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Let me get this straight

A global conspiracy, involving every country on earth for 40+ years in order to spread mind-control chemicals from planes is real

Yet climate change is false

Hey Republicans from The South: ever wonder why no one takes y’all seriously?


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in reply to flexghost.

Side-effect of any "chemtrail" law: betcha when they ban all chemical emissions from aircraft they forget to include a get-out clause for crop dusters and fire bombers.
in reply to Charlie Stross

@Charlie Stross @flexghost. as someone stuck in Texas... 100% agree they'll completely forget, then backpedal like crazy, then turn around and introduce a dozen different amendments all of which that introduces another random side effect...

But their constituents will blindly praise them for it at every turn.

in reply to Shiri Bailem

@shiri @cstross and of course, they will raise a huge stink on the news complaining about this woke law (that they wrote and approved) in the process
in reply to fmobus

@fmobus @shiri Then the serpent will eat its own tail and they'll blame the Democrats for meddling in the god-given right for airlines to Roll Coal.
in reply to Charlie Stross

@Charlie Stross @fmobus @flexghost. I laugh because that honestly feels like something they'd say with no sense of irony... I cry because they make the laws...
in reply to Charlie Stross

@cstross And they might, for some unforeseeable reason, omit CO2 emissions in their studies
in reply to Charlie Stross

@Charlie Stross @flexghost.

Doesn't the law specify that it's illegal if it's done with the intent to influence a number of things, including the weather? If agriculture or pests aren't on that list, then crop dusting might still be legal. But aerosols in the upper atmosphere to reduce solar heat reaching the surface and fight global warming through geoengineering is clearly illegal now.

in reply to flexghost.

based on a previous workplace, a belief in chemtrails was the easiest way to tell who did meth. Paranoia about big conspiracies, that would take millions of people to buy in, pull off, and keep quiet, is a sign of brain damage.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Urban Hermit reshared this.

in reply to flexghost.

Republicans are very good little soldiers protecting us all from their imaginary enemies. Chemtrails, communism, woke-ism, the deep state, pizza parlor child sex rings,…
in reply to leeourand

@leeourand @Lazarou Bear in mind the pizza parlour child sex rings are a modern riff on the classic mediaeval anti-semitic Blood Libel:

(Pizza is a type of flatbread/unleavened bread. And children are ritually abused or murdered in secret according to the blood libel. The Qanon thing just updates it into an anti-semitic dog-whistle rather than saying the quiet part out loud.)

in reply to Charlie Stross

@Charlie Stross @Lazarou Monkey Terror 🚀💙🌈 @leeourand @flexghost. I mean all conspiracies you either find someone admitting to it after 5 seconds of looking or it loops back around to antisemitism somewhere...