R. Palme Dutt: The whole propaganda of imperialism, of the Governments and the press, teaches the people on both sides to see as the main enemy the aggressive designs of the foreign imperialism, never of their own. Therefore, they remain, in fact, enslaved to imperialism and its wars. The mutual fears of the aggressive aims of the enemy imperialism cancel out the common desire of the overwhelming majority of the people in both countries for peace. The imperialist gangsters take advantage of these fears of the people, of this natural desire for national independence, to trap the people into support of their war of spoliation. Under the pretence that the war is for national defence, for the defence of the independence of the nation, they send the armies, the warships and planes to the furthest ends of the earth for the enslavement of other nations and for the battle against rival exploiters over the spoils and conquests of foreign domination. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
R. Palme Dutt: Thus, this war is a war of one set of exploiters against another set of exploiters. It is a war of rival capitalist Great Powers, like the last war: a war for world domination : for the largest share in the exploitation of the world; for possessions, profits, markets and spheres of influence; for the new division of the world. The interests of the working people in all countries are wholly opposed to this conflict of imperialist Powers for world domination, in which the people are sacrificed for the profit of the exploiters. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
R. Palme Dutt: Only Socialism can finally end imperialist wars by ending their cause-the class system of society. The victory of Socialism in the leading countries of the world means the end of war, because it ends the jungle-fight of the exploiters over the spoils; it ends the fight for profits, spheres of influence, colonies, markets and monopolist domination. Socialism means the freedom and brotherhood of all nations without distinction of race or colour. Socialism means that all peoples freely organise their production for use, for common advantage. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
Lenin: The petty bourgeoisie, believing in “peaceful” capitalism, continues to this day to advance all these demands in a utopian way, without seeing the class struggle and the fact that it has become intensified under democracy. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
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Erich Hartmann: War is a place where the young kill one another without knowing or hating each other, because of the decision of old people who know and hate each other, without killing each other. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
Karl Marx: For the revolution of a nation, and the emancipation of a particular class of civil society to coincide, for one estate to be acknowledged as the estate of the whole society, all the defects of society must conversely be concentrated in another class, a particular estate must be the estate of the general stumbling-block, the incorporation of the general limitation, a particular social sphere must be recognized as the notorious crime of the whole of society, so that liberation from that sphere appears as general self-liberation. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
Karl Marx: The state is based on this contradiction. It is based on the contradiction between public and private life, between universal and particular interests. For this reason, the state must confine itself to formal, negative activities. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
Karl Marx: Communism is the riddle of history solved, and it knows itself to be this solution. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
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Stalin: The strength of Soviet patriotism lies in the fact that it is based not on racial or nationalistic prejudices, but on the peoples' profound loyalty and devotion to their Soviet Motherland, on the fraternal partnership of the working people of all the nationalities in our country. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
Karl Marx: For each new class which puts itself in the place of one ruling before it, is compelled, merely in order to carry through its aim, to represent its interest as the common interest of all the members of society, that is, expressed in ideal form: it has to give its ideas the form of universality, and represent them as the only rational, universally valid ones. The class making a revolution appears from the very start, if only because it is opposed to a class, not as a class but as the representative of the whole of society; it appears as the whole mass of society confronting the one ruling class. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
Karl Marx: The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
Karl Marx: The working class, in the course of its development, will substitute for the old civil society an association which will exclude classes and their antagonism, and there will be no more political power properly so-called, since political power is precisely the official expression of antagonism in civil society. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
Lenin: Compared to feudalism, capitalism was an historical advance along the road of "liberty", "equality", "democracy" and "civilisation". Nevertheless capitalism was, and remains, a system of wage-slavery, of the enslavement of millions of working people, workers and peasants, by an insignificant minority of modern slave-owners, landowners and capitalists. Bourgeois democracy, as compared to feudalism, has changed the form of this economic slavery, has created a brilliant screen for it but has not, and could not, change its essence. Capitalism and bourgeois democracy are wage-slavery. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
Lenin: The gigantic progress of technology in general, and of means of transport in particular, and the tremendous growth of capital and banks have resulted in capitalism becoming mature and over mature. It has outlived itself. It has become the most reactionary hindrance to human progress. It has become reduced to the absolute power of a handful of millionaires and multimillionaires who send whole nations into a bloodbath to decide whether the German or the Anglo-French group of plunderers is to obtain the spoils of imperialism, power over the colonies, financial "spheres of influence" or "mandates to rule", etc. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
I'm watching Warrior 3x01 "Exactly the Wrong Time to Get Proud" trakt.tv/shows/warrior-2019/se… #Warrior #trakt
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Lenin: The capitalists, the bourgeoisie, can at "best" put off the victory of socialism in one country or another at the cost of slaughtering further hundreds of thousands of workers and peasants. But they cannot save capitalism. The Soviet Republic has come to take the place of capitalism, the Republic which gives power to the working people and only to the working people, which entrusts the proletariat with the guidance of their liberation, which abolishes private property in land, factories and other means of production, because this private property is the source of the exploitation of the many by the few, the source of mass poverty, the source of predatory wars between nations, wars that enrich only the capitalists. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
Kwame Ture: They think that Marx and Lenin invented the science known as Marxism-Leninism. Marx and Lenin did not invent. They merely observed and recorded. That's all they did. They're no different to Newton. We call the laws of gravity Newton's Laws. But Newton did not invent the laws of gravity. He merely observed and recorded. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
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Wilhelm Reich: If, by being revolutionary, one means rational rebellion against intolerable social conditions, if, by being radical, one means "going to the root of things," the rational will to improve them, then fascism is never revolutionary. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
Wilhelm Reich: Fascist rebelliousness always occurs where fear of the truth turns a revolutionary emotion into illusions. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
Lenin: The leaders of this labour aristocracy were constantly going over to the bourgeoisie, and were directly or indirectly on its pay roll. Marx earned the honour of incurring the hatred of these disreputable persons by openly branding them as traitors. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
Lenin: Communism is for us not a state of affairs which is to be established, an ideal to which reality (will) have to adjust itself. We call communism the real movement which abolishes the present state of things. The conditions of this movement result from the premises now in existence. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
Lenin: The workers say: We, millions of working people, have bent our backs long enough! We have worked for the rich and remained paupers long enough! We have allowed them to rob us long enough! wordsmith.social/protestation/…
Lenin: Opportunism does not extend recognition of the class struggle to the cardinal point, to the period of transition from capitalism to communism, of the overthrow and the complete abolition of the bourgeoisie. In reality, this period inevitably is a period of an unprecedently violent class struggle in unprecedentedly acute forms, and, consequently, during this period the state must inevitably be a state that is democratic in a new way (for the proletariat and the propertyless in general) and dictatorial in a new way (against the bourgeoisie). wordsmith.social/protestation/…
W. E. B. Du Bois: Today more than half the people of the world live under a socialism which is growing toward communism. In my mind there is no doubt but that the world of the 21st century will be overwhelmingly communistic. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
William Lloyd Garrison: Enslave the liberty of but one human being and the liberties of the world are put in peril. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
Lenin: And notwithstanding all the differences in the aims and tasks of the Russian revolution, compared with the French revolution of 1871, the Russian proletariat had to resort to the same method of struggle as that first used by the Paris Commune—civil war. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
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Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin: You must remember that we persecute nobody for religion. We regard religion as an error and fight it with education. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin: The whole history of my life, and in essence the whole history of the working class consists of this: that we have lived and fought under the leadership of Lenin and Stalin. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
Lenin: Affairs in Russia are not moving in the direction where the great argument about the destiny of the people—the question of land and freedom—can be settled by speeches and voting. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
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Stalin: Many think that imperialist pacifism is an instrument of peace. That is absolutely wrong. Imperialist pacifism is an instrument for the preparation of war and for disguising this preparation by hypocritical talk of peace. Without this pacifism and its instrument, the League of Nations, preparation for war in the conditions of today would be impossible. wordsmith.social/protestation/…