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99% of the time "Judeo-Christian" is antisemitic. And yes, I will absolutely elaborate on this if asked.

Credit: @Rabbit Cohen

Edit because this blew up far more than I expected and multiple people have asked for me to elaborate, here's a copy of my elaboration with follow up questions encouraged:

It's a messy topic and it's late here (I'm a bit sleepy), so feel free to ask follow up questions.

The short version of it is that Judeo-Christian is almost always used in one of two harmful ways:

1) To try and give more credibility and weight to something that is purely Christian by claiming that it's part of Judaism as well when it's not (like the above example, because Judaism explicitly permits abortions)
2) To try and talk about broader groupings of related faiths while ignoring the many other Abrahamic faiths (the proper term, though that one more often hurts the lesser known groups, don't use it unless you also know it applies to groups like the Baháʼí, which I'll admit even I know next to nothing about, but it's valid here because all I'm doing is naming their religious family)

Because many (cough most cough) teach a bastardized form of Judaism through the lens of Christianity, and because that's the only exposure many get to our faith... they get skewed harmful and hurtful ideas about us.

Some highlight examples:
* We don't have an established afterlife (we don't say there isn't one, we just have zero information on it if there is)
* We don't seek "eternal reward", the reward for our faith is being a better person than we were the day before
* We have forgiveness baked into our faith, and no it doesn't require animal sacrifice (it requires you to actually ask the person you wronged...)
* We thoroughly encourage arguing any topic with anyone (right time and place of course), and that includes picking a fight with God if you think they're wrong about something (you have a 99.9% chance of being wrong... but we commend the effort and every once in a while someone wins the argument)
* We have a rule, Pikuach Nefesh, roughly meaning that life is the highest commandment. Your well being takes precedence over your faith, if it would hurt you or others to be observant than you are exempt from that requirement. It's unacceptable to hurt others for your faith, and for yourself it's frowned upon
* We actively discourage conversion, it's allowed but it's not a trivial process. We don't want people to become Jews, we just want people to be better.

This entry was edited (10 months ago)
in reply to Shannon (she/her)

@Shannon (she/her) I don't think believing all zionists are jews isn't that messy of a idea because it impacts so little, especially since the zionist behavior of non-jews is already easily discernible on it's own as awful anyways.

And keep in mind that the comparison is that this started from assuming that all Jews condoned the atrocities committed by the Israeli government and has walked away knowing that it's not uniform.

This is a long article, but the theory hits *hard* with me and connects really well.

The basic gist is that autistics almost always define our identities by what we do and our personal traits, while non-autistics almost always define their identities by their relationships (in particular to social groups)

If you don't have it in you to read all of it, definitely read the section: "How does having an experientially-constructed identity impact relationships?".

Mandi reshared this.

Unknown parent

Shiri Bailem

@bike I suspect it isn't that much different. Collectivist societies can be awful in their own ways.

They're still better imo, but they have a tendency to focus too hard on traditions and conformity on top of the ideals of communal responsibility.

But in all cases it's a mesh of peer pressure and group identity vs our value identity.

Unknown parent

Shiri Bailem
@bike I get that, I mostly mention that so I don't come across as bashing collectivist societies incidentally. My point was more that I doubt there's that much difference for us, just swap out one set of rules that don't make sense for another set that don't make sense for a different reason.

Why You Must Keep The Monsters Human

*(Reposting because my node crashed and lost all my posts and I want to keep this one pinned)*

I've been mulling over making this post for a little bit, but I think it's really **really** important.

It's critically important that you remember and acknowledge the humanity of monsters. Not for their benefit, but for *everyone else's* benefit.

When someone commits a monstrous act or shares a monstrous belief, we want to think of them as an inherently vile and non-human thing.

But doing so shields and protects other monsters.

When you make a Nazi, or any kind of abuser, into a one-dimensional monster. When you make their whole existence *center* on this monstrous act or belief... you make it hard to see their humanity. And that's the point, you don't *want* to see their humanity.

*** You Don't Want To Believe That Someone You Know And Trust (Maybe Even Love) Is Capable Of Such Atrocity. ***

And that's the problem. Because when you reject their humanity, that humanity becomes their shield. Your friend Bob can't possibly be a Nazi or a child-abuser, he's such a loving father and he helped you move!

Because you see their humanity, you can't possibly imagine them as monsters because the monsters have no humanity in your eyes.

There's a reason that when serial killers get caught their neighbors say they couldn't imagine them doing such things.

So don't ignore their humanity, keep it in your mind... so the next one can't use it as a shield.

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

Gosh I really can’t wait for the AI hype and Anti AI hype to be over.

My brain cells die every day in an exponential number because of the sheer amount of bullshit I have to read and social media points farming.

This entry was edited (8 hours ago)

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

Content warning: jumpscare warning , dont open if ur a catgirl

reshared this

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

Content warning: Original post is too long for Bluesky. Click this to read.

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

My #CompSci lecturers often dropped the names of inventors. But only if they were men. We talked about Gordon Moore, obviously Turing 🏳️‍🌈 was mentioned, about Don Knuth, about Chomsky etc.

But when we discussed the #ARM architecture, we never talked about the inventor *Sophie Wilson*. We also never talked about *Mary Ann Horton*, despite her work on `vi` and `terminfo` -- but of course we mentioned Bill Joy. We discussed the Spanning Tree Protocol, but not its inventor *Radia Perlman*. We have the whole field of #SoftwareEngineering, but who coined the term? *Margaret Hamilton*. We mentioned the ENIAC and v. Neumann, but failed to talk about *Adele Goldstine*. We discussed the origins of #OOP and #Smalltalk but ignored *Adele Goldberg*. We programmed in #Assembly but never talked about the woman who wrote the first #Assembler, *Kathleen Booth*. And don't get me started on #Safari and our sweet @lisamelton ❤ Or any of the (incomplete list) of *Ida Rhodes, Carol Shaw, Shafi Goldwasser, Edith Clarke, Annie Easley, Joyce Little*, ...

And today? Let's talk about our favorite trans woman CPU designer, Lynn Conway.


in reply to lj·rk

@lj·rk @Lisa Melton

Grace Hopper and Ada Lovelace are always mentioned as the two female pioneers in programming, but there are so many more. Thanks for sharing this list; I was not aware of most of them.

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

After some conversations with friends NOT on the fediverse I've arrived at calling it "independent social media."

This is better than "open source" or other titles, it better conveys the central difference.

in reply to myrmepropagandist

people immediately understand when I say “imagine twitter. but instead of one central twitter, there are many. and they can all communicate with eachother so you can see posts from other twitters, but you can have full control over that if you run the twitter you’re a member of. and anyone* can run their own twitter.”

*anyone who has the privilege to do so, of course

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

Women’s reproductive rights, contraception, LGBTQ rights, IVF, now this:

The Christian right is coming for divorce next - Vox

“Conservative commentators and lawmakers are calling for an end to no-fault divorce, arguing that it has harmed men and even destroyed the fabric of society.”

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Shiri Bailem reshared this.

Content warning: ukpol, abuse, NHS, trans genocide

(URL replace addon enabled for X, YouTube, Instagram and some news sites.)

This entry was edited (3 days ago)

in reply to Jcrabapple

Well, the simple explanation: the bird is just dumb as all birds are. Planned to get inside, flew against the window, got scared by crashing into an invisible wall, turned around, let some fear-fart which also ejected some mass and the rest is rocket science. push matter out the back to get a forward boost. so it "shot" only inches or even with direct contact instead of feet.

actuallyadhd group reshared this.

You know what's great to learn at 38, right before bedtime one night, after a whole life time of struggle...

That your mother traumatized you with ADHD to the point where actually pushing myself against ADHD is a trigger... making it so no amount of coping skills can help me push myself for any real length of time...

I'd try and do something that requires a push, even a little one... and be crying... and I thought it was just the feeling of hitting my dopamine... but nooooo... now I'm unpacking that it was me getting triggered at the feeling of pushing my reserves at all...

That explains so damn much and makes me feel so damn hurt and angry...

I was forced to push myself so far so often as a kid and she didn't ever relent when I was critically over-extended on dopamine... usually around cleaning. I'm remembering so many times crying and sobbing on the floor because she demanded I clean to an extreme standard and I wasn't allowed to do anything else until I met her approval...

And I've been running my whole life fucking kneecapped by this... I thought I just had it worse than most (with ADHD) on my ability to push myself on tasks... but no... it's because I realize now I can't fucking push myself at all because my fucking brain just jumps straight to that extreme pain and trauma right away...

Now I'm fucking crying when I should be trying to sleep...

#ADHD #Neurodivergent #Trauma
@adhd group @actuallyadhd group

in reply to Shiri Bailem

oh shit I'm so sorry that happened to you.
I hope you find a way to get through it.

if you like to be hugged, here's one :hug:

in reply to pascoda

@pascoda Thank you... I cried alot and talked with my wonderful sibling for a while and am probably going to pass out really hard really soon lol
in reply to Shiri Bailem adhd group reshared this.

i spent a sizeable portion of my childhood shut in my room with "you're not coming out until it's clean!" And without guidance on how to clean it.

I push through hard things like this as an adult with the mantra "something is better than nothing" and just chip away at things.

And I sit with my kids when cleaning their room, talk through my process and coach them. That's been really healing, coaching my kids and also my ADHD friends; it's like re-parenting myself!

reshared this

I shared this a few years ago but a lot has changed since then...

Not a perfect graph regardless, but I like it for communicating.

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

Fiction idea: Vampires only get weird and spooky if they drink human blood.

In reality, it's commonly accepted that if you eat something similar to yourself, you'll develop diseases (this is a vast oversimplification of kuru and mad cow disease). I propose it's the same for vampires, but since they're relatively immortal, they don't die from it, they just get aggressive, creepy, and obsessive. If they didn't drink human blood, and instead went for animal blood or coconut water, they'd be totally normal.

Bonus points if this work of fiction draws parallels to colonialist mindsets of cleaner societies being "primitive".

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in reply to emilie_stims

exactly and some humans might even also be against the progress as it threatens their worldview, thereby literally working against their own interest by working in parallel with their predators. Lots of possibilities
in reply to Princeoflonelymt

@Princeoflonelymt @emilie_stims ie one of the most promising obvious areas of research is stem cells just creating blood, or other cloning adjacent research with all of todays arguments...

Also the "vampires are always evil" crowd, who will send hunters after the ones researching (killing the ones specifically wanting to find a way to not harm you)

Mozilla announces on-device (as in not using the cloud) AI image recognition to generate alt text for users who need screen readers...

And people are flipping out over AI still in the comments

Firefox 130 is bringing a game-changing feature: automatic alt-text generation for images using a fully private on-device AI model! 🙌🏾

Initially available in the built-in PDF editor, our aim is to extend this to general browsing for screen reader users.

Roland reshared this.

in reply to fraggle

Am I the only one wondering why he didn't ALSO complain about Apple deleting the headphone port and requiring manufacturers to use an expensive, due to Apple's licensing requirements, and incompatible solution?

In my mind the problem lies with Apple. Not with the people figuring out workarounds for Apple breaking their existing wired headphone business.

in reply to Jack William Bell

It's not the port, it's the licensing fee. """While Apple doesn't issue a price sheet publicly it's been widely reported as $4 per lightning connector - and that in the past it's been as much as $10 per device. Feb 1, 2020""" @jackwilliambell
in reply to Trouble

@trouble @jackwilliambell that doesn't make much sense because the devices described in the story still use lightning connectors
in reply to fraggle


They aren't paying for the audio port license and chip. (Yeah, it requires a special chip to decode the audio.) Turns out a Bluetooth chip is cheaper.

ETA: I misspoke. The chip is to authenticate the adapter. But the power lines are always up even if you don't authenticate.

Related: See European Commission proposed laws to require all electronic devices to support USB-C – this anti-competitive move by Apple is one of the reasons.

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Jack William Bell

@jackwilliambell @trouble I remember thr EU mandating USB-C charging so we didn't have to buy a whole new set of chargers and cables when a new device had a different charging port. Is this something else?
in reply to Deborah Hartmann Preuss, pcc 🇨🇦

Nope, related. As I understand it one of the problems they cited was Apple's licensing for Lightning cables.

ETA: I could be wrong. Often am. I'm going by a half-remembered article I read last Fall.

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to fraggle

Note that the alt text has one passage repeated twice, and hence is missing some content. Quote:

I return it all, run to catch my plane, and spend half the flight wondering what planet I'm on. Until finally back home, I do some research and figure out what's going on:

A scourge of cheap "lightning" headphones and lightning accessories is flooding certain markets, unleashed by unscrupulous Chinese manufacturers who have discovered an unholy recipe:

True Apple lightning devices are more expensive to make. So instead of conforming to the Apple standard, these companies have made headphones that receive audio via bluetooth — avoiding the Apple specification — while powering the bluetooth chip via a wired cable, thereby avoiding any need for a battery.

They have even made lightning adapters using the same recipe: plug-in power a fake lightning dongle that uses bluetooth to transmit the audio signal literally 1.5 inches from the phone to the other end of the adapter.

In these remote markets, these manufacturers have no qualms with slapping a Lightning / iPhone logo on the box while never mentioning bluetooth, knowing that Apple will never do anything.
" @cachondo

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

After one of the owners died, work has been struggling with not having admin access to some of our systems, namely Google Workspace.

We finally got that access... so now I've sent the email to my boss about my name change. I verified with my boss a month or two ago that he's not going to fire me for being trans (it's actually a cute story...), that way I could safely start the legal name change process... but I've been holding off on otherwise being "out" at work because of this account thing...

So finally sent an email to my boss about the new name... it's the last place where I wasn't out!

#lgbtqia #trans #ComingOut

LGBTQ+ Feed reshared this.

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

You know what I want? A Hades and Persephone design, where Hades is just some emo dude, but Persephone is this primordial, hulking mass of vines and tree bark.

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

I made something to scratch an itch that's been bugging me for years... will save me a lot of time and trouble on some of my work (and possibly personal) projects...

In other words, I made something:

(For anyone wondering my current use case, I have a tool I wrote for work that's sitting on top of peewee and sqlite and it's been a massive pain to expand it out... this isn't something super special, but for the 20k-40k or so entries this should do just fine searching/querying/etc, even before adding indexing... and it'll make rebuilding my toolkit faster as well as easier to maintain since there's no firm structure to the resulting database)

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

no but for real congrats to him for finally winning a popular vote :))

reshared this

Want to learn real quick that "leftist" does not automatically mean "good person" or "free from bigotry"?

Call them out on body shaming or misgendering monsters.

It's also a painful reminder that so much "acceptance" is just performative.

If you think I'm valid for being fat, but then insult a monster for being fat, it tells me that you never actually saw me as valid.

If you think my gender transition is valid, but then purposefully misgender an awful trans person, it tells me that you never saw my transition as valid.

Because if these things are true and valid, then being an awful person wouldn't matter!

#lgbtqia #leftist #bigotry

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Shiri Bailem reshared this.

Nobody asked for this, but I just signed up for insurance with State Farm and I already have some strong thoughts and feelings about their app design.

This is an impromptu design critique because I cannot turn this part of my brain off. This is a curse.

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

in reply to sam henri gold

great write up! I used to work on this app 🫣🤭 definitely a fun surprise to see it in my feed this morning.
in reply to sam henri gold

Great stuff! one small thing: i think (at least in Europe) that you’re required to pop up a terms&conditions screen.
in reply to Mathias af Jochnick

@2happy1sad it depends on the implementation! I’m not sure about enforceability of browse wrap (vs click wrap) agreements in the EU/under GDPR. In US case law, this example from Uber was enough for the court to enforce the agreement.
in reply to Mathias af Jochnick

@2happy1sad I figured this was interesting enough to poll opinions on separately. Link if you wanna follow along on the discussion:

Got some questions about a critique I gave on this app last night about the EULA acceptance screen, so I figured I'd break this out. Do you have any opinions on these methods for mandatory legal agreements before using a product/service? I made a quick mockup representing their current design and the type of design I argued for.

Curious to hear from law people and non-law people about this.

in reply to Lesley Carhart :unverified: Lesley Carhart :unverified: reshared this.

"millenials are killing the exploitation industry!" - The Washington Post, probably
in reply to Lesley Carhart :unverified:

It really sounds like everyone else is butt-hurt that they didn't think of having a life outside of work first. These bullshit articles and their enablers on LInkedIn are the problem.

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

Self-care is ongoing. It's not a one and done fix for everything. Take care of yourself today, and tomorrow, and the next day.

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

Friendica Admins reshared this.

!Friendica Admins I've got a persistent issue lingering from messier storage transfers that had to be done when I moved. I just wasn't able to fit the media storage on the current semi-temporary box but not everything would transfer into S3 so I was forced to just delete the media folder without being fully transferred.

Since then a lot of images (typically profile pictures or older posts) are blurry and it seems clear the server isn't trying to re-download anything lost.

I'm needing a way to sort of kick it to get it to redownload those lost images?

in reply to Shiri Bailem Friendica Admins reshared this.

Hmm, that's weird, since that should always work. Does it work for new contacts and new posts?
in reply to Michael Vogel Friendica Admins reshared this.

@Michael Vogel honestly, now that you mention it since it was so common I was kinda just glossing over it and I think it is happening on some newer media too which could mean there's a problem with the S3 backend add-on, likely the same problem that caused much of the old media to not transfer.

in reply to GPLv7 ionizedgirl

that's hardly comparable (and not relevant); llms have simply no cognitive capabilities. @nicemicro
in reply to flere-imsaho

@mawhrin well we can still do some comparisons, but one neuron does not equate to one parameter. if you want a meaningful analogy, then you have to compare the number of parameters to the number of connections between neurons.

of course we can't really quantify cognition, so comparing things based on that is always just how one feels about that. I mean, technically, I might be the only conscious person in the universe, I have no way checking if anyone else has. 😂

too many people outed themselves as bigots and Nazis, Elon had to fix it...

anubis2814 reshared this.

... now, to cry in relief...

<Insert Profanities>

So the temporary system had some sort of failure, I'm not even 100% sure what caused it to be honest. It went down sometime yesterday and some of the virtual drives got corrupted, which caught the database and the virtual gateway device.

I was able to restore the system... most of the way. Thankfully there are backups of the database, but some of them were also flawed as well, the most recent intact one was from 5/16, so 5 days were lost.

To be clear, this problem was exacerbated by the fact that there's not as much redundancy in the temporary setup (sadly it looks like it'll be a few more months before I have a place of my own and can spin up my own hardware again). But I'm going to still look at how I might get those in better shape.

As far as how long it took: I had a busy day yesterday and didn't see that the server was down until I was too exhausted to do anything about it, so it had to wait until I got off work today... each attempt at restoring the database takes around an hour, so that took *a while* to get restored.

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

<Insert Profanities>

So the temporary system had some sort of failure, I'm not even 100% sure what caused it to be honest. It went down sometime yesterday and some of the virtual drives got corrupted, which caught the database and the virtual gateway device.

I was able to restore the system... most of the way. Thankfully there are backups of the database, but some of them were also flawed as well, the most recent intact one was from 5/16, so 5 days were lost.

To be clear, this problem was exacerbated by the fact that there's not as much redundancy in the temporary setup (sadly it looks like it'll be a few more months before I have a place of my own and can spin up my own hardware again). But I'm going to still look at how I might get those in better shape.

As far as how long it took: I had a busy day yesterday and didn't see that the server was down until I was too exhausted to do anything about it, so it had to wait until I got off work today... each attempt at restoring the database takes around an hour, so that took *a while* to get restored.

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

in reply to David Revoy

can we see the influence of the Luggage from the Discworld series? 😉😄
Unknown parent

David Revoy
@Da_Gut 😆 😆 😆

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

I hope this email finds you no matter how well you think you've disguised yourself.

actuallyadhd group reshared this.

... ugh...

#ADHD #neurodivegent @actuallyadhd group @adhd group

(URL replace addon enabled for X, YouTube, Instagram and some news sites.)

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