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You want to know how to leave me completely dumbfounded?

Go on a christofascist rant in someone's comments, spout completely bullshit for _hours_ and then... practically out of nowhere... acknowledge your poor behavior and apologize.

... it's going to take me a looooooong time to process this.

Btw y'all, if you're not Christian then Matthew 6:5 is the best verse when dealing with Christians lol

You ever want to see how razor thin support and inclusivity is?

Tell people you're a Jew and hate "Happy Holidays" and "Season's Greetings" because they're faux inclusivity.

People come out of the woodwork that would normally say they're allies to tell you that the harms you experience aren't real, or that the fact that others like it means the harms you experience don't matter.

Let alone the people who don't remotely read said posts before replying...


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Unknown parent

Shiri Bailem
@Cass M 🇨🇦 :mstdn: far less really, people get this way because they think they're being inclusive and nothing makes people defensive like "I appreciate the thought but you're not doing what you think you're doing"
Unknown parent

Shiri Bailem

@Cass M 🇨🇦 :mstdn: oh wow I was out of sorts when I replied the first time, I completely blazed past calling out that "Judeo-Christian" is antisemitic:

99% of the time "Judeo-Christian" is antisemitic. And yes, I will absolutely elaborate on this if asked.

Credit: @Rabbit Cohen

Screenshot of a Tweet from Rabbit Cohen @[url=]Rabbit Cohen[/url] reading: Abortion bans are not "Judeo-Christian". They are ChristoFascist. Get "Judeo" out of your mouth.

Edit because this blew up far more than I expected and multiple people have asked for me to elaborate, here's a copy of my elaboration with follow up questions encouraged:

It's a messy topic and it's late here (I'm a bit sleepy), so feel free to ask follow up questions.

The short version of it is that Judeo-Christian is almost always used in one of two harmful ways:

1) To try and give more credibility and weight to something that is purely Christian by claiming that it's part of Judaism as well when it's not (like the above example, because Judaism explicitly permits abortions)
2) To try and talk about broader groupings of related faiths while ignoring the many other Abrahamic faiths (the proper term, though that one more often hurts the lesser known groups, don't use it unless you also know it applies to groups like the Baháʼí, which I'll admit even I know next to nothing about, but it's valid here because all I'm doing is naming their religious family)

Because many (cough most cough) teach a bastardized form of Judaism through the lens of Christianity, and because that's the only exposure many get to our faith... they get skewed harmful and hurtful ideas about us.

Some highlight examples:
* We don't have an established afterlife (we don't say there isn't one, we just have zero information on it if there is)
* We don't seek "eternal reward", the reward for our faith is being a better person than we were the day before
* We have forgiveness baked into our faith, and no it doesn't require animal sacrifice (it requires you to actually ask the person you wronged...)
* We thoroughly encourage arguing any topic with anyone (right time and place of course), and that includes picking a fight with God if you think they're wrong about something (you have a 99.9% chance of being wrong... but we commend the effort and every once in a while someone wins the argument)
* We have a rule, Pikuach Nefesh, roughly meaning that life is the highest commandment. Your well being takes precedence over your faith, if it would hurt you or others to be observant than you are exempt from that requirement. It's unacceptable to hurt others for your faith, and for yourself it's frowned upon
* We actively discourage conversion, it's allowed but it's not a trivial process. We don't want people to become Jews, we just want people to be better.

Reduced Performance / Reliability

One of the servers went down from hardware failure, thankfully since I run this across multiple boxes with failover it means the site is (obviously) still up.

It might occasionally get a little spotty on connection and especially on performance until that server gets replaced as it means the remaining server is a tad bit overloaded.

It'll probably be a few weeks unfortunately as I don't have the spare funds to pre-purchase a replacement (the protection plan I purchased will cover it, but I've got to mail off the unit, wait for the money, then wait for financial stresses to pass enough that I can order the replacement... then a good week or two delivery time after that)

Short Planned Maintenance Tonight

My apologies if this is inconvenient, I opted to do it on shorter notice without a set hour because (a) there's not a lot of activity on the server and (b) I'm really impatient.

I'm doing a hardware upgrade that requires rebooting the network storage backend which will bring down everything for a short time. It should take well under 30 minutes to do the hardware swap and most of the downtime is just going to be the database starting back up (which often takes in the range of another 30 minutes).

As part of this I'll also be deploying some software updates that require a reboot to take effect.


I honestly haven't the foggiest idea how this happened, but apparently the DNS settings got changed a few days ago on the servers with absolutely no explanation (and to junk nonsense settings for some reason). I'm going to keep an eye on them to make sure they don't change again.

Additionally I think that created a cascade that caused the other problems.

Any posts you've made over the past 2-3 days haven't been sent to other servers, but will start sending now.

As far as the other problems, I think when that happened it caused so many processes to lag and take way longer and more resources than usual as any time it tried to contact another server it timed out on the dns request.