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Gudrun Ensslin: This fascist state intends to kill all of us. We must organize resistance. Violence can only be answered with violence. This is the generation of Auschwitz (referring to the West German government and society), you cannot argue with them.…
Gudrun Ensslin: We have applied the Marxist analysis and method to the contemporary scene.…
Gudrun Ensslin: Because it is not the lefty ass-kissers you have to agitate, but the objective left-wing.…
Gudrun Ensslin: You have to make clear that it's social democratic bullshit to claim that imperialism along with all the Neubauers and Westmorelands, Bonn, the senate, the State Youth Welfare Office and district offices, that the whole filth can be undermined, duped, overpowered, intimidated, and eliminated without a fight. Make it clear that the revolution will not be an Easter stroll.…
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Gudrun Ensslin: Without simultaneously building the Red Army, every conflict, all political work in the factories, in the Wedding and Märkische Viertel districts,** in the Plötze,*** and in the courtroom will degenerate into nothing more than reformism, which means you merely push through better means of discipline, better methods of intimidation, better methods of exploitation. All that does is break the people down. It does not break down what breaks the people down!…
Gudrun Ensslin: Develop the class struggles. Organize the proletariat. Start the armed resistance!…
Eduardo Galeano: For us capitalism is not a dream to be made a reality. Our challenge lies not in privatising the state but in deprivatising it. Our states have been bought at bargain prices by the owners of the land, the banks and everything else.…
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Fidel Castro: Without the sacrifices made by the Soviet people, fascism would have been imposed on the whole world for at least a brief period of time. Everybody would have personally learned of the horrors of fascism.…
Seriously, if you're not in the US it's important to recognize how catastrophically fucked everything is. Like I actively need to flee the country bad...…
Trump Is Immune
This is one of the worst SCOTUS decisions ever. 📰 Get 40% off of Ground News: ⚖️⚖️⚖️ Do you need a great lawyer? I can h...YouTube
Lenin: This so-called bipartisan system prevailing in America and Britain has been one of the most powerful means of preventing the rise of an independent working-class, i.e., genuinely socialist, party.…
Lenin: And for a whole half-century—since the Civil War over slavery in 1860–65—two bourgeois parties have been distinguished there by remarkable solidity and strength. The party of the former slave-owners is the so-called Democratic Party. The capitalist party, which favoured the emancipation of the Negroes, has developed into the Republican Party. Since the emancipation of the Negroes, the distinction between the two parties has been diminishing. The fight between these two parties has been mainly over the height of customs duties. Their fight has not had any serious importance for the mass of the people. The people have been deceived and diverted from their vital interests by means of spectacular and meaningless duels between the two bourgeois parties.…
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Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh: I would very much like to go to Russia - although the bastards murdered half my family.…
Eugene V. Debs: I am opposed to every war but one; I am for that war with heart and soul, and that is the world-wide war of Social Revolution.…
Robespierre: The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant.…
Yuri Gagarin: Looking at Earth from afar you realize it is too small for conflict and just big enough for cooperation.…
Lenin: The rule of the proletariat is expressed in the fact that landowner and capitalist property has been taken away.…
Kim Il Sung: It is necessary to expose the false propaganda of the imperialists and thoroughly dispel the illusion that the imperialists will give up their positions in the colonies and dependent countries with good will.…
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Lenin: The people need peace; the people need bread; the people need land. And they give you war, hunger, no bread—leave the landlords still on the land.…
Lenin: But when they face the workers, our liquidators act according to the saying: A lion among the lambs becomes a lamb among the lions.…
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in reply to Shiri Bailem • • •Shiri Bailem
in reply to -- stack overflow -- • •-- stack overflow --
in reply to Shiri Bailem • • •Yeah. Like, if you feel so powerless or hopeless that your impulse is to flee, why not take a chance at redirecting that energy. Point it toward a problem that needs doing.
You can do whatever you want. That's what it means to be free. You can be whoever you want to be, that's the meaning of liberty. If you don't have any ideas, come to me and I'll lend you a hand.
Shiri Bailem
in reply to -- stack overflow -- • •@Ritz-Menardi ... yeah, I'm talking about imminent threat of the loss of freedom for existing.
I'm disabled, I can't do shit, communication and education is all I can offer and I'm doing all I can there.
I'm dependent on others even for my ability to flee...
This is like Germany just before the Holocaust, telling Jews (of which I am also) to fight isn't a great idea at that time.
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in reply to Shiri Bailem • • •Disability makes everything more difficult. I get it.
Communication and education are important.
You should do what your heart tells you to do.
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in reply to Shiri Bailem • • •Shiri Bailem
in reply to -- stack overflow -- • •@Ritz-Menardi and to be clear, it's not an impulse to flee... it's complete terror because I see the writing on the wall for Hitler 2.0 and it's going to get really really bad before it gets better and if I stick around I'm very unlikely to survive.
Pikuach nefesh, my first duty is to stay alive.
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in reply to Shiri Bailem • • •I know. Keep in mind, though, that the propagandic writing-on-the-wall cuts both ways. There are many more of us, than of them.
your first duty is to stay alive. plus, what you can do, you can do from anywhere, so long as the internet remains true. alas, has it ever been? but still it's up to you, what to do. no matter where you are, you'll find friends who will need your heart, your words, your kindness, and whatever other aid you may give.
I'm trans and relatively healthy and strong. in my legs at least. so my choice is a bit different than yours, mine becomes "die now, that others might live or die later, that others might die before me" and frankly that's not a choice at all.
Shiri Bailem
Unknown parent • •