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... now, to cry in relief...

<Insert Profanities>

So the temporary system had some sort of failure, I'm not even 100% sure what caused it to be honest. It went down sometime yesterday and some of the virtual drives got corrupted, which caught the database and the virtual gateway device.

I was able to restore the system... most of the way. Thankfully there are backups of the database, but some of them were also flawed as well, the most recent intact one was from 5/16, so 5 days were lost.

To be clear, this problem was exacerbated by the fact that there's not as much redundancy in the temporary setup (sadly it looks like it'll be a few more months before I have a place of my own and can spin up my own hardware again). But I'm going to still look at how I might get those in better shape.

As far as how long it took: I had a busy day yesterday and didn't see that the server was down until I was too exhausted to do anything about it, so it had to wait until I got off work today... each attempt at restoring the database takes around an hour, so that took *a while* to get restored.

... ugh...

#ADHD #neurodivegent @actuallyadhd group @adhd group

Content warning: Meme image joking about real world murders (mocking murderers)

The price of love is pain*...

What do you do when your capacity for pain is getting used up faster than your capacity for love?

(* for those unfamiliar with the saying: loving someone inevitably means pain at their loss, pain at their suffering, and general vulnerability. In my case, mostly loved ones struggling and being traumatized by various systemic injustices...)

The raw surrealness that hits you from time to time when transitioning...

I thought I was a guy... now I'm thinking of myself as a woman.

I used to look in the mirror and always feel blah, and unmemorable unattractive face... now I see a face I genuinely recognize and remember, a face that I can feel attractive wearing (even if I'm not my own type and will never really see it myself)

My hair which was always just an uninteresting mess... turns out it likes to naturally grow into a cute bob (though I'd still like to try styling it more).

Oh... and boobs, just boobs.

#trans #transfemme #SecondPuberty #lgbtqia

in reply to Shiri Bailem

I have seen a lot of people use anime gao kigurumi as a mental help and encouragement with transitioning, just because the hadatai covers imperfections up, and with shapewear, people see what they would like to have.

It is a tough road.

Rant about AI:

Sadly there's no reasonable way to differentiate AI content from "real" content. And regardless of your opinions on AI there's no "stopping" it (it's a "cat's out of the bag" situation, you can run these things on your home computer with open source software... there's no way short of an apocalypse to stop development from here).

What we do have is a lot of fighting and little effort to work on solutions of living with this. And I think worse yet many taking the anti-AI stance, especially the loudest of them, are basically making things worse because real solutions are anathema to them (ie. anything short of an outright ban on the technology is unacceptable, which means they tend to push back against even efforts to rein in AI or talk over those who want to push those efforts).

On top of that you have the borderline predatory push of "AI Detection Tools" and "AI Poisoning". The detection tools are a question of "How many real lives are you okay with ruining to catch a handful of bad uses cases in AI because there is zero way to have any certainty on the accuracy of these tools?" while poisoning tools are a security blanket that leads to people dropping their defenses because they don't stop AI, just slightly delay it's access to your content (even the creators of those tools acknowledge that AI will quickly bypass them, at which point there's no difference in whether or not you used that tool), worse yet as AI gets further incorporated in search tools it can make it harder to get visibility and exposure over AI generated content.

What we really need to be focusing on to address the problems with AI:

  • Learning how copyright works (in my experience artists tend to have a woefully bad understanding of what is or isn't covered) and making sure corporations don't lobby the government into allowing copyright on AI works (under current law they are public domain, aka. no copyright, but there's already been one case of pushing that they can copyright "arrangements" of AI works). This means if they want to actually have a copyright on art, they've got to pay a human artist
  • We need to push for reporting requirements/standards. One of the most toxic elements is how much AI floods spaces and bumps out human artists, especially when they attack the prompt containing the artist's name (meaning searching for that artist can turn up more AI work than their actual work)... there needs to be a requirement that AI art be labeled. This also works with the previous point as it is similar to being able to search for something released Creative Commons.
  • Push for copyright responsibility in outputs rather than training data inputs. This sounds like something that is already one of the loudest arguments, but really isn't. Most arguments I hear try to go after AI tools for copyright content in their training data... but if you actually learn copyright you realize that a victory here largely means that major companies get more of an advantage because copyright only applies when content is copied (ie. when the training data is made available for smaller companies to run their own) vs when content is transformed (despite popular opinion, the vast majority of AI output does not violate copyright and qualifies as a transformative work... see again learning copyright law, plus a dash of learning how these tools actually work). Responsibility in outputs means that an AI can violate copyright (if I ask an AI tool to give me the first chapter of a copyrighted book and it does so... that is a violation and they need to genuinely be responsible for taking measures to prevent this from happening, but there should also be leeway for "forced violations", ie. when you bend over backwards to make it break copyright vs just saying "give me the first chapter of...")
  • Work on learning and developing responsible usage. Again despite popular artist opinion, there genuinely is a lot of responsible use cases for all these AI technologies, from using LLMs to help debug code, summarize text, prioritize lists to voice duplicators used, with the license of the original VA, being used for dynamic speech (ie. voice assistants or actually speaking a player's name in a video game in the middle of otherwise pre-recorded output). And that's not to ignore image generators which can be used for enhancing/repairing old photos, or just used for general visual effects on your own art (ie. the filters everyone uses on instagram or the like... much of them are the exact same tech as AI Image Generators)
  • And as always... fighting capitalism because the real threat of AI is the same as any other technology advancement: if CEOs can replace you with a machine, they will, and we live in a society where no employment means risk of death.

#AI #ResponsibleAI #Rant

Filtered word: nsfw



Test from Friendica to:


Unknown parent

Plastic Frog

@Plastic Paragraph

> test commenting from Friendica

hi, just seeing what Friendica is like as I know not much about it

i think software devs should be forced to use a laptop with 2gb ram and a 5400rpm hard drive

My sister Chelsie is struggling emotionally with potty training her kid, so I edited a popular meme to be more relevant.

#StarTrek #Parenting #PottyTraining #StarTrekTNG

reshared this

in reply to Shiri Bailem

our eldest took to using the potty relatively well (heavy emphasis on relatively). Which naturally means our second is going to be an absolute nightmare right?

That's how everything else has gone.

🔥👍 Helldivers 2: A Thrilling and Challenging Gaming Experience 🔥👍

🔥👍 Helldivers 2: A Thrilling and Challenging Gaming Experience 🔥👍

Content warning: what

Kosmetyki trychologiczne w Głogowie

Udało się w końcu zobaczyć jak może wyglądać tekst napisany swobodnie o kosmetykach trychologicznych przez sztuczną inteligencję - na raze to narzędzie wcale nie jest tak dobre - nadal człowiek a raczej jego mózg jest niezastąpionym narzędziem do wymyślania tekstów, pisania książek i artykułów.

Maybe I should pin a post or add it to the description or something that I'm Jewish Anti-Zionist and don't tolerate the bullshit "criticism of Israel's war crimes is antisemitism" narrative...

Yeah... I think I'm going to add that to the description, because if someone is going to defederate because they think the Israeli government is synonymous with the entire Jewish people, or think they can just conveniently ignore war crimes and colonialism because people on the other side have also done bad things...

Hell, I'll even tag myself in #fediblock if people want to take the trash out for me.

reshared this

in reply to Shiri Bailem

Oh wait, already did... maybe I need to make it more prevalent?

(Edited as based on a reply it was far too easily misread. Previously said "Admin is a Jew" and it never dawned on me that someone could think it meant the admin of the zionist server rather than myself)

in reply to Shiri Bailem

i mean this is literally just saying the quiet part out loud isn't it. "blocking this server because the admin is a Jew... err, a Zionist."

amazing that they then have the gall to put a little asterisk next to racism and explain that they don't tolerate dogwhistles. apparently foghorns are okay though.

in reply to Psy Chuan :therian:

@Psy Chuan :therian: okay, that definitely needs clarification and I hadn't realized... fixing that now. "admin is a Jew" is talking about myself, not the server being blocked.
in reply to Shiri Bailem

oh goodness i am so sorry i thought that screenshot was of someone putting out a block report for you, i'm sorry i came off so hostile.
in reply to Shiri Bailem

Not a Zionist, but fairly sure Zionists also acknowledge that Israel has committed lots of war crimes and atrocities.

Obviously your server your rules, but I have found no matter how strenuously you tell people otherwise, people will label you a Zionist as soon as they find your views on Israel politically inconvenient.

I just feel that the people who most need to see that don't read bios and pinned posts.

in reply to ראַף 🟣

@raf 🟣 I mean I'm not taking the angle of "don't you dare call me a zionist" but rather that from my side of things modern zionism, especially in the US equates to a fervent belief that Israel is synonymous with Judaism and any criticism of Israel is antisemitic.

This kicked off especially from the fediblock post in which someone was rallying against the EndAntisemitism account for it's labeling of any criticism of Israel's military action in Gaza as antisemitic and the ensuing accusations.

While I think the fediblock post was poorly handled, I do agree with the fundamentals underneath that it's not remotely acceptable to label criticism of the Israeli government to be inherently antisemitic.

Mostly, I'm just cranky and ranting. I'm not worried about being called a Zionist at any point... only time it can maybe happen with my views is if I'm talking to someone who is advocating the immediate abrupt abolition of the country.

in reply to Shiri Bailem

As the person who operates the EndAntisemitism account, I feel what it does and how it operates was grossly mischaracterised.

I literally label every post with why I think it's antisemitism. NONE of the reasons are about the military actions taken by the IDF. I stress repeatedly that if a reader disagrees with the report, they can just ignore it.

I criticise the Israeli govt regularly both publicly and privately. But the idea that no criticism of the Israeli government can be antisemitic is absurd and nonsensical.

We used to be mufos so I feel you should have some sense of where I stand on all this bullshit. We live in a world where Ilan Pappe and Norm Finkelstein have both been called Zionists. No one is immune from being called a Zionist and harassed shortly afterwards.

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to ראַף 🟣

@raf 🟣 Mufos?

Since you're the one running the account I do think it's lacking in detail on those particular callouts then.

To be clear, I've only blocked one person in all of this and that was only a personal block rather than a server block.

I will admit to unfollowing you but there's no spite, we're just somewhat different in values there (ie. we draw the line in different places) and it's less about who you are as a person and really just more about what shows up in my feed (ie. posts you comment on, etc where too much of what was showing up in my feed related to your activity is just on the other side of the line from me)

in reply to Shiri Bailem

To be clear, you don't have to justify unfollowing. I'm just more saying we are likely not all the different.

I only have 500 characters on that account and the label set is restricted. So there is some shorthand. When I say "Holocaust inversion" I mean comparing what some Jews are doing to the Holocaust. When I say "Nazi inversion" I mean comparing Jews to Nazis.

Some people don't think that constitutes antisemitism. Some do. I'd like to think people can talk about the atrocities in Gaza without mentioning Hitler and Auschwitz, mostly because the vast majority of people on the network do just that.

I am constantly refining and raising my standards, and I already put in way more effort into each of my reports than most Fediblocks I've seen.

You say those callouts, but Ned did not point to a single callout. And ignored all requests made of him to link directly to a single problematic one.

in reply to ראַף 🟣

@raf 🟣 Perhaps in the the description of your account make a note along the lines of "if it's a disputed topic, we err on the side of reporting so that you can make the decision yourself"

I think that clears the air alot

in reply to Shiri Bailem

@Shiri Bailem I know! I hate it when people say that any criticism of Israel is antisemitic.

Had a really long night at a charity LARP event I was invited to, I thought I felt slightly pretty for a moment in the last one picture I shared... But after last night I felt much much more happy and sure of myself.

Edit: alt-text provided by @Janet Logan 🏳️‍⚧️

#selfie #transfemme

Football Manager 2024: The Ultimate Multi-Platform Experience 🏆👍

Football Manager 2024: The Ultimate Multi-Platform Experience 🏆👍

Outcast - A New Beginning: An Incredible Adventure Awaits!" 🌟

Outcast - A New Beginning: An Incredible Adventure Awaits!" 🌟

A Galactic Adventure Like No Other - Destiny 2: The Final Shape + Annual Pass Review 🚀👏🔥💥👀💪🏽🎮👀

A Galactic Adventure Like No Other - Destiny 2: The Final Shape + Annual Pass Review 🚀👏🔥💥👀💪🏽🎮👀


New here, i'm a nerd and in freetime programmer! Italian, living in Ireland

I like to do a lot of stuff, and i'm interested in: #programming #osdev #music #art #bookbinding #sewing etc.

I like crafting things basically. And writing OS (and about Osdev in general).
Also have an interest into arts, and so far i made a small bunch of paintings (i'm a newbie so don't expect high level art), i will maybe post the photos here in the future.

So far that's all, my nick in the fediverse, and outside is most of the time dreamos82.

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