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David Lloyd George: If people really knew the truth the war (World War I) would be stopped tomorrow, but of course they don't know and can't know.…

Doug Soderstrom: Most Americans have no idea that what we are fed by the news media is nothing more than a portrayal of what powerful corporations want us to believe, that what happens to pass as education is as often as not mere propaganda, that what we learn in church may have very little or nothing to do with the truth, that what our parents teach us may be nothing more than an accumulation of their own personal biases, no doubt a rather subtle modification of what they were taught by their parents. And through such a process, governments and nations around the world wield control as to what their citizens, believe, value, and do.…

Network: You're never going to get any truth from us (television). We'll tell you anything you want to hear. We lie like hell. We deal in illusions. None of it is true! But you people sit there, day after day, night after night, all ages, colors, creeds. We're all you know. You're beginning to believe the illusions we're spinning here. You're beginning to think that the tube is reality, and that your own lives are unreal. You do whatever the tube tells you! You dress like the tube, you eat like the tube, you raise your children like the tube, you even think like the tube! This is mass madness, you maniacs! ... This tube (television) is the Gospel, the ultimate revelation. This tube can make or break presidents, popes, prime ministers. This tube is the most awesome God-damned force in the whole godless world, and woe is us if it ever falls in to the hands of the wrong people, who knows what shit will be peddled for truth. ... Television is not the truth. Television is a God-damned amusement park.…

in reply to Protestation (Deutsch)

Whether capitalist or socialist, my fondest wish is that The State be put to death in totality so I can piss on its corpse.



What Was the ‘Alt’ in Alt-Right, Alt-Lite, and Alt-Left? On ‘Alt’ as a Political Modifier


在“另类右翼”一词被谁创造、何时出现的问题上存在着分歧。一些记述将其追溯到2008年11月,旧保守派人物Paul Gottfried在极右翼H.L. Mencken Club发布的演讲,《另类右翼的衰弱与崛起》。其它描述则认为是Richard Spencer创造了这个术语,Spencer本人也认为如此。2010年时Spencer用这个术语作为网站的域名,当时这个网站在语气上还偏好严肃、理智主义、受人尊敬的形象。后来他表示嫌这个词消极且相对主义,而且不想把自己的主意根基于传统左右划分。







酷儿 Heather Love

酷儿在跨性别研究中的位置在哪里?酷儿研究和跨性别研究的领域经由共享的历史、方法与对改变性别和性的局外人的处境的承诺连接。 酷儿主要与非规范欲望和性实践相关联,跨性别则主要与非规范性别认同和具身化相关联,从理论上和实践上都难以在它们之间划出一条清晰的界限。 与男同性恋与女同性恋研究、性研究都不同,酷儿研究将自己定义为一个质疑身份的稳定类别的批判性领域。跨性别研究也将自身定义为反对身份的,对两个性别系统被认为具有的稳定性提出了挑战。 这些领域能否、又是在怎样的上下文里,可以被视为截然不同的,这是一个未完的问题;然而,酷儿和跨性别在它们的行动主义承诺、它们的异议方法论和它们对性别和性常规的批判性质询和抵抗中有着连接。

从一开始,对各自分离的身份类别的挑战就是酷儿和跨性别研究的工作的核心。在1980年代晚期和1990年代早期,酷儿以一个行动主义口号的形式浮现,力图在艾滋病危机面前抓住性和性别自由斗争的激进能量。 通过将恐同诽谤重新利用为一个运动、以及不久之后的一个研究领域的名字,酷儿行动者和学者指明了暴力和污名在性别和性局外人的经历中的重要意义。 酷儿,以及它奇怪、古怪、令人费解的配价,也意在表示超越男同性恋和女同性恋的非规范性实践和性别认同。酷儿促进了边缘化和被排除的群体之间的联盟模式,并且在其最广阔的程度被想象为反对“规范性制度”的号角(Warner 1993: xxvi),准备要解决的是“语言、皮肤、移民和国家碎形的错综复杂性” (Sedgwick 1993: 9)。

跨性别也是在致力于挑战身份的规则的行动主义上下文中浮现的术语。如果可以将酷儿理解为对男同性恋、女同性恋的类别所暗示的性别和性的稳定化的拒绝,以及通往更宽阔的性非常规性光谱的开口,那么跨性别则是捕捉了不能被传统二元描述的性别具身化、实践和社群形态的术语。 尽管这个术语的确切根源存在争议,它作为一个拒绝对性别的规范化和医院观点的行动主义的、学术的、民间的术语,在过去数十年间扎稳了根,赞同更宽阔、更活动的解释。 在《跨性别历史》中,Susan Stryker (2008: 1) 将跨性别的概念定义为“从开头起就无意间跨越了社会施加的界限的运动”,这个定义捕捉到了这个术语关键的力量和弹性。跨性别在作为一个伞术语,能够唤出可以包括跨性者、异装者、T和P的光谱的同时,它也表示了对光谱模型所暗示的分类学框架反抗(就算它“超越”了它)。这样的重要冲动——对所有种类的性和性别身份的拒绝——可以被叫作性别酷儿,一个暗示了跨性别和酷儿之间的亲密关系的术语。

酷儿和跨性别研究不仅在它们共享的对性和性别规范的批评方面相连接,也在它们对规训和方法论规范的反抗方面相连接。米歇尔福柯的反规训思想对这两个领域的发展都至关重要。福柯(1978)对性的现代制度的规训力量的描述影响了跨性别和酷儿研究的反规范、反身份政治。 另外,福柯的对历史的系谱学方法使得他能够思考在现代身份类别之外的性别和性——例如,在复杂的十九世纪人物Herculine Barbin (Barbin and Foucault 1980)的故事中。 这样的不稳定的、令人不确定的具身化、实践和认同的例子,不仅威胁了性和性别身份的各自分离的类别,也威胁了性别和性之间的区别本身。最后,福柯对知识面具化为科学客观性的意志的批评对酷儿和跨性别研究的方法论都至关重要。 由于那些有着非标准具身化和性实践的人不成比例地容易受到临床凝视,福柯(2003)对人类科学所作的批判历史使得两个研究领域都将酷儿和跨儿视为主体而非知识客体。这样的坚持指向它们对知识的政治、对基于思考和新批判框架的新方法的在世界中存有的新方法的思想的共同承诺。

除了历史的、方法论的、政治的重叠,酷儿和跨性别研究不总是同道的,而且随着这些领域年纪渐长,也不清楚何种程度上它们应该同道。 酷儿的反identitarian、反常规化和联盟的方面,在阐明和推动跨性别学术和政治中显然有用;实际上这一共通的对跨越学科和身份界限的承诺会使人难以在酷儿研究和跨性别研究之间划出清晰的界限。 然而,虽然在对酷儿最宽泛的理解中酷儿能指示广泛的差异和社会排除,酷儿还常常因在实践中表意更为狭窄而受到批评。在Cathy J. Cohen关于酷儿政治中的排除的重要叙述,《朋克、T和福利皇后》中,她控诉酷儿是虚假的普遍概念,酷儿声称要处理所有边缘主体的处境,但事实上关注的是同性恋者的关切。 在一些酷儿学者中,我们也能看到相似的对酷儿的批评,这些酷儿学者提出酷儿研究没有充分关注跨性别者的物质条件,而只是把性别非常规用作酷儿的标志或寓言。

这样的有关酷儿的状况和包容的紧张关系,不是存在于在真空之中的,而是在令人忧虑的物质、专业和机制背景中的。尽管酷儿研究有一些值得注意的成功之处,它仍旧是一场缺乏人手和资金的冒险。 尽管如此,这个领域相较跨性别研究还是更强势些,后者在教学中常常是酷儿研究或性别研究的附录。女性和性别研究课程和LGBT研究课程怎样才能最好地支持跨性别研究领域中的机构创始者,是现在的一个紧要问题。 把跨性别材料包括进课程中,是一把双刃剑,因为这在促进了学生对这个领域的了解,回应了数量不少的学生的需求的同时,却可能阻止了跨性别研究的机构化过程中最关键的一步:给予身在跨性别研究领域中的学者,以及跨性别身份的学者在大学里的终身职位。

此外,除了酷儿和跨性别研究的知识形成中的重要重叠,它们之间在概念上的契合也不是天衣无缝的。酷儿已经被证实,在解释具身化时比起跨性别研究更乏用武之地。 跨性别研究为物质经验提供了解释,为位于中心的具身化的新形式和经验(在这方面,我们也能看到跨性别研究和残障研究之间的重要连接)腾出了空间。 酷儿与后结构主义的知识形成紧密相连,特别是在它在文学理论和精神分析的发展方面。跨性别研究的领域同样受这一框架工作影响——特别是在例如Sandy Stone的《The Empire Strikes Back》(1991)等经典文本中——但跨性别研究倾向于在方法论上更包容多样。 酷儿研究继续抵抗社会科学方法论,偏好跨学科或文化研究的更人文主义的版本,而跨儿研究则和法律研究、跨国分析、医学历史、建筑和设计、民族志和政治经济有着更紧密的联系。

酷儿最好是被理解为一个与被标记为性别和性越轨者的社群有着历史连接的实质性术语,还是一个描述宽泛的非常规、政治批评和对身份的抵抗的更抽象理论的术语,答案还不清楚。 相似的模棱两可标记了跨性别,跨性别可以指向具身化或社群的特定模式,但也可以被理解为指向交错的、去自然化的身份类别的理论术语。 酷儿和跨性别都产生了关键的强大扰动,但现在或许需要通过意识到身份持续的力量来平衡它们。在词源学上,跨儿和酷儿都指向跨越,在这一意义力两个术语都同样能引出机动性与局限性。 鉴于越来越多的性别常规的、经济上和种族上占优势的、有配偶的大都会同性恋者进入了主流,这些领域现在或许需要将关注转移到在欲望、抱负或人生机遇中被画叉(cross)或遭遇挫折,这样意义上的跨越(cross)。 社会阶级、种族、地域、能力和性别表现,在决定权利、资源的获取和免于暴力的自由中扮演至关重要的角色;跨性别者,跨性者,还有性别酷儿,不成比例地遭受着Amber Hollibaugh和Cherríe Moraga在1981年《酷儿攻击》中所写的事情。酷儿在为性别和性自由斗争的语境中的政治力量,如果有,就是来自于其传达正在进行的污名、暴力和排除的现实的能力。

Neil Postman: The early-twentieth-century journalist Lincoln Steffens proved that he could create a "crime wave" anytime he wanted by simply writing about all the crimes that normally occur in a large city during the course of a month. He could also end the "crime wave" by not writing about them.…

Chris Hedges: The ability to amplify lies, to repeat them and have surrogates repeat them in endless loops of news cycles, gives lies and mythical narratives the aura of uncontested truth.…

Jon Rappoport: If the US government hires, supports, and arms terrorists. The news can claim the government is doing everything possible to fight against terrorism. The absurd contradictions are simply ignored.…

Paul Craig Roberts: You can't believe a word the American media says. If they say anything correct, it's just an accident.…

Ken Adachi: What most Americans believe to be 'Public Opinion' is in reality carefully crafted and scripted propaganda designed to elicit a desired behavioral response from the public.…

Eric Zuesse: "Mainstream" newspapers are billionaire viewspapers peddling an extreme and extremely biased view of the world. On every single issue of consequence - from party politics, to the economy, from Iraq, to Libya, to Syria, to Venezuela, to climate change, to the nature of human happiness and the prospects for human survival - corporate media reporting and commentary are systematically filtered to further the interests of the state-corporate elites who own, manage and fund them. It is not that corporate media 'spin', 'hype' or 'sex up' the news - they fundamentally distort every significant issue they touch.…

Thomas Jefferson: The most effectual engines for pacifying a nation are the public papers A despotic government always keeps a kind of standing army of news-writers who, without any regard to truth or to what should be like truth, invent and put into the papers whatever might serve the ministers. This suffices with the mass of the people who have no means of distinguishing the false from the true paragraphs of a newspaper.…

Michel Chossudovsky: The powers behind the New World Order system are those of the global banks and financial institutions, the military-industrial complex, the oil and energy giants, the biotech and pharmaceutical conglomerates and the powerful media and communications giants, which fabricate the news and overtly influence the course of world events by blatantly distorting the facts.…

Paul Craig Roberts, 2009: The US mainstream media repeats lies as if they were facts. The US media is making itself an accomplice to wars based on fabrications.…

John Pilger: Although journalism - the 'media' - was always a loose extension of establishment power, something has changed in recent years. With many independent journalists ejected from the 'mainstream', a corner of the Internet has become a vital source of disclosure and evidence-based analysis: what some would call true journalism.…

Fred Reed: We now have a press of two tiers, the establishment media and the net, with sharply differing narratives. The internet is now primary. The bright get their news from around the web and then read the New York Times to see how the paper of record will pevaricate. People increasingly judge the media by the web, not the web by the media.…

Katherine Graham: We live in a dirty and dangerous world. There are some things the general public does not need to know and shouldn't. I believe democracy flourishes when the government can take legitimate steps to keep its secrets, and when the press can decide whether to print what it knows.…

Warren Pease: The only serious competition threatening corporate media's monopoly on official "truths" comes from the Internet.…

Lenin: What has anarchism, at one time dominant in the Romance countries, contributed in recent European history? - No doctrine, revolutionary teaching, or theory. - Fragmentation of the working-class movement. - Complete fiasco in the experiments of the revolutionary movement (Proudhonism, 1871; Bakuninism, 1873). - Subordination of the working class to bourgeois politics in the guise of negation of politics.…

Lenin: Anarchism, in the course of the 35 to 40 years (Bakunin and the International, 1866-) of its existence (and with Stirner included, in the course of many more years) has produced nothing but general platitudes against exploitation. These phrases have been current for more than 2,000 years. What is missing is (alpha) an understanding of the causes of exploitation; (beta) an understanding of the development of society, which leads to socialism; (gamma) an understanding of the class struggle as the creative force for the realisation of socialism.…

Lenin: This stratum of workers-turned-bourgeois, or the labour aristocracy, who are quite philistine in their mode of life, in the size of their earnings and in their entire outlook, is the principal prop of the Second International, and in our days, the principal social (not military) prop of the bourgeoisie. For they are the real agents of the bourgeoisie in the working-class movement, the labour lieutenants of the capitalist class, real vehicles of reformism and chauvinism. In the civil war between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie they inevitably, and in no small numbers. take the side of the bourgeoisie, the "Versaillese" against the "Communards".…

Brandon Smith: The Globalist strategy, which was planned by the Club Of Rome along with top globalists, was to create the idea of an environmental threat so potentially devastating that the only option would be for the public to accept global governance as the solution. Global warming and "climate change" became that existential threat. It does not seem to matter how often or how brutal the climate change argument is debunked by real data; the globalists desperately push the ideology. It is a primary key to everything they hope to accomplish in terms of centralization, and their timeline is set for the year 2030.…

Fred Reed: The New York Times, Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal are quasi-governmental organs, predictably predictable and predictably dishonest. The truth is not in them.…

John Pilger: In 2009, the University of the West of England published the results of a ten-year study of the BBC's coverage of Venezuela. Of 304 broadcast reports, only three mentioned any of the positive policies introduced by the government of Hugo Chavez. The greatest literacy programme in human history received barely a passing reference. In Europe and the United States, millions of readers and viewers know next to nothing about the remarkable, life-giving changes implemented in Latin America, many of them inspired by Chavez. Like the BBC, the reports of the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Guardian and the rest of the respectable western media were notoriously in bad faith. Chavez was mocked even on his deathbed.…

William M. Arkin: The problem is not that a computer network (Internet) offers an alternative to the information aristocracy. The true crisis is that neither the news media nor the government has enough credibility to be accepted as either truthful or impartial on their own.…

David Rovics: If you are getting your news from mainstream media, whether it's from supposedly "conservative," "liberal," or "objective" outlets, whether a corporate-owned or so-called "public" network, if you're in the US, the UK, and many other countries, you are being lied to. How much they're lying depends on what they're reporting on. What you can be sure of, though, is if it's something we really need to know the truth about right now - if a light needs to be shone on an urgent issue, like a possibly imminent invasion of a sovereign country by the US military - you can be sure that that's when they'll lie more, not less. When we need them the most, that's when they'll fail us most spectacularly.…

William Cormier: Our Mainstream News Media is demonstrating that when it pertains to reporting important facts to the public, they are absolutely worthless. China and other state-controlled news outlets are no worse than our own news media; the only difference is that our media releases enough valid news to lull the public into believing that we have news that reflects the needs of the public. However, when it comes to important issues, our MSM is no better than any other fascist/authoritarian news outlet that exist in some of the most restrictive societies on earth.…

Karl Marx: Political power, properly so called, is merely the organised power of one class for oppressing another. If the proletariat during its contest with the bourgeoisie is compelled, by the force of circumstances, to organise itself as a class, if, by means of a revolution, it makes itself the ruling class, and, as such, sweeps away by force the old conditions of production, then it will, along with these conditions, have swept away the conditions for the existence of class antagonisms and of classes generally, and will thereby have abolished its own supremacy as a class.…

Michael Krieger: Most of the mainstream media has been transformed into little more than complete propaganda over the past several decades. When the various papers and televisions stations aren't covering up for the war crimes and corruption of politicians and intelligence agencies, they are busy protecting their corporate advertisers from any potential criticism.…

Peter Oborne: A free press is essential to a healthy democracy. There is a purpose to journalism, and it is not just to entertain. It is not to pander to political power, big corporations and rich men. Newspapers have what amounts in the end to a constitutional duty to tell their readers the truth.…