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“Our city always was known for standing for human rights and for progressive values. We need our leaders to stand with us and [against] these horrific crimes that happen to our community.”

Previously: Activists in #Austin, Dallas, #Houston and more are demanding that their city councils support a #ceasefire in Palestine, reports @gusbova.

#news #politics #USpol #Texas #Palestine #Israel #war #Dallas #SanAntonio #Gaza #HumanRights

This entry was edited (8 months ago)
in reply to Texas Observer

ok but what are they doing to push back against their governor trying to secede from the union so he can shoot refugees?
in reply to excited for the mastodon rise

@excited for the mastodon rise @Texas Observer We have some influence over the cities, none over the governor. The state is gerrymandered all to hell with routine voter suppression efforts, we're just trapped.
in reply to Shiri Bailem

@shiri I mean, honestly, y'all about to secede. You think you don't have power now, wait until Abbot can shoot you.
in reply to excited for the mastodon rise

@excited for the mastodon rise @Texas Observer You think we don't know that? We're impoverished struggling to survive.

I'd leave the state in a heartbeat if I had the freedom to do so but it's a huge state and I don't have the money to move one city over, let alone to another state.

You're just as bad as them if you think we're at fault for "not voting hard enough".

in reply to Shiri Bailem

@shiri honestly not hoping folks leave, hoping folks FIGHT.

Like. A general strike happens in Texas I'll join from here.

They actually secede I'll volunteer for the us military and donate to arms for the insurgency in Texas.

in reply to excited for the mastodon rise

@excited for the mastodon rise general strike gets thrown about like it's easy... the people who need to strike, who actually care... we're a paycheck away from homelessness and starvation. General strike would have to succeed fast or otherwise we die. (And do you think this governor would give in quickly? Hell no, he'd find some way to make it an excuse to kill more people until we either gave up or the government collapsed, probably something to do with striking being effectively illegal here)

We stand better survival odds, and a better chance of garnering support for a riot. But keep in mind that their trigger fingers are very itchy...

If there's a civil war out of it... then yeah, there will absolutely be insurgency. That's a hell of a lot easier to survive doing.

Me. I want out, this state will never be safe for me. I'm a disabled autistic jewish trans-femme, it's literally life or death.

It's easy to take an arm chair strategy and say what we should do when you don't live here, when you aren't struggling day to day under this.