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#FediBlock for allowing prominent far-right outlet Newsmax to open an account on their server.

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in reply to Emmanuel Florac

@Emmanuel Florac There’s a famous German saying that goes like this: If you have a table of 1 Nazi and 9 people willing to speak with them, you have a table of 10 Nazis.

I’m done giving them the benefit of the doubt regarding a literal death cult.

in reply to Hypolite Petovan

I've just had a look at newsie feed : 100% leftist, green activism, etc.

WTF people?

in reply to Emmanuel Florac

@Emmanuel Florac
Just have a look at the Newsmax official Site.
Their content is faaar beyond normal thinking humans.
in reply to Hypolite Petovan

@Raroun looks like an ordinary right-wing US outlet. Labelling it 'nazi" seems definitely out of proportion. When everything is "nazi", then nothing is anymore.
in reply to Hypolite Petovan

@Raroun then at what point does opinions are too much right wing to have the right to be expressed in the Fediverse? Serious question. Most fediverse nodes are 99% hard-left wing, included. Please explain like I'm 5 because I really don't get it.
in reply to Emmanuel Florac

@Emmanuel Florac
1. no one labeled them nazi
2. common sense
3. fake news, lies and spreading hate
Just look at the first article on Newsmax.
in reply to Emmanuel Florac

@Emmanuel Florac They are too far right for me, which is a good reason for me to post to #FediBlock. You make what you want of this suggestion, but I certainly won’t retract it because you personally are fine with Newsmax content. Beyond the political content (siding with Trump and Putin), the form is inflammatory and meant to stir fights rather than debates. It is the proverbial bad apple that will spoil the bunch and that warrants a FediBlock suggestion.
in reply to Hypolite Petovan

Looking at newsie feed : 1rst post on woodworking. Next a post calling for a boycott of Twitter. A post denouncing Total shareholder's meeting and the police treatment of the protesters. A post denouncing fossil fuels in Switzerland. A post to call to vote for progressive candidates in the US. An anarchist posting against ChatGPT. A post against trumpism. Posts about the fediverse, Linux, etc. 100% leftist.

A search on "Newsmax" returns nothing but an account on

in reply to Hypolite Petovan

The Newsmax account doesn’t seem to be available anymore, I retract my #FediBlock suggestion for


in reply to Hypolite Petovan

@Hypolite Petovan and this is how we know moderation on the fediverse works!
in reply to Hypolite Petovan

@Hypolite Petovan Ok, so the one link goes to your instance, and searches, where as, there is a label added with the hashtag that links to my instance and searches it.