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Komintern (SH) - Sektion Deutschland - ZO "Weltrevolution!" - Grußadresse der Komintern (SH) an die neu gegründeten Sektionen - vom 10. November 2011

Komintern (SH) - Sektion Deutschland - ZO "Weltrevolution!" - Grußadresse der Komintern (SH) an die neu gegründeten Sektionen - vom 10. November 2011

Die Produktion des absoluten und relativen Mehrwerts - 15. Größenwechsel von Preis der Arbeitskraft und Mehrwert

in reply to Shiri Bailem

Well, regarding disablities:

I don't know if I should still write something like this nowadays - but so be it.
2-3 years ago I went by train and there was a person in a wheelchair without legs, who turned on everyone else.
I kept out of it, but when I got off I had to inevitably pass him and he he had also for me me a stupid saying in store.
I was really annoyed by him and asked him where he was going? to a dance contest?
*concerned silence*
He started to laugh and said that I was the only one who would take him seriously.
I see him 1-2 times a year at most, but a friendship has grown out of the situation :)

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Raroun

@Raroun I call that a lucky bit of chemistry. Also, just because someone isn't using saying ableist things doesn't mean they're being ableist... walking lightly around disabled people is also it's own form of ableism that gets really tiring.

And I'm not even sure your joke is what I was talking about since it was very direct and more a specific targeted jab that happened to reference their disability, you didn't even mark it as something shameful but rather just spouted an absurdity.

A prime example would be something like mocking the lisp of a Nazi. Sure, that person is a Nazi... but what about all the non-Nazis that you're also mocking at the same time?

Call For Mutual Aid!

One of my sibling's friends was hit by a car and is temporarily disabled, they're currently living off of only $70 in food stamps while they can't work and every little bit can help!

They've been in this state for a few weeks but only now broke down and asked for help (we all know how it is with hyper-independence).

They can take donations over Paypal here:


reshared this

Whelp, Facebook suspended my account, so y'all have my full attention for now!

Unknown parent

Shiri Bailem

@Faye Loves Godzilla ah, the party who will at best do nothing about cops and war...

I'm not saying don't vote for them, but don't pretend they're any good.

Unknown parent

Shiri Bailem

@Faye Loves Godzilla they don't remotely represent me, they think our existence can be bargained with for "middle ground" with nazis.

The no-spine, concede to Nazis part is marginally better than Nazis, which is why I vote for them. But I don't ever pretend that they're "good".