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Democritus: My enemy is not the man who wrongs me, but the man who means to wrong me.…
Democritus: Seek after the good, and with much toil shall ye find it;…
Stalin: The production of souls is more important than the production of tanks.... And therefore I raise my glass to you, writers, the engineers of the human soul.…
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Otto Kuusinen: As long as the working class wages only an economic struggle, the bourgeoisie does not see in that any great danger for itself; but when the working class organises politically, i.e., creates a political party which expresses its will as a class, the bourgeoisie begins seriously to fear for its rule. That is why reaction deals its main blows against the political party of the working class. At the same time, trying to undermine the party from within, capitalist propaganda endeavours to persuade the workers that they can do without their own party. One of the manifestations of bourgeois influence on the working class is the anarchist and anarcho-syndicalist denial of the leading role of a political party.…
Democritus: Not from fear but from a sense of duty refrain from your sins.…
Democritus: Many who have not learned wisdom live wisely, and many who do the basest deeds can make most learned speeches.…
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Democritus: Strength of body is nobility in beasts of burden, strength of character is nobility in men.…
Democritus: Neither art nor wisdom may be attained without learning.…
Democritus: It is better to correct your own faults than those of another.…
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Democritus: Good means not (merely) not to do wrong, but rather not to desire to do wrong.…
Muammar Gaddafi: We will not surrender. We will defeat them by any means. We are ready for the fight, whether it will be a short or a long one. We will be victorious in the end. This assault is by a bunch of fascists who will end up in the dustbin of history.…
Democritus: By convention sweet is sweet, bitter is bitter, hot is hot, cold is cold, color is color; but in truth there are only atoms and the void.…
Democritus: We know nothing accurately in reality, but (only) as it changes according to the bodily condition, and the constitution of those things that flow upon (the body) and impinge upon it.…
Democritus: Medicine heals diseases of the body, wisdom frees the soul from passions.…
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Democritus: Men have fashioned an image of Chance as an excuse for their own stupidity.…
Democritus: Education is an ornament for the prosperous, a refuge for the unfortunate.…
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Democritus: The animal needing something knows how much it needs, the man does not.…
Democritus: Moderation multiplies pleasures, and increases pleasure.…
Democritus: If your desires are not great, a little will seem much to you; for small appetite makes poverty equivalent to wealth.…
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Democritus: No power and no treasure can outweigh the extension of our knowledge.…
Democritus: In fact we do not know anything infallibly, but only that which changes according to the condition of our body and of the (influences) that reach and impinge upon it.…
Democritus: Of practical wisdom these are the three fruits: to deliberate well, to speak to the point, to do what is right.…
Democritus: 'Tis not in strength of body nor in gold that men find happiness, but in uprightness and in fulness of understanding.…
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