Leve det palæstinensiske folks uovervindelige væbnede nationale modstandskamp! ci-ic.org/blog/2023/10/15/leve…
Es lebe der unbesiegbare bewaffnete Kampf des nationalen Widerstands des palästinensischen Volkes! ci-ic.org/blog/2023/10/15/es-l…
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Indigenous Australians Mourn Failure of Referendum to Recognize Groups in Constitution theleftchapter.com/post/indige…
The American Student Union Marches in Solidarity with the Palestinian People dailyworkerusa.com/the-america…
Hundreds Join Protest of Man Whose Family Abducted to Gaza; Rage at Far-Right Govt maki.org.il/en/?p=31267
Statement of the National Committee of the American Student Union on the Recent Events in Palestine dailyworkerusa.com/statement-o…
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Platform joined protest in front of White House: Free Palestine! Stop US imperialist war drive! wapnews.org/?p=3474