu au Japon. Il semble être apparu en 2009 et repris dans un ouvrage de 2011.…

Une parole similaire, mais plus riche et logique, a été attribuée à Caton l'Ancien par Plutarque dans «Aristide. Caton l'Ancien. Philopœmen. Flamininus». Marcus Porcius Cato, dit Caton l'Ancien (Cato Maior) ou Caton le Censeur (Cato Censorius), était un homme politique et un écrivain romain né en 234 av. J.-C. dans le municipe de Tusculum et mort en 149 av. J.-C. à Rome.

Extrait de «Aristide. Caton l'Ancien. Philopœmen. Flamininus» de Plutarque:

Il disait «que les fous servent plus à l'instruction des sages, que les sages à l'instruction des fous; car les sages fuient l'exemple des fous, et les fous ne suivent pas l'exemple des sages».

|Apprends la sagesse dans la sottise des autres.|