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A Detective Sabotaged His Own Cases Because He Didn’t Like the Prosecutor. The #Police Department Did Nothing to Stop Him.

Across the country, police have undermined and resisted reform. To protest a prosecutor, one detective was willing to let #murder suspects walk free, even if he’d arrested them and believed that they should be behind bars.

#StLouis #Missouri #Crime #CriminalJustice #Courts #News

in reply to ProPublica

@ProPublica As usual, cops love to throw public safety under the bus at every turn when threatened with accountability.

Honestly, I'd almost be unsurprised if they "protested" by actively murdering people and got away with it at this point...

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in reply to Shiri Bailem

I suspect many cops are not interested in public safety, but in an adult version of the "cops and robbers" game. Robbers run, police chase them. Accountability spoils that game.

> I'd almost be unsurprised if they "protested" by actively murdering people

Keep a close eye on the ones with Punisher stickers on their pickups...

in reply to frater mus

@fratermus @shiri
Who knew a GED education wouldn't understand the current complex psychology of today's world I wonder if they can even spell it ... but they carry a gun and that we have all witnessed is scary as hell and a dead ringer if you happen to be a black man
What part of the statistics is hard to understand ???
in reply to ProPublica

if I were writing the story of the universe, he'd end up getting randomly murdered by someone who was only free because of him. Would make for a great finale.
in reply to ProPublica

There’s a lot of that going on around the country. Electing a reform-minded prosecutor is only going to get you so far if most of your police force is still made up of fascists intent on maintaining their impunity to abuse the public and destroying anyone who threatens their power.
in reply to PedestrianError :vbus: :nblvt:

@PedestrianError :vbus: :nblvt: @ProPublica Police reform is going to come down to a matter of force. Anytime we try to check them in any way, they're going to respond with violence either direct (like the BLM protests) or indirect (like above where they refuse to do their jobs where it actually matters, while of course still doing the things that hurt us)... we're going to end up having to respond in kind...

Sarah M reshared this.

in reply to ProPublica

The power of police within a system where they are at the center of everything.
in reply to ProPublica

I didn't notice who had posted that at first, and thought

'A Detective Sabotaged His Own Cases Because He Didn’t Like the Prosecutor'

was a log line for a someone's crime fiction within the #WritingCommunity

in reply to ProPublica

I have lived in Vallejo California for 15 years.

You can tell if the police are pissed off at the city government because they stop doing any kind of enforcement against prostitution. You get women basically walking along in their underwear in public along main streets.

They have been complaining about not having enough cops, when it turns out the union has compete control over hiring and no standards. They are also pushing for a new, waterfront headquarters (prime real estate on the Napa river across across the street from the town square) so they can demonstrate to who owns this town. Residents do not want cops racing about where kids play and people relax. Ferry passengers having to dodge speeding cop cars that kill civilians regularly.

And of course the badge bending scandal. Celebrating shooting civilians with a barbecue.

They own the town. And it says something that I am literally a bit afraid to post this. It's basically a cartel that donates money to politicians to stay in power.

This entry was edited (9 months ago)
in reply to ProPublica

My reading of this case is that Murphey was under suspicion of perjury, and when he was cleared, instead of being grateful he pitched a tantrum. And why wasn't he subpoenaed like any other witness? If he'd refused to testify then he could sit in jail for contempt.
in reply to ProPublica

Gawd.... in case anyone has had head in the sand last 10 years- this is why reform will never work Local Law enforcement needs to be bled out and do-over from top to bottom Education and IQ a prerequisite for commity policing No GED military hired killers Better to clean latrines
in reply to ProPublica

We something similar in San Francisco where police deliberately stopped enforcing laws to "make a point" against a progressive prosecutor. And it worked too. The cops got their budget boost & the progressive prosecutor was recalled, because people were upset about the lack of police action.
in reply to ProPublica

it seems that police hate to be accountable when they behave badly. Waaaaa!

Excellent investigation and reporting as always. Thank you!