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There needs to be a website where you can put in two films of TV series, and it tells you all the cast and crew that worked on both...
in reply to Quixoticgeek

"What if IMDB but it responded to raw SQL queries", right?
in reply to Charlie Stross

@cstross This has been missing for yonks and it’s such an obvious use-case. Also: “ooh, weren’t they in… with… ah no I misremembered” advanced querying and pattern matching.

Now for a LOOKSLIKE extension to sql…

in reply to Charlie Stross

No way this can go wrong~

That being said, I'd love being able to download a database dump of stuff instead of having to deal with both their lackluster frontend and the need for a functional internet connection.

in reply to LisPi

@lispi314 I said queries, not INSERT statements! The underlying database should be immutable except to admins.
in reply to Charlie Stross

I can still imagine a number of DoS shenanigans one could get up to.

It doesn't affect the integrity, but the usability yes.

in reply to LisPi

@lispi314 @cstross well yes. You can denial of service anything if you put your mind to it. It's just a question big how easy it is...
in reply to Quixoticgeek

@lispi314 You can DoS the entire biosphere if you can convince enough VCs and PE dudebros that your LLM will bring about the Singularity if they pay for you to install an extra 5TW of coal-fired power stations to power the server farms to train your model!