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Edward Herman: ... the NSS (National Security State) is an instrument of class warfare, organized and designed to permit an elite, local and multinational, to operate without any constraint from democratic processes. This allows the bulk of the population to be treated as a mere cost of production.…

Robert McChesney: The range of debate between the dominant U.S. (political) parties tends to closely resemble the range of debate within the business class.…

Sorry for the downtime

Housing situation has been a pain, still on the temporary server environment and been hitting major resources bottlenecks.

I'm hoping to get a place sooner, but I've hit some roadblocks that very likely will push it drastically further out... in which case I'll need to spend more money on this environment to return things to stable.

Reminder that I'm covering this entirely out of my own pocket and these constraints are because I'm between homes and can't use my own much cheaper hardware. If you appreciate this instance I would very much appreciate a donation.

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