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Shiri Bailem reshared this.

This goes out to the other #trans people in the Fediverse, let's destroy the myth that "you're too old" to start transitioning later in life. I started hormones when I was 35 and my changes have been amazing.. old were YOU when you started your transition or HRT?

Please boost for visibility :)


in reply to Ten :verified_trans:

I came out as trans when I was 23, but I didn't start testosterone until last year - a full 10 years later!

Had a really long night at a charity LARP event I was invited to, I thought I felt slightly pretty for a moment in the last one picture I shared... But after last night I felt much much more happy and sure of myself.

Edit: alt-text provided by @Janet Logan 🏳️‍⚧️

#selfie #transfemme

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

"would you rather have a dead child or a live transitioned child?" isn't a proposition, a threat, or emotional blackmail - it's fucking reality. the act of denying gender-affirming care to trans youth amounts to a literal, active genocide.

if you don't support trans children's, teens', and young adults' ability to transition, then you're a genocide apologist.

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in reply to Rachel, Femme Doux Naturel

in a way, my generation was lucky. sure, we lived through ace ventura, jerry springer, and all sorts of other media that continually told us that we were disgusting sexual perverts. yes, we lived through gay jokes on the playground and insinuations that any gender nonconformity we took part in was deviant.

but when people spoke about us, it was through stray quips and derogatory comments - not our being very publicly, outspokenly labeled a social plague at the very highest levels of government.

I can't imagine what people like me are going through right now - how sad, fearful, and depressed they must feel.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

Twitter just doing a "redirect links in tweets that go to to instead but accidentally do so for all domains that end like eg going to" is not absolutely the funniest thing I could imagine but it's high up there

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in reply to Pseudo Nym

@pseudonym @selenalarson When you drive off all the programmers and all you have left is lemons, go ahead and make yourself some lemonade.

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

Because they bring me such joy, I will share with you all the software testing videos I share with my Software Design and Development students.

Video 1/3: “We don’t need user testing! We already know our users”

in reply to Paul Cantrell

Video 3/3 (I feel this one •deeply•, to the bone):

“Developer watching QA test the product”

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

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in reply to Paul Cantrell

this whole thread is spectacular. The spectator's face as they put the circle through the square, the kids sliding down the hill, all of it. Glorious!
in reply to Geoffrey Conley 🏳️‍🌈

We’ve all been her.

I told the students, “If your user test doesn’t make you feel like that sometimes, you’re either not testing soon enough or not testing hard enough.”

in reply to Paul Cantrell

now if I could just figure out an appropriate way to reference these when an exec or client tries to de-prioritize user testing
in reply to Paul Cantrell

all three were hilarious. Thanks for posting. These videos answer so many questions.
in reply to fulanigirl has moved

I once had a student say (I think of the second one? I forget) that they didn’t really understand the terminology from the reading until they watched the video.

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

Now is your moment to shine 🌞🌚

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in reply to The Oatmeal

#AltText #AltText4U #Alt4U

Comic in 2 panels. 1) The sun, excitedly: “OHMYGOSH! Everyone is looking at me! No one EVER looks at me!” The moon, to its right, smiling and hands on its hips: “Now is your moment to shine!” 2) Eclipse, the sky all black with some wispy white rays. The moon, proud, has a big happy smile, its arms spread wide, almost completely hiding a sad and shocked sun. At the bottom, 3 guys with sun-viewing glasses watch the eclipse through their phones.

in reply to The Oatmeal

It's so crazy that during the return phase (without looking seeing this post) I made almost the same joke to my family. Love it!

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

Content warning: looking for software/infrastructure job in Germany, :boost_requested:​

in reply to tgirl johnny truant 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈

Content warning: looking for software/infrastructure job in Germany, :boost_requested:​

in reply to tgirl johnny truant 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈

let me know if any of these roles look like a good fit and I can send you a referral link:

Felt pretty, not just slightly cute, today for the first time...
in reply to Shiri Bailem

hey, just so you know, this status includes an attachment with missing accessibility (alt) text.

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

Content warning: Controversial opinions on education and the work force

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

in reply to ideogram

Content warning: Controversial opinions on education and the work force

in reply to emilie_stims

Content warning: Controversial opinions on education and the work force

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

Here's a fun AI story: a security researcher noticed that large companies' AI-authored source-code repeatedly referenced a nonexistent library (an AI "hallucination"), so he created a (defanged) malicious library with that name and uploaded it, and thousands of developers automatically downloaded and incorporated it as they compiled the code:


This entry was edited (2 months ago)

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in reply to Cory Doctorow

Please do this but actually make it do something. Like exfil all the corporate data, emails, etc. it can get and post them somewhere public. CONSEQUENCES for companies doing this "AI" shit.

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

Sometimes I spend an obscene amount of time to find just the right reaction GIF, but then when it appears … you know it’s worth it.

WTF Google? It costs serious money just to get a network jack that fast!
Unknown parent

Shiri Bailem

@Nicolai von Neudeck 🤒🤕 SPF... for home desktop users... and what about the network switch?

This is being pitched for residential use... in the US...

Unknown parent

Shiri Bailem
@Nicolai von Neudeck 🤒🤕 Yeah... in the US it's gigabit and you pay an arm and a leg for faster ports.

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

In other news, my mom thinks that playing with toys by lining them up is something that all neurotypical kids do...
in reply to Kevin Davy

ya, I think I saw a poll on fedi a couple months ago asking what percentage of autistic folks thought their parents were autistic as well, and it was like 75-90% saying yes IIRC
in reply to Autigirl Steph :neopossum_flag_trans:

I'm beyond convinced my father was. I only knew one grandparent and she definitely wasn't, but God knows about the rest,

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

just realized Easter and the Transgender Day of Visibility coincide this year which means it's the world's ultimate egg hunt
in reply to taco :nonbinary_heart:

@taco @LaurenThemself like I said before, you're now the unofficial representative for Mastodon and the Fediverse lol

You have gone viral and in the best way!

... now don't be a milkshake duck lol

in reply to Shiri Bailem

@shiri @laurenthemself I think I drink more milkshakes than I post these days, so that should be an easy fate to avoid.

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

Ranting about capitalism

Another reason to hate capitalism. It's considered smart for someone to buy cheap products then resell them for a higher price. They don't add anything extra, literally just reselling the same thing because they can, and it makes a profit. Personally I hate this kind of behavior, but It's a major part of capitalism. So many companies do this and it's frustrating as a consumer. This particular person got caught and is being prosecuted because they lied about the quality of their products and sold them to the military and police. They claimed it was made in the US and passed all safety standards, when in fact it was just cheap gear from China that doesn't comply with any safety regulations. So of course they get in trouble, but the thousands of other companies that do the exact same shit get away with it because they aren't selling safety gear to important people.

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

Requirements to put in a job description to discourage or filter out autistic people:

* Comfortable with ambiguity
* Strong people skills
* Good culture fit
* Multitasking
* A fast-paced dynamic environment
* Bachelor's degree or better

I see these things and think you don't want my >30 years of programming and machine learning experience, or my problem-solving skills and comprehensive knowledge that had people mistaking me for one of the team's PhDs, or my solutions that have proven patent-worthy. Your loss.


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in reply to Aaron ActuallyAutistic group reshared this.

queer theory taught me some comfort with ambiguity...but thats it

Friendica Admins reshared this.

!Friendica Admins I need some help with a transfer. My living situation is up in the air so i need to transfer my environment to a remote setup until it solidifies, I'm trying to migrate the storage to S3 but I keep running into an issue.

When I use console storage move, it works for a bit, moves around 253 items... then starts giving an error message like [Error] Cannot put data for reference 31d56e0ccb8e2a30d6cd79ab2e85c974ed99e87a3339957efbda9a58cbe423bc, the hash changes each time and it just immediately gives me that error no longer moving anything else.

I'm still on 2023.12, I was intending to make the upgrade along with the move due to the involved downtime. I really need to get this transferred right away because I need to have the server on my desk shut down in the next day or two... can y'all help be figure out how to get past this error message and get the storage transferred up?

in reply to Shiri Bailem Friendica Admins reshared this.

Out of desperation and lack of better answers... I've done a find delete on the storage folder of anything that hasn't been touched in 60 days... that cut down the usage drastically and the S3 move seems to have completed successfully.

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

Let me get this straight

A global conspiracy, involving every country on earth for 40+ years in order to spread mind-control chemicals from planes is real

Yet climate change is false

Hey Republicans from The South: ever wonder why no one takes y’all seriously?


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in reply to leeourand

@leeourand @Lazarou Bear in mind the pizza parlour child sex rings are a modern riff on the classic mediaeval anti-semitic Blood Libel:

(Pizza is a type of flatbread/unleavened bread. And children are ritually abused or murdered in secret according to the blood libel. The Qanon thing just updates it into an anti-semitic dog-whistle rather than saying the quiet part out loud.)

in reply to Charlie Stross

@Charlie Stross @Lazarou Monkey Terror 🚀💙🌈 @leeourand @flexghost. I mean all conspiracies you either find someone admitting to it after 5 seconds of looking or it loops back around to antisemitism somewhere...

Content warning: reshared call for aid, references to abusive home life

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

Idea: cats with stereotypical cat names, but they don't match.
A white cat named Pumpkin. A tabby named Oreo. An orange cat named Shadow.

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

I'm learning a new skill that is related to a skill I already have and I'm not perfect at this new skill on the first try!!! 😭😭😭

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

It's rainy today, and a little cold, so I decided to make some hot chocolate. While I did, adding a pinch of this and a splash of that, I was reminded of the stereotype of an older woman in the family having recipes with no measurements. The younger person is bewildered, and the first time they make it is a disaster. Today, I think I truly understood *why* those kinds of recipes don't have measurements. They're built of experience, and knowledge. The more you cook, the more you make these recipes, the more likely you are to make something delicious, even if it's not exactly the same. You may not know what "a pinch of salt" means at first try, but by the third time, you'll probably know how much is too much, and how much is too little. This knowledge is passed down through experience, trial and error, and learning from those who came before.

There is value in having the instructions written out in very clear specifications. And there is value in being forced to do it wrong before you get it right

Anyway, here's my hot chocolate recipe:

-enough milk to fill your mug
-1 pouch Abuelita instant hot chocolate
-a sprinkle of cinnamon
-a dash of nutmeg
-a hefty splash of Molina vanilla extract

Put all ingredients in a small pot, and give a good stir to break up the clumps. Turn the stove to a low heat, and stir constantly (so the milk doesn't burn [seriously, it happens so quick, don't leave it to chance]). Keep stirring until the solids are fully dissolved into the milk, and it's at the heat you want. Pour and enjoy.

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

in reply to emilie_stims

It kinda is how I came to make most dishes, especially when the measurements in the original recipe are all in grams.
in reply to 🌟ジギーくん

@zigi_now9 it's honestly how I cook a lot now. Add an ingredient until it looks like the right amount, then add another ingredient, then just keep going til I've covered all my food groups.

I'm going to be a very mild troll here...

Hey y'all! Say Hi to my delightful sister! @emilie_stims

She's new to the whole fediverse thing and a little overwhelmed. If you want to catch her interest, I recommend talking about birds, ren faire, singing, and folklore as some easy topics!

But do me a favor and let her know how friendly the fediverse is ❤

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

waiwaiwaiwaiwait. did you say TABS or spaces? oh my fucking god. oh my god. i’m so sorry, i have partial hearing loss

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So the root thing behind this that we only relatively recently figured out is that much of it comes from us having value based identities (as opposed to organization/association based identities).

Allistics tend to have much more fluid relationships to their values, because while important, their values aren't fundamentally who they are. Instead their identities are based off of their social structures (think things like "team spirit", "hometown pride", etc). Their values shift based on whether people are watching and how their actions relate to the groups they associate themselves with.

We on the other hand typically root our value purely in our values: the choices and actions we make. We're consistent regardless of whether someone is watching, as well as whether or not the thing impacts groups we're a part of. (things like "If it can be destroyed by the truth then it should be")

So of course we're angered by injustice... it's people and groups around us betraying their own values constantly. And so often one of our key values is "stand up against oppression", so we'd be betraying ourselves if we didn't get infuriated.

I did not realize this is an #ActuallyAutistic thing, but I am 100% this ⬇️

NilaJones reshared this.

I might actually end up using Signal.

My issue has always been how it takes over your phone number...

Any usage of "AI" detection is trash and accomplishes nothing but hurting innocent people.

#AI #College

in reply to Shiri Bailem

hey, just so you know, this status includes an attachment with missing accessibility (alt) text.

This'll piss off 40k fans lol

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

Bro cooked really well 🫡 Respect + (by u/Nialled_69420)

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Shiri Bailem reshared this.

I ate the exact same lunch from kindergarten through high school.

Then I really "mixed it up" in adulthood and would eat the same lunch for 2-5 years before shifting to the "next lunch" phase.

Yet it took till my mid-30s to learn I'm #ActuallyAutistic 🙃

...just one of so many things I look back at and think "All the signs were there!"


On a related note: I know I'm not alone in having my #neurodivergence missed...

...then misdiagnosed as neuroses 🙄


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in reply to Emily Moran Barwick ActuallyAutistic group reshared this.

@adelinej At the moment I’m not eating lunch very often, because my samefood recently become unavailable without warning 🙀
in reply to Emily Moran Barwick ActuallyAutistic group reshared this.

In my case when I was sent to see the School Psychologist if it was today I would have got referred for an autism assessment & ADHD one. Back then I was given a now discredited ink blot test & diagnosed normal. Even if they had done a proper assessment I would still not get a correct diagnosis as that was in the 70s so no correct diagnosis existed. Autism diagnosis in those days required you to be a high support need, classic Autism with severe learning difficulties & be a white boy. I have the version later to be labeled Aspergers Syndrome, no learning difficulties & although I'm white I was a girl. ADHD diagnosis didn't exist yet either.

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

Now our anatomy display is open, you can ask your date to meet you by the clitoris. If they don't find it, you dodged a bullet.

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

Tumblr like this post of mine... but I think it's going to land even better here

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Shiri Bailem reshared this. has been updated to fix some minor wording mistakes. Newbies, feel free to read it!

Shiri Bailem reshared this.

Mastodon vs the Fediverse

I don't mean this title as a comparison, but as an antagonistic relationship...

I've been off-and-on in the fediverse for longer than Mastodon has existed, I've followed the building of the fediverse since before ActivityPub ever existed.

I still consider it a blessing the explosive growth that happened within the fediverse... but I'm honestly sickened by the Mastodon effect of it...

So many of the new people hopped on Mastodon and thought that fediverse is just another name for Mastodon... some people even got so far as thinking fediverse is just another name for ActivityPub...

And people came with so many flawed views of what they think the fediverse is as well as completely unrealistic ideas of what it should be.

So many people see it as this miracle pill against all the evils of corporate social servers like Twitter, fixing every single problem that's ever existed in those communities.

... Those people are completely delusional... but they're loud and violent.

They get pissed off any time they run into the actual fediverse... they get pissed off when they realize there's platforms other than Mastodon that don't even remotely behave like Mastodon or especially their imaginary version of Mastodon.

And frankly... I'm getting pissed off at the entitlement of these people.

They think the fediverse is all about their consent on who can see their posts... this is like going to a waterpark and complaining that you didn't consent to getting wet... you went to a waterpark! When you post on the fediverse, you have consented... if you don't consent then you don't post to the fediverse. Reminds me of the annoying cycles of people sharing blocks of vaguely legal looking text to Facebook to try and override the TOS, thinking they can just say "I don't consent to the TOS" to get out of it when you explicitly consented by joining and you revoke that consent by leaving.

They think this is the place for private insular communities... because they walked into an empty park and thought "this public space is mine and will never have crowds of people wandering through". They get pissed at the idea of Meta joining the fediverse with Threads because it means there might be actually be a crowd walking through this public space...

They fuss about community as if their little tiny corner of the fediverse is the whole thing. They mistake their standards and agreements as those for the whole fediverse.

And worst of all these people will actively harass someone over expanding the federation of the fediverse in a way that's not only normal, but part of the specific design of how this place works... especially as these people are so damn clueless they think this is a single instance they can just tear down with pitchforks as opposed to just the one that briefly crossed their attention.

People who want to actively destroy the fediverse by isolating it, breaking it, and otherwise trying to "control" it can get bent.

boB Rudis 🇺🇦 reshared this.