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Federico Andreotti

Federico Andreotti était un peintre italien, né le 6 mars 1847 à Florence et mort en 1930 dans la même ville.

Federigo Andreotti a étudié à l'Académie des beaux-arts de Florence avec Enrico Pollastrini et Angiolo Tricca. Il y a été nommé professeur et a reçu une bourse d'études. Il expose à la Royal Academy of Arts de Londres de 1879 à 1883.

Peintre de fresques, de paysages, de portraits, de figures féminines, de scènes de genre, de scènes historiques et de natures mortes, il utilise l’huile et l’aquarelle dans des décors historiques notamment des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Dans ses œuvres, il associe une certaine précision à des techniques impressionnistes. Il a également illustré les œuvres poétiques de Renato Fucini.

Minority opinion and vulnerable minority population aren't the same thing.

Just because your opinion is in the minority doesn't mean it's bigoted or unreasonable to dismiss it, only when your opinion is rooted in your status as a vulnerable population.

Me voicing about how things affect me as a trans-woman is speaking from my minority status and bears listening to because we want to be a fair and equitable society.

That doesn't mean we should take seriously the minority of people who are convinced that 1+1=3. Their minority position stems from simply being wrong about fundamental truths.

in reply to Shiri Bailem

And this is in fact related to my previous... the minority who think this is Mastodon shouldn't be the leading voice on things going on in the fediverse.

If you think this is the place for privacy or control of your data... you shouldn't be leading the discussion.

Especially compared to the people who know what ostatus and are, let alone people who know what diaspora* is.

We're going to get a wave of outrage as Mastodon rolls out quote posts and people realize that those posts don't follow delete requests of the original let alone the block settings of the original user and server. And they're going to scream and shout that this should be removed from the whole fediverse... nevermind the fact that it's only new to Mastodon.

Copying myself because I'm irritated yet again by people with their head up their ass assuming that their tiny view of the fediverse represents the whole and it's history...

This was set off by another person, yet again, complaining about bridgy-fed and thinking Snarfed is some untrustworthy asshole because he was following the actual norms and standards of the fediverse because the Twitter expats thought Mastodon was some bastion of personal control and ownership....

For context, opt-out (via just blocking the bridge) has been the norm since pretty much the beginning of federation... which the people complaining about the nature of the bridge don't realize how old federation and the community is.

For context (of the ones I'm aware of):
* The first federated protocol was introduced in 1980
* The first federated chat protocol was introduced in 1999
* The first federated social networking platforms that I know of started coming out about 2010. The platform I'm on (Friendica) came out that year.
* the second major federated chat protocol was introduced in 2014 and quickly bridges were built between it and the first (all only opt-out via blocking)
* Mastodon wasn't released until 2016, originally on the ostatus network (Friendica supported and still supports ostatus)
* Snarfed starts working on bridgy-fed around 2018
* Activitypub came out in 2018, mastodon and friendica both transitioned to Activitypub as their central protocol with Mastodon eventually dropping ostatus.
* Bridges were established between Activitypub and previous social networks, all opt-out bridges (and again via blocking)
* 2022 Elon Musk buys Twitter and do to good PR Mastodon becomes the instance platform of choice for most of them to the point that most of them think Mastodon is the network
* 2023, Snarfed has been writing bridgy fed for 7 years now, about as long as the activitypub network has existed, long predating Bluesky (because that's not the only bridge in the project), and all of a sudden people specifically overwhelmingly on Mastodon or younger projects think it's a deep offense to build something under the same social standards that have been the norm for decades. Even then long before the bluesky portion of the bridge was fully functional they relented and switched to an approach that drastically hampered has caused countless bugs and technical difficulties just because a minority of people decided to dogpile him... and of course he's judged because other people essentially crashed a party he'd been at peacefully for years and decided to scream that he was being inappropriate when everyone who was hear already supported it...

#bridges #bridgy #FediMeta #Fediverse #Bluesky

in reply to Shiri Bailem

And I really can't wait until Mastodon's roll out of quote posts hits and they start freaking out like it's a whole new and despicable thing... I'm gonna break out the popcorn for that because I can't imagine them convincing the whole fediverse to just tear out a feature that's been there for ages because they thought Mastodon made the rules lol

Édouard Bisson

Édouard Louis Félix Bisson, né à Paris le 6 avril 1856 et mort à Orgeval le 18 juillet 1945, était un peintre français, surtout portraitiste et spécialiste de scènes de genres. Il est représentatif du style pompier fin de siècle.

Bisson est l'élève de Gérôme. Il expose régulièrement au salon des artistes français, en particulier des figures féminines dans le goût académique de l'époque. Il est gratifié de la mention honorable en 1881 et en 1889 et d'une médaille de troisième classe en 1897. Il reçoit une médaille de bronze pour l'exposition universelle de 1900 à Paris. Ses toiles sont souvent représentées par des gravures et par la presse de l'époque.

Il épouse le 5 août 1899 l'artiste peintre Frédérique Heyne, connue sous le nom de Frédérique Vallet-Bisson, à la mairie du premier arrondissement de Paris.

Il devient chevalier de la Légion d'honneur en 1908.

Bisson expose régulièrement jusqu'à sa mort en 1945, développant son interprétation personnelle de la beauté féminine, à l'écart des nouveaux courants.