Lenin: Woman and teenage children fought in the Paris Commune side by side with the men. It will be no different in the coming battles for the overthrow of the bourgeoisie. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
Upton Sinclair: The reader will understand that I despise these "yellows"; they are utterly without honor, they are vulgar and cruel; and yet, in spite of all their vices, I count them less dangerous to society than the so-called "respectable" papers, which pretend to all the virtues, and set the smug and pious tone for good society - papers like the "New York Tribune" and the "Boston Evening Transcript" and the "Baltimore Sun, " which are read by rich old gentlemen and maiden aunts, and can hardly ever be forced to admit to their columns any new or vital event or opinion. These are "kept" papers, in the strictest sense of the term, and do not have to hustle on the street for money. They serve the pocketbooks of the whole propertied class - which is the meaning of the term "respectability" in the bourgeois world. On the other hand the "yellow" journals, serving their own pocketbooks exclusively, will often print attacks on vested wealth, provided the attacks are startling and sensational, and provided the vested wealth in question is not a heavy advertiser. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
Heads Up For Possible Outage
A reminder that I'm located in the US, and more particularly in Texas and this is a server run out of my home.
With the massive freeze incoming this weekend, there is a decent chance of a significant and extended power outage (Texas has a notoriously awful and poorly managed power grid, notably run completely separate from the rest of the country).
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DDOSed by... facebook chat?
Apparently some facebook interface decided to DDOS the site a little over an hour ago.
It's not overwhelming the network, just an absolutely ridiculous number of requests.
I've solved it by instituting a global rate limit. It should be high enough to not affect anyone actually using the server.
Basic gist is that any more than 10 requests a second gets a 429 error (Too Many Requests, like all error codes with this site it'll give you a cute cat picture specific to that error). This is purely per second, so if you see that error at any point the time it takes you to refresh again the limit will already be reset.
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