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!Friendica Admins I've got a persistent issue lingering from messier storage transfers that had to be done when I moved. I just wasn't able to fit the media storage on the current semi-temporary box but not everything would transfer into S3 so I was forced to just delete the media folder without being fully transferred.

Since then a lot of images (typically profile pictures or older posts) are blurry and it seems clear the server isn't trying to re-download anything lost.

I'm needing a way to sort of kick it to get it to redownload those lost images?

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in reply to Shiri Bailem

Does it work, when you manually refresh the contact data? On the contact page in the "actions" sub menu you can refetch the contact.
in reply to Michael Vogel

@Michael Vogel it does not. As far as I can tell it's pulling an extreme low rez fuzzy copy (not even a valid thumbnail size) from the database and then trying to grab the file locally, failing, and then just presenting that mess without doing anything further.

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in reply to Shiri Bailem

Hmm, that's weird, since that should always work. Does it work for new contacts and new posts?
in reply to Michael Vogel

@Michael Vogel honestly, now that you mention it since it was so common I was kinda just glossing over it and I think it is happening on some newer media too which could mean there's a problem with the S3 backend add-on, likely the same problem that caused much of the old media to not transfer.

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